ISDII Intrepid Report # 0 (2005-06-14)

This report was submitted by AD Adren Silvori

Good Day pilots of the ISD Intrepid, Its been another good week of activity. I have seen many, many missions flown this week and I am pleased to say we got some locs too. Several squadrons are running their own competitions at the moment as is the wing commander. Good luck to everyone in these competitions. I am hoping all this vastly improved activity translated into nice medals and Promotions at the end of the coming month.

I will be issuing my own competition in the coming week, that will last till the end of the month. Given all the Events in Tie corps at the moment, It is safe to say, Its not a boring time.

Tie Corps News

Avenger Commander Sought

VA Gidda has decided to start accepting applications for the position of Avenger Squadron Commander from now in order to avoid a lack of leadership in the ASF Elite squadron when GN Nightmare will transfer to Reserves at the end of this month.
Candidates must have passed the SM/3 course (preferred: MP and AMP). They must know very well the multiplayer aspects of XvT and/or XWA and of course they must be active multiplayer pilots themselves. Other than that it is required a fast email response time, the ability to work with other ASF Officers for the creation of multiplayer events and no HCI convictions whatsoever in your record.
If you met those requirements and if you think to be the right person for the job send your application to BGCOM Gidda including a brief list of activities you would run as new AES CMDR.

XVT BOP - Release

Add the B-Wing*, TIE Defender, TIE Phantom, Pursuer Enforcement Ship, Missileboat, System Patrol Craft*, Scout Craft, Corellian Gunship, Container Transport*, Medium Transport*, Assault Frigate, Modified Corvette*, Modified Frigate*, Passenger Liner, Carrack Cruiser, Light Calamari Cruiser*, MC-90 Calamari Cruiser*, Communications Relay, Sensor Array, Astromech, Probe Capsule, Gunplatform, Large Gunplatform, Laser Battery and Pilot. (*= XvT Only)
Makes the T-Wing and R41 Starchaser flyable.
Fixes bug in XvT and BoP that keeps Corellian Transports from firing their lasers.
Adds Melees and Combat Missions to allow usage of added fighters in MP.
Replaces datapad and graphics to IA/EH style ones.
Does not replace any existing Craft. (EXE Installer - Can be installed together with other patches and kept installed permanently, also for MP.)


Competition News

Imperial Storm Continues, The Sov has won the battle for korriban over the ATF, I am sure soon we shall be making our next move. LC Apophis will be keeping the Wing up to Date, Our Ship can make the Difference.

Link -

ASF Banner gfx
Do not forget about the other ASF wide competition. Create a new banner for the ASF roster and submit it to Vice Admiral Gidda Before June 18. Allowed formats are .jpg and .gif, siez is free but it must fit with the roster page. the IS-GR, IS-SR and IS-BR will be awarded to the top 3 submissions.

XvT Week of War

Returning to the good old LEC flight sims, the June XvT Week of War will start Friday June 17. You get 1 LoC for each victory plus IS-GW, IS-SW and IS-BW to the top three ASFers. Be there and fly a lot.


Ship Orders

Everyone should be partaking in there own squadron competitions this week. Good luck and Remember you have to be in it to win it.

Commander Petothel is on leave for Exams now for a few weeks, I am sure you will all Join me in wishing her The Greatest Success. Of course this does leave room for an Acting commander in ASP Squadron. So if you could please let us know who has stepped up to the plate, We would be very gratefull.

Once Again, Could all Commanders please Online there reports on the Tie Corps site. If you have a problem doing this, please make me aware of its existance and the problem in General, So i can try to help you resolve it.

Can i Remind all commanders about orders, Regarding flight leaders and the Deadline for it. And last but not least, We have one or two active Lieutenant's who have been very active. Could i remind the Commanders to make sure they Recieve the COB Medal, Once 30 FCHG Has been Reached.


Tie Corps links

Tie Corps -
Wing Roster -
IWATS Courses -
FCHG Wing List -
Wing Combat Ratings -
Competition Calandar -


Admiral's final thoughts.

We Continue to move in the correct Direction, Thanks to Episode III, I have seen more recruits coming through. Once again i am trying to poach ( cough, I mean Redirect ) As many as possible to our ISD. I would recommend every pilot, Tell there friends, pets, Parents, People they don't like. All about the tie corps and how great it can be. I myself flew a battle this week and did one IWATS course. So I am pushing myself back into activity. Practicing when I myself preach.

I would like all of you to be Proud of the Activity you have Shown. And Those who are not active, To be ashamed that your Corp mates are carrying all the Burden of activity for your squadron.

Keep up the Good Work, And Finally, Well done to LC Apophis, Who has been Very Active this week himself.

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