TIE Corps Battlegroups Report # 1 (2000-09-26)

This report was submitted by VA Jarak Maldon

Battlegroup Weekly #1-

Battlegroup Commander's Log-

I finished unpacking today here on the Immortal. Nice ship, actuly, one of the newer ones in the fleet. She is still being upgraded to serve as our flagship, so there are some modifications going on such as the expanding of my personal office. I am going to see if they can stick a cooling unit in there, I have so many bottles of booze it would make Kessler go nuts. Life has changed a bit. I have a chair on the bridge, more like an observation post. I do most of my ordering around from my office. I find it hard to resist the urge to shout out orders once and a while or respond to a query from a staff officer. Most ships are on idle patrol now along the border regions, so not much is going on. I really do hope we see some live combat soon.

Battlegroup News-

-Well after examining the reports from the Commodores I can conclude that... well... not much if anything has happened in the last week of major intrest. Oh, well, the Squadron League is wrapping up its regular season.

-The ISD Immortal scrubbed together its best pilots and put them up against Preatorian Squadron, AKA the INTEL Goons. Well despite a fine effort the Immortal crew got their prize dinner taken away by the dark forces of the INTEL Division... a pity, really. I guess this what happens when so much of Imperial Governemnt funds go to them.

-Kessler enjoyed a reign as Wing X WC, even though it was temperory. During this time engaugements with New Republic forces shot up fifty precent, as did wing morale. Supplies of intoxicating bevereges aboard the Challenge dropped a large margin, and supplies had to be imported from the Phare System, the ISD Relentless, and a planet known as "Booze Hole Prime" according to the latest cargo manifest. Lieutenant Colonel Darklord returns to his wing saying, "Turn off the bloody music!"

-Wing Commander Oldham was promoted to Colonel after a very successful term as WC of the Colossus. I had the honor of sending him through as my first promotion. Congradulations, Colonel Oldham! I'll be sure all ration supplies are doubled to the Colossus this week.

-The BGAPL round is due to end Wednesday, so all challengers and defenders be sure to get your pilot files to me ASAP... I highly sugest you do or you may have to forfit. I'd hate to see that happen, it would be a shame.

-My seat on the Relentless has been filled with the glorious arse of Rear Admiral Andronicus, a former member of Zeta and Typhoon Squadron. He bid welcome to the ship aparently after a rather tedious shuttle voyage with a very rude pilot. I am therefore issuing a decree that any and all shuttle pilots that are rude to their passengers will be fined ten credits plus, if serious enough, will face Code of Conduct charges. Back to Andron, I'm sure he'll do a bang-up job, expecially with Ricaud at his side.

-The Battlegroups website, invisioned and created by Admiral Theodore, has been declared outdated and will be scrapped by myself. No offence intended to Admiral Theo, of course. I plan to update and revise this when I return from leave. Besides, it is more fun to create something from scratch.

-Oh, leave? Yes, already. This weeked, Thursday-Sunday, I am forced to take a personal leave of absence to visit educaitonal centers on Aurora Prime and speak to young students about the thrill of joining the military. (In RL I'm going to Boston to tour the Mass. Institute of Technology. I'll send post cards! :)

-While I'm on leave Vice Admiral Ari will take over. He also has been selected as my Executive, and unofficial postion kind of like my own personal assistant. He'll take over when I'm gone, do the more boring paperwork junk, scrub the hypermatter couduits, ect. Well, mostly he'll look after the BGs when I'm out. I'm sure he'll do a fine job making sure the BGs are intact when I return... after all he keeps the Colossus in pretty good shape considering who all is aboard :)

-It has been noted that many people are noticing a certian degree of humor flying about the Battlegroups. More people are saying, "What is this rancor meat? We are in the middle of a Galactic-Scale war and we are acting like a bunch of Gungans?" Well hey, those Gungans may be crazy but they fight pretty good, why do you think we put all of them in the laser battery control rooms besides for the fact those are the targets that ususally get vaped first? Well it was the sugestion of ISD Relentless morale officer, Colonel Steve the Cricket Bat, therefore the sugestion of Colonel Ricaud the nimrod. Good spirits means high morale means better chances of surivial against the Republic or the Imperial Orthodoxy or the Ssi-Ruuk... whatever. So eat, drink, and me marry for tomorrow we have a better chance at life!

Current Orders-

I know your WCs are better at dishing these out, but keep in mind I was a WC before. I would like to state that a general increase of communication is necessary among the Battlegroup Pilots. I would like to encourage each and every CMDR to talk to their squads frequently, and every pilot to talk to their squadronmates.

I would expecially like to encourage use of Message Boards. The TIE Corps has one, and it is used quite a bit, but we have our own. Yep, it's true. Go to the following URL and check it out-

Give it a chance, it is a nice system. Also log onto IRC once and a while, it is fun and most of the time quite enjoyabe. Just... ignore Astatine for the most part as he is generaly always in a rotten mood, expecially now that the Olympics are in his home country :)

I thank you all for reading this report. I look forward to my term as your Battlegroup Commander, expecially considering what a killer group you all are. Keep up the good work, and watch your six. Glory to the Empire!

Vice Admiral Jarak Maldon
BGCOM/VA Jarak Maldon/ISD Immortal/TIE Corps Battlegroups
GS/SSx2/BS/PCx3/ISMx7/MoI/MoT-2gh/MoC-5BoC-2SoC/CoB/LoA/OV [HUSS] {IWATS-M/1/2-SM/1}

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