TIE Corps Battlegroups Report # 0 (2000-12-04)

This report was submitted by VA Jarak Maldon

Battlegroup's Monthly Report #3-

Greetings, Members of the Battlegroups-

I'd like to start out by saying how impressed I am with the Battlegroups. Really, I am proud of you all. We are perhaps the best overall unit in the TIE Corps, beside the TIE Corps herself. We have more unity in our ranks than any other division of any Emperor's Hammer subgroup, save for maybe a couple of Brotherhood Houses or Avenger Squadron... but they don't count :)


There are a few tid-bits in fleet news this week. I sugest everyone head over to http://www.tiecorps.org and go over the updates there. Also Grand Admiral Ronin, our stalwart Fleet Commander, has updated the main Emperor's Hammer newspage at http://www.emperorshammer.org so check that out as well. Also in internet news there is a nice little poll going on over at Internet HQ, http://www.ehnet.org , concerning which EH TC ship is the best. I encourage all members of the BGs to go over there and vote... you really don't want the Sovereign to nab that, do you?
Here at home in the Battlegroups the ISD Relentless has seen one of its most valued CMDRs, Captain Quake, depart to take the position of Lord Ambassador of the Emperor's Hammer. He, in short, is the new poll guy that'll be bugging you to answer some questions from time to time. A big congradulations to him, and a warning to stay out of the bad sections of Aurora Prime.
Also a hand to be given to the ISD Challenge for breaking all six of her squadrons into the Squadron League Semi-Finals. Not bad, expecially if one of our BG squads nabs the 1st place position from a Sovereign-created competition. Wouldn't that just take the cake, eh? No, I'm not biased against the Sovereign, they are just very fun to pick on once and a while :)
I suppose, after many re-counts and such, that the ISD Colossus is still ahead in her competition with the SSD Avenger, the Dark Brotherhood's flagship. I don't know what the official results are, but it looks like they came into the gate ahead of the star destroyer's larger cousion. Not bad, more proof that ISDs aren't in any way worse off than larger ships.
The Immortal handed it to the Agressor Strike Force in the Week of War, now Adrenaline and Mell have the honor of choosing the nicknames of some of their destroyers... what joy! If you have a sugestion be sure to give the Immortal's flags a shout.
The BGAPL Will have some updates on Wednesday of this week, including open challenges on all ship's titles. Now, on to what you guys really want to know.

---Battlegroup Commander's Awards, November 2000---

Pilot of the Month- Lieutenant Commander Tiger of Iota Squadron, ISD Colossus:
The Pilot of the Month award was a tight choice for me, but this young officer really caught my eye. According to Commodore Ari he is the most active pilot on his ship, constantly contributing and even flying over thirty EH Battles in a month. That is no short order. Congradulations, Tiger!

Commander of the Month- Colonel Dras Hempor of Demon Squadron, ISD Immortal:
CMDRs of the month are generally appointed on the key of activity and squadron progress. Colonel Hempor has bagged both of these fields. He took a wild squad and tamed it into a perfect fighting force. I think the words of his Commodore, Vice Admiral Adrenaline, say it beter than I ever cound:
"COL Dras Hempor has taken Demon Squadron by the horns and brought it to the activity level expected of the largest squadron on board our ship. He has engaged the squadron in several competitions, assuring solid participation. Demon pilots swear that through the advice and masterful teachings of the Dras-Mon, they have improved their flying skills, as he is truely a fine pilot and leads his pilots by setting a solid example of how things should be done. His participation in the past WoW tournament ensured a victory for our ship in our competition with the ASF ships ( Go BG!! ) as well as setting high standards for other multiplayer pilots within the EH. His sense of humor and light hearted approach make being a Demon pilot fun, and I think Dras should at least be honored with being named the Battlegroups Commander of the Month." -VA Adrenaline.
Indeed, Adrenaline, and so it shall be. Congradulations, Colonel Dras Hempor!

Squadron of the Month- Tornado Squadron of the ISD Challenge:
What can I say about Tornado? They have a dirty old commander, rugged pilots, a perverted website... but still they become the Squad of the Month. Why? Because they are Tornado, they are the best. They've taken it and given it back tenfold. What other squad is so popular that there is a waiting list to get in? It is time that Tornado gets its reward. Take this, from Colonel Darklord, Wing Commander- Wing X:
"Tornado has been pretty much the centre of attention for a while, but has occasionally lacked recognition for their tireless efforts to Wing X, and the Battlegroups. The squadron runs like clockwork, with weekly competitions on top of everything else. Whats more they seem to always gain 90%-100% participation every single time, which is something everyone in the squadron can be proud of. Some they lose, most they win, but above all they enjoy every single aspect of what they do. Tornado are a fine example of how a squadron should run. They run as a team, they work together. And this teamwork is what seems them to be one of the most active squadrons in the fleet." -Colonel Darklord.
Cheers, Tornado! You've desurved it!

---Award Roll of Honor---

Commander of the Month:
COL Dras Hempor of Demon Squadron - November 2000
COL Kessler of Tornado Squadron - October 2000
CM Quake Of Spear Squadron - September 2000
COL Ricaud Of Sword Squadron - August 2000
LC Ace Pilot Of Shield Squadron - July 2000
CPT Indaro Gallia Of Thunder Squadron - June 2000
CM Falcon Of Dagger Squadron - May 2000
CM Devlin Of Omicron Squadron - April 2000
CM Fortis Of Sword Squadron - March 2000
CM Darklord Of Cyclone Squadron - February 2000
CM Sauron Of Sword Squadron - Janurary 2000

Squadron of the Month:
Tornado Squadron - November 2000
Iota Squadron - October 2000
Inferno Squadron - September 2000
Inferno Squadron - August 2000
Ranger Squadron - June 2000
None - July 2000
Ranger Squadron - May 2000
Omicron Squadron - April 2000
Pi Squadron - March 2000
Iota Squadron - Feburary 2000
Dagger Squadron - January 2000

Pilot of the Month:
LCM Tiger of Iota Squadron - November 2000
LT Bart of Spear Squadron - October 2000
CM Tom Of Sword Squadron - September 2000
LT Zodiak Of Dagger Squadron - August 2000
None - July 2000
CPT Vexan Of Typhoon Squadron - June 2000
CM Toran Dan Of Ranger Squadron - May 2000
LCM Taf'ron Daro Of Sword Squadron - April 2000
CM Toran Dan Of Ranger Squadron - March 2000
LCM Chei-Ras Of Iota Squadron - Feburary 2000
LCM Kayle Bayron Of Iota Squadron - Janurary 2000

---BGCOM's Starship Evaluations---

Wing VIII- ISD Colossus:
The Colossus, "Coliee" to her crewers, and still holder of the Fleet Commander's Own, has been a very solid ship this month. They have seen their fair share of hardships, and there may be more to come, but they have always held together. I have never seen a ship and crew so resilliant since last year's Relentless, but that is a story for another day. I expect a good, soild future for the Colossus, and maybe even a viable canidate for the next BG Flagship. Good luck!

Wing IX- ISD Relentless:
In command structure of the wing they are like Tornado, a crazy old leader with a bunch of devoated pilots. The Relentless is a prime example of ultra-unity as a unit. They haven't had one inner-ship comp for a long time, unless it is for an event or a BGAPL Title. Each squad is egar to help the others out whenever needed. They are a prime example of a good community and a unified force. I expect great things in the future.

Wing X- ISD Challenge:
They remain the bigest, and perhaps the baddest. Each squad is its own powerfull unit that can stand up to about anything, even each-other. They have a good crew and capible commanders. If I could make one sugestion, it be that they unite and take on entire other ships. With their brute force they may be able to take on ASF ships or Sovereign wings for the glory of the Battlegroups!

Wing XI- ISD Immortal:
They are our prime fighter this month. They have taken on, and taken out, the ASF and others in blown-away competitions. They have excellent pilots, ace commanders, and skillful pilots. If the Relentless is the unity, the Colossus the survival, the Challenge the brawn, then the Immortal is the skill. They have what it takes to blow away the competition. Go out and take on whoever raises their voice to the Battlegroups and show them how we like to fight! The next BG Flagship comp, I guarentee they'll fight to the death to keep their title.

BGCOM's Favorite Quote of the Month-
"Why? Because I can!" -Q, Star Trek: The Next Generation.

To the Glory of the Empire!

Vice Admiral Jarak Maldon
BGCOM/VA Jarak Maldon/ISD Immortal/TIE Corps Battlegroups
[HUSS] {IWATS-CBX-IIC/1-M/1/2-SM/1/2} (YT-2000 Nova Star) KAP(Krath)/Rogue
VPO(ret)/CG/CD (ret) CMDR(ret)/LCMD/IW/EH (ret) [MoD] [MC2] [MoI] {IWGRD:CW}
Battlegroups Ace Pilot League- Former ISD Colossus Ace Champion

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