Aggressor Strike Force Report # 18 (2003-02-16)

This report was submitted by VA Darksaber

Fleet News:

10 patches for XvT (re)-released
11:42 - AD Ender mBind []
The T/Pr, T/Dr, T/G, T/SB (formerly SB-III), A-9b, K-W, S/Y-W and M/A-W
have all been updated to be on slot #11 (tienew2) and can now be installed
with others that aren't on that slot. Several stats changes here and there,
all new installers and the T/Dr and S/Y-W received new OPTs.
The Mobquet Transport and the M/FRT the Luggage have also been released for
XvT and more patches are coming up shortly, also for XWA and TIE.

More on the patches is in the SCO report, the patches themselves you can
get from the Patch Archive on the Science Office Site. If you encounter any
missions with these craft that haven't been updated since yesterday, report
it to the TAC. Report other bugs to me.

[ohh.. and its FA mBind... silly database ;)]

Flight Officer Promoted
04:43 - AD Marcin Szydlowski []
Big congratulations to Flight Officer, FA Priyum Patel who has been
promoted to the rank of High Admiral, for his excellent service in
Emperor's Hammer during last two years.

Congratulations Pri, keep it up!

New battles and free missions
05:41 - AD Marcin Szydlowski []
This time very small package, but soon you will get huge XvT/BoP package.

XWA-IW #33

COO On Leave
11:32 - FA Priyum Patel []
Vice Admiral Kyle Katarn is currently on emergency leave due to a hard
drive failure. In the meanwhile, RA Autoris will take over COO duties so
email him with any queries you may have.

05:06 - FA Priyum Patel []
I'm pleased to announce the promotions of the following Officers:

- Colonel Stele Pellaeon, Wing II WC - promoted to General
- Rear Admiral Khameir Sarin, ISD Grey Wolf COM - promoted to Vice Admiral
- Major Tissaya Argat, Wing XIV WC - promoted to Lieutenant Colonel
- Major Drax Remlinger - appointed Wing XV WC

Congratulations to these people on their much deserved promotions!

BG News:

Congratulations to Vice Admiral Sarin and LC Tissaya Argat who was promoted
last week.

Other kind of congratulations go to Major Drax that was appointed Wing
Commander of Wing XV

Xumani Wings ended today



1º COL Brucmack: 487,798 - Iron Star Gold Wings
2º CM Choosh: 365,293 - Iron Star Silver Wings
3º LC Dax Corrin: 266,877 - Iron Star Bronze Wings


1º MAJ Archon: 74,450 Iron Star - Gold Wings
2º MAJ Glorick: 28,241 - Iron Star Silver Wings
3º LCM Sabbath: 26,325 - Iron Star Bronze Wings

Comps Running:

ASF Run On:

ASF Recruitment Comp 2

EH NL Submissions Incentive

ASF Trivia #3:

Competition Name/Title ASF Trivia #3
Submitted by: BGCOM/VA Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 2/16/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 2/23/2003
Parties Involved Aggressor Strike Force
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded Iron Star - Gold Ribbon Ribbon to the first to get all Answers correct or Most Correct answers by Deadline Iron Star - Silver Ribbon for the 2º to get all Correct Answers or 2º most Correct answers by Deadline Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon for the 3º to get all Correct Answers or 2º most Correct answers by Deadline
Miscellaneous Information 50 Trivia questions about EH/ASF/and SW in general

1. What weapon did the Rebels decide to use against the first Death Star
after discovering their target was ray-shielded?

2. Who fired the final shots to destroy the second death star's reactor?

3. How many TIE fighters followed the Falcon away from the second death
star's overloading reactor?

4. What did Han solo claim he still had to put together for his Endor
strike team, during the final Meeting?

5. How many royal guards were present when Luke Skywalker entered the
emperors throne room?

6. Which red pilot completed a torpedo run in the death stars trench, but
missed his target?

7. Which Huge laser canon requires a crew to fire?

8. Who ordered his pilots to concentrate their fire on Darth Vaders
flagship during the battle of Endor?

9. Who was the administrator of Cloud City, during "The Empire Strikes

10. Where was the second Death Star's energy shield projected from?

11. What was the first planet that Anakin Skywalker visited after leaving
Tatooine with Qui-Gon Jinn?

12. What was the first Starship that Anakin Skywalker flown in after
leaving Tatooine with Qui-Gon Jinn?

13 Who taught Anakin Skywalker to fly a Starship?

14. What was the first Starfighter that Anakin Skywalker flown?

15. Who led Bravo Squadron during the Battle of Naboo?

16. Delak Krennel was leader of what Area of Space during the first years
of the New Republic?

17. What is Mon Mothma's home planet?

18. Ackbar was a slave to which Imperial Grand Moff?

19. Kardue'sai'Malloc is of what species?

First Names:

20 First name of Admiral Drayson?
21 First name of General Cracken?
22 First name of Baron Fel?
23 First name of Admiral Pellaeon?
24 First name of General Bel Ibis?
25 First name of General Crespin?
26 First name of Admiral Trigit?
27 First name of General Antilles?
28 First name of General Kre'fey?
29 First name of Admiral Kre'fey?

30. What is the name of Lando's co-pilot for the second death star run A:

31. What is the first name of Bounty Hunter Kast?

32. What is the Homeplanet of Zuckuss?

33. What is the Homeplanet of Greedo?

34. Which Grey Squadron (first name wraith Squadron had) pilot named the
Squadron as Wraith Squadron? The Pilot is in Wraith Squadron also

35. Which other name was suggested that the Squadorn actually used for a

36. Which Sector did Admiral Zsinj control in the wake of the Battle of

37. What was the name of Admiral Zsinj´s base on Dathomir?

38. How many Jedis could the Ship Chu'unthor carry?

39. Who are the Nightsisters?

Home planets:

40 Wedge Antilles?
41 Tycho Celchu?
42 Wes Janson?
43 Derek Klivian?
44 Tyria Sarkin?
45 Kell Tainer?
46 Ooryl Qrygg?
47 Gavin Darklighter?
48 Ton Phanan?
49 Garik Loran?
50 Riv Shiel?

Also expect another comp soon, me and Vice Admiral Shadowhawk are planning
an ASF Vs ATF MP Competition for 1st of March 2003, be ready ;)

A Virus Hoax has been running around the fleet, read about it:

Congratulation must go to Avenger Squadron that reached 353 Citations this

Congratulations to CM Draco on being appointed Valkyrie CMDR.

I would like also to congratulate FO Pryium Patel for this promotion to
High Admital this week, and thank him for awarding me a Silver Star of the
Empire (yeah, I lead in SSs in the Fleet with 7 :P)


Vice Admiral Darksaber
Agressor Strike Force Battlegroups Commodore

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