Aggressor Strike Force Report # 19 (2003-02-23)

This report was submitted by VA Darksaber

Fleet News:

EH Squadron Wars
12:36 - VA Kyle Katarn []

I know it is late and almost nobody knew about it. However there is an EH only BSC War! Feel free to fly. This is the test fight for the Parallax Wars! Unfortunately my HDD Problem kept me from reporting this, however there is still time left!

XvT War

The Science quotes Webhunt
17:40 - AD Ender mBind []
A little Science Office competition for all to enjoy, even the Fleet Commander if he wants: The Science quotes Webhunt!
The science Office reports all start with a Quote... but they are all without references! Find the 15 references on the web and gain points. The one with the most points wins the medal(s) - an IS-SR for the winner and a IS-BR for the second place.
More information in the latest SCO report as well:)

10 More Patches for XvT (re)Released!
17:38 - AD Ender mBind []
For XvT: The E-W, A/X-W, SPEC and PHX have been updated while the T/e1, T/A(ssault), V-38 (Sentinel/Shadow), I-7, M-CRV, GSP and TIE Drone are new releases all together. New features are again that they no longer replace existing craft, all have .bat installers and their own OPTs and stats.
More information in the latest Science Office report.

COO is back
09:23 - VA Kyle Katarn []

From today on, I am back from my leave. The leave was long, (RL Stuff), but from now on I take over the Office again. Expect a detalied report on friday!

New battles and free missions
16:15 - AD Marcin Szydlowski []
Small package:

BoP-DB #1
Battles have not been uploaded to mirror since FTP server is down. However you can still download all other battles from there.

New battles and free missions
07:32 - AD Marcin Szydlowski []
17 missions today, and more to come very soon. Today I hope ;)

XvT-TC #57-60
XvT-FREE #134
Enjoy :)

4000 FCHG
04:45 - AD Marcin Szydlowski []
Today, our very own Colonel Brucmack, best MP pilot of Emperor's Hammer achieve another milestone: 4000 FCHG points.
Congratulations Bruc, keep it up. I assume it won't take you too long to hit 5000.
Brucmack is the only pilot to hold top position in both FCHG and CR ranking and it is soon possible that he will be top HSer in EH. Ph33r!

P.S. Please return my calls Bruc!

BG News:

ASF Run On ends today, expect results tommorow.

Comps Running:

ASF Recruitment Comp 2

EH NL Submissions Incentive

Competition Name/Title ASF Trivia #4
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 2/23/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 3/2/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded Iron Star - Gold Ribbon Ribbon to the first to get all
Answers correct or Most Correct answers by Deadline Iron Star - Silver
Ribbon for the 2º to get all Correct Answers or 2º most Correct answers by
Deadline Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon for the 3º to get all Correct Answers or
2º most Correct answers by Deadline
Miscellaneous Information 50 Trivia questions about EH/ASF/and SW in

1. Who was the founder of the Nightsisters?

2. What was the actual Designation of the Droid Nickmaned Thirteen?

3. Thirteen was destroyed in the battle above what planet?

4. Which nickname did "Gate" had before being re-programmed?

5. After resisting capture by Jawas, Gavin Darklighter changed the name of
Droid from Jawaswag to what?

6. What was the nickname of the Droid Jaina Solo received when she took
command of Twin Suns Squadron?

7. Who was the Commodore of the Star Destroyer Yakez, attached to the
Fourth Battle Group of the New Republic Navy, during the Black Fleet Crisis?

8. What is Corran Horn´s True Relationish with Nejaa Halcyon?

9. Who is the designer of the I-7 Howlrunner?

Match Droids to owners

10 Chunky -
11 Gadget -
12 Gate -
13 Shiner -
14 Whistler -
15 Thirteen -
16 Vape -
17 Tonin -
18 Sparky -
19 Fiver -

Character nicknames

20 Hohass Ekwesh -
21 Garik Loran -
22 Voort saBinring -
23 Eurrsk Thri'ag -
24 Kardue'sai'Malloc -
25 Derek Klivian -
26 Farley Carson -
27 Jaina Solo -
28 Tomer Darpen -
29 Jon Vander -

30. What is the Species of Darth Maul?

31. What was the final battle of Grand Admiral Thrawn?

32. The World Devastators were used in which battle?

33. The First Death Star was destroyed in which Battle?

34. The Second Death Star was destroyed in which Battle?

35. What battle marked a Major Defeat to the Rebel Alliance between the
battle of Yavin and the Battle of Endor?

36. Which Planet requested helped Shortly after the Battle of Endor, a
couple days after?

37. The Cloud City is located in which Planet?

38. In Which Planet did the first Battle of the Clones War took place?

39. In Which planet was the Clone Army of the Old Republic Created?

40. What did Tol Sivron and the remaining Maw Installation crew destroy
with the prototype Death Star?

41. What is the current name of the Incom T-65c A2 Starfighter?

42. What Corporation designed the X-Wing?

43. Who are the designers of the A-Wing?

44. What is the generalized name of the Dodonna/Blissex RZ-1 Starfighter?

45. What is generic name for the Cygnus Spaceworks Xg-1 Alpha-class

46. What does TIE Stand for?

47. What kind of ship is Han Solo´s Millennium Falcon?

48. What kind of ship is Dash Rendar's Outrider?

49. Dash Rendar attended the Academy on what planet?

50. What is the name of Dash Rendar´s brother?

March Madness:

On the 1st of the month of March 2003, Pilots from the Aggressor Strike
Force and from the Avenger Task Force will meet in #ehcoc of undernet and
will fight each other ... only 1
can win

Comp will run from 5am EST till 8pm EST or 10am GMT till 1am GMT.

I Invite all ASFers and ATFers to go there and play

For more information:

Also remember XvT WoW is on in the Zone ;)

Congratulations to Major Nightmare on his Bronze Star of the Empire.

SCO has released the Tie Sentinel/Tie Shadow for XvT, I remember everyone
that Tie Shadow is the Exclusive use by Avenger Squadron Fighter. I still
encourage everyone to use it to make Battles and Free Mission using the Tie
Shadow and Avenger Squadron, when the XWA Version is released (Soon), We
will be having a mission design comp ;)


Vice Admiral Darksaber
Agressor Strike Force Battlegroups Commodore

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