TIE Corps Battlegroups Report # 0 (2000-11-04)

This report was submitted by VA Jarak Maldon

Battlegroup Montly Report #2

Greetings, members of the Battlegroups-

I'd like to start out with the removal of the Battlegroups from the Squadron League. The situation is being taken care of and I hope to fix it, but don't expect the BGs to be involved in a SL again, save for Wing X. I am sorry this had to happen, I acted rather rashly. Still I hold my feelings true, and until there are major changes I don't epxect the SL will ever come back while I am BGCOM.

Now that the bad tidings are over lets move on to the Battlegroup's own compeititon- The Battlegroups Ace Pilot League! A hand to Colonel Oldham, the first Battlegroups Champion. Currently the titles are all up in the air as challenges have been made and missions are now being flown. To those participating best of luck, and don't forget to get subs in to myself by Wednesday! Cheer for your defenders and challengers, everyone! Umm... but bets are no condoned, unless your on the Challenge.

You've probably heard me flabergasting in recent reports about a new compeititon... well its on the horizion! For more information, let me refer you to this clippet from the Aurora News Network:

Imperial Faction desires to make home in Aurora Sector:
From the Elroond Sector rimward to the Kathol Sector rests the Minos Cluster and the Aurora Sector, home to a New Republic laisoned area, the Emperor's Hammer, the Imperial Orthodoxy, and other assorted Imperial and non-alligned fleets. Now, however, a new party wants to make its home in the Aurora Sector, and they have a bad past. The remains of Warlord Zsinj's fleet intend to plant roots.
The late Zsinj passed away when his Super Star Destroyer was destroyed several months ago over Dathomir. Since then both Republic and Imperial Reminant forces have carved up the remains of his Mid-Rim territory. What was left of his fleet that didn't decide to fight back ran to the Outer Rim. Now its pitiful remains have found their way to our corner of space.
Six Star Destroyers and their Escorts made their way past Orthodoxy space into territory claimed as the property of the Emperor's Hammer. The commander of this force, Fleet Admiral Quintanis, is intent on thwarting the Emperor's Hammer out of several star systems under our juristiction. The Grand Admiral and the Command Staff will not stand for this. Placed with more pressing concernis of possible Republic action in the sector, the responsibilty of thwarting Quintanis has been placed in the laps of the TIE Corps Battlegroups.
Operating on border patrol for the past months the Battlegroups now faces open combat. Vice Admiral Jarak Maldon is intent on serving his home fleet well. With the forces under the command of the Battlegroups there is little doubt among stratigests that the battle can be won by the Battlegroups. Quintanis, however, is undoubtely aware of the situation and will put up a defence against the Emperor's Hammer authoroty. More on this as it develops.

You read it, folks. The new competition is in fact a storyline plaid out by our pilots. Of course this is only a little preview action, a spoiler of what is to come. It is still in the planing stages... but expect it to come to life within the next two weeks, most likely before thanksgiving. Lets just say for now your participation and skill will gauge how well the story continues... you do good, the results are good... you do poorly, the results are, well... not so very good >:)

Now for the big moment, the Battlegroup Commander's Monthy Awards!

Commander of the Month- Colonel Kyle C. "Unlce Kess" Kessler, Tornado Squadron, ISD Challenge:
He is the one and only crusader, the stalwart porn king, and the holy enforcer of beating a ton of squads in other comps. He is Kyle... uhh... whatever C stands for Kessler! Despite his insane tatoos and rather brash hair problem Kessler has valued his squadron above all else, including personal hygine. He may be stubborn, but he looks out for his squadron like no one I've ever seen before. Cheers, Colonel, another award to hang on your wall. Meet for a squadron photograph in an hour. Oh yeah, C means Cantor...

Squadron of the Month- Iota Squadron, ISD Colossus:
Hundreds of years in the future the EH will be but a print-out of old and long-dead websites from the obsolete internet. We'll all probably do this stuff in holodecks... but anyway Iota may be remembered because of their resilliance and sheer determination over the past month. They pooled together as a team and were even able to give Tornado Squadron their buttocks back on a platter. They are the shining light of the Colossus now, lets hope they can keep that unity together. Congratz, guys. Your picture will be tomorrow since I'll be drinkin' tonight. Keep the lights off too.

Pilot of the Month- Lieutenant Bart, Spear Squadron, ISD Relentless:
I believe the words of Colonel Ricaud best sum it up, "Its the only rec I can give right now, I have a cold and the dregs of a hangover." Cheers, Ricaud. Still this guy is a great pilot. You may have heard of him, he makes Remixes of computer game music... damn good stuff, too. He's only been here a short time, but he has shocked the Relentless with his valiant flying skills. He was able to nab a few titles along the way, even though Relentless Ace for the BGAPL slipped away due to other issues. Good determindation and skill are excellent traits for any pilot, and Lt Bart has shown them in a large quantity. When your Wing Commander sobers up come to my office for a picture, bring asprin too.

The BGCOM's Ship Evaluations:

ISD Colossus- Wing VIII:
Rough waters this month, but the Colossus is resilliant, I am sure her fine WC and COM will see it all though. They have a very good skill base, expecailly Iota Squadron. Not many can stand up to Uncle Kess, that desurves some accreditaiton. There have been some CMDR changes, but for the better it seems. I can see the Colossus will gain a stable command base and once again be an excellet ship. Good job holding together, Colossus, lets hope for a good future... and stay the hell out of my booze!

ISD Relentless- Wing IX:
The Relentless... Kingdom of Andron, Realm of Ricaud. My old home has been totally re-arranged by these two sovereign despots! I miss my old chair, expecially after Andron had it replaced with one shaped like a hand with bantha leather on it, nice. Anyway the ship as a group is doing rather well. Activity is constant, communication is solid as expected. Wing IXers were always big talkers, you know :)
Andron and Ric are keeping her in line, making her better each day. I advise other ships to watch out because I can see this ship making a defiant comeback in the next Cantina Run!

ISD Challenge- Wing X:
Despite roudy parties and an excess of ale they're a good crew. Good Commanders, fine squadrons, and a perverted Wing Commander... an excellent mix if I may say so myself! Well depsite Darklord's love for the females he is doing his job grand. It is no wonder that the Challenge is making a killing in competitions left and right. Still living up to the Wing X legacy, that's for sure. Keep it up, and turn the music down!

ISD Immortal- Wing XI:
Wow, quite the list of competitions! Wonderful pilots, high morale, and really killer happenings make the Immortal one of the best palces to be this month. She has a good Command team so far, except that Mell sometimes sleeps in and forgets his reports.. pftt. You could start giving the Challenge a run for her money, keep up the good morale and you might just do it!

So all in all we had a good month. A bit quiet due to the drowsy time of year, but I hope to pick it up twards the holiday season. You've been a mighty fine group, and I am priviliaged to be your BGCOM. You make me very proud, and I hope that you will continue to do so. Remember to fly battles, do what your CMDR says, and don't get hung over before important missions! Best of Luck!

BGCOM's Favorite Quote:
"Whoa, I just need one good deed... I'm only trying to get into Heaven, it's not like I'm running for Jesus!"
-Homer Simpon, The Simpsons Halloween Special XI.

Vice Admiral Jarak Maldon
BGCOM/VA Jarak Maldon/ISD Immortal/TIE Corps Battlegroups
GS/SSx2/BS/PCx3/ISMx7/MoI/MoT-2gh/MoC-5BoC-2SoC/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [HUSS] {IWATS-M/1/2-SM/1}
KAP (Krath)/Rogue
Battlegroups Ace Pilot League- ISD Colossus Champion.

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