Aggressor Strike Force Report # 18 (2004-06-19)

This report was submitted by AD Khadgar

Aggressor Strike Force Report #18 - 06.19.04

Pilot's Lounge

"Okay," Khadgar said, "time to start work on our new publication."
The staff rubbed their hands expectantly.
"First things first, let's get some stories!"
The staff rushed out of the room, but quickly returned and tossed a number of story books into a pile.
"Hmm, nope. Let's try this, how about some pictures?"
The staff quickly took the pictures off of the walls of Khadgar's office and put them in the pile with the books.
"How about some columns?"
This one took some time, but not too long after, columns of Stormtroopers marched into Khadgar's office.
"Maybe some articles?"
The officers quickly added copies of the Emperor's Hammer Articles of War to the pile.
"Okay, okay, let's try this, get submissions!"
Soon after, a group of Rebels was lined up against a wall of the office.
Several blasters were pointed at them.
"We submit!" the Rebels cried.
"Not you!" Khadgar returned.

Letters from the Cardinal...

Columns that will not appear in The Aggressor:

1. Dumb Luck with Luke Skywalker
2. Why I'm So Great, and You're Not by Mon Mothma
3. Making a Dishonest Dollar with Lando Calrissian
4. When 900 years old you be, you write as good a column not! Hmm? with Master Yoda
5. Shafted Again, and Other Puns from that Emperor of Wit with Emperor Palpatine
6. Always Look on the Light Side of Life with Darth Vader
7. This column is now the ultimate power in the universe! Written by Admiral Motti
8. On Target with Imperial Stormtroopers
9. Lord Vader, I was just writing the column and Aaah! Written by Admiral Ozzel
10. You Can't Write, Darth! A critical column with Obi-Wan Kenobi
11. What, evacuate, in the middle of the column? Advice from Grand Moff Tarkin
12. Concentrate all writing power on that Super Column Writer! Orders from Admiral Ackbar


- Aggressor? Yes, THE Aggressor, our new publication in the works! I've gotten several mails about this, and production will formally start soon. Mail Khadgar if you're interested and haven't mailed him yet.
- Numerous old medals were granted approval (again) from the Operations Office after the medals were lost in the database crash.
- X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Week of War started again today! Details and score reporting are at Battlestats ( Actual matches take place on The Zone ( Have fun and if you need help, please try the Combat Operations Office Site ( or mail me at
- Any missing LoCs or DFCs should be sent to Khadgar.
- The Tactical Office announced a new mission design competition with big merit medals for the winners. They also released some new battles and a mission.
- The Command Staff has been playing musical chairs of late. Keldorn traded the Training Office chair for the Security Office one. Drako now sits in the Training Office chair. The Dark Brotherhood also got another one of those mirth-filled black-robed sith Grand Masters in the form of Darth Gelton Torr, now known as Mysterio, or maybe The Caped Avenger? Darth Incognito? Nocturnus, that's the one! The Intelligence division also got a new Supreme Director to shuffle the papers and ruffle the feathers in the form of Aseret. Congratulations to all these officers on their new chairs!
- Lastly, thanks to FA Cyric for giving me full Admiral at the TIE Corps meeting last week. I appreciate it!

War Room

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard get you an Iron Star." - George Patton?

BGCOM's Legate
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Titles for the top three pilots in the ASF each month. An IS-GW and the title of "BGCOM's Legate" for the winner.

Week of War Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Iron Stars for ASF WoW winners! Hurray!

Recruitment Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Recruit RSVists and help CTs train to help the ASF! Do it for the Flight! Do it for the Squadron! Do it for the Wing! Do it for the ship! Do it for the division! Do it for the club! Do it for your loved ones! Do it for the Emperor! Do it for the Fleet Commander! Do it for Vader! Whatever helps, really.

Night of the Monks
Deadline: Each Friday at 3 AM - 6 AM EST.
Description: Weekly Multiplayer competition! Held in #EHCOC on IRC.

Battlegroup Commander's Office

It's been a busy week in Flagland with all of the medals getting re-recommended.
Hopefully they'll all be approved soon.
I'm handling Combat Operations Office awarding for now, and I have put in a number of LoCs and DFCs, especially from the ASF.
Other than that, congratulations to EHHA winners and stay tunned for updated!

Picture of the Week

Aggressor Strike Force
ISD Grey Wolf - 47
ISD Intrepid - 39
ISD Vanguard - 37
Avenger Squadron - 5

In the service of the Emperor of Wit,

Admiral Khadgar
Aggressor Strike Force Battlegroup Commander

BGCOM-FOA-COOA-PROF/AD Khadgar/Aggressor Strike Force

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