ISDII Vanguard Report # 3 (2004-10-31)

This report was submitted by RA Justin

RA Justin reporting
Vanguard Report #3

Ship News/COM talk:
Mantis CMDR still oepn to apps... Apply today!
This is report number 100 on the database for the Vanguard... Yeah!
Frodo added my Gold encrusted 'N' to the current ship's banner.... enjoy :P
MSEs are due...
The ship/wing is in need of a new website. if you think you have the skillz to make a good website, make one! :P For ideas, see the current-but-not-so-current site or toher ship sights on the ASF. There will be good rewards and maybe even a platinum member credit card for the cantina..... maybe :P (yes, same paragraph as last week :P)
We are still the largest ISD/wing in the fleet, but not by much... Our current numbers are:
-2 Flags
-6+7+6+8+10+7.... *gets out calculator* .....44
-Total: 46
How can I forget these?:
*Come on to the wing's channel at #isdvanguard . TC meetings are on Sundays at 4pm EST in #tiecorps. See the Communications section for other mIRC channels and the MBs.

*Send submissions to Khadgar for the Aggressor, there can be rewards- everybody likes rewards!

TC News:

Wing IX WC Applications being accepted
Due to the unforseen departue of RA Thorin Oakenshield, and LC La'an's subsequent promotion, the position of Wing IX Wing Commander is now open for applications. Any applicant must meet the standard requirements for WC

Please only apply if you have previous experience as a CMDR or WC. All applications must include a basic long-term plan for the wing, as well as any relevant ideas you have for further development, competitions etc..

Applications will be taken until November 6th, and must be sent to RA La'an at, with the subject Wing IX WC App.

New Relentless COM chosen

Congrats to RA La'an on being named the new Relentless COM!

Wing XX CMDR chosen

After careful consideration, COL Trido has been named the new WING XX WC! Congrats!
TIEBGCOM Applications being accepted
From now until the Nov 12, 2004 I will be accepting applications for the position of TIEBGCOM. All the requirments that have been posted numerous times apply.

I would prefer dedicated members of the TIEBG to apply and these members to have held the position of COM or higher.

Have TIEBGCOM application in the subject header.

Since AD Mell is not leaving for another month, don't bug me with any questions about when am I going to pick the spot. I will have someone appointed the same minute AD Mell steps down :)

Long haired freaky people need not apply...
Have fun :)

Freeworlds Update
14:00 - HA Priyum Patel
Freeworlders: The Privateer Fleet has declared us as hostile (no reason given) so we've done the same. Meanwhile, the CG is now neutral with us. You can dock at Freedom One, as long as you pay their tax. If you don't want to pay it, stay away.

FW: Team Speak
04:42 - HA Priyum Patel
It's been suggested that to become more active in the non-play aspect of the Freeworlds server, we need to have a greater presence on Team Speak. For those of you who aren't aware of what TS is, it's basically an application that allows people to speak to other in real-time, with multiple channels. It can be downloaded for free from the TS website.

The server address is, but before you can connect, you also need an account. PM Burnout with a desired username and password and he'll get you all set. To chat you'll obviously need a microphone, but you won't need one to listen. Remember that you're expected to be courteseous and polite at all times - no matter what's being discussed. Just keep in mind idea behind the Codes of Conduct and you should do fine. If we get enough users, I'll look into holding regular meetings there.

I've been given access to register people on TS. Email me your desired username and password and I'll add you. We have our own EH channel also, ask me for the password.


they thought it was raining death or somethign and ran pretty fast
<`Hero> LOL
<`Hero> raining death!
i took a look at Dawn of WAr the other day
didn't buy it though
<`Hero> ohhhhh thhats good...
* Joe` rains death all over Canadia!


Wing/Ship MB:
Wing/Ship IRC channel: #isdvanguard
ASF IRC channel: #eh_asf
TC IRC channal: #tiecorps
EHCOC IRC channel (for MP): #ehcoc
mIRC: ---Its free! :P

Last words:

MSEs are due, so that means medals for some and nothign for most. Lets try and see if we can get some more activity for next month. Let me, Airyu and your CMDR know what YOU want to do. Comps? What type of comps? Run-ons? Feel free to start them (If you do them on the squad MB, send an email to the wing inviting everyone to participate!). if you have any ideas, feel free to let one of us know. :)

TAC Assistant -- TT IWATS Professor
XWA Tactician XWA and XvT Tactical Surveyor
LoC-CSx3-Rx1/CoB/LoAx6/OV-3E [LGNR] {IWATS--x17}

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