ISDII Vanguard Report # 1 (2004-10-17)

This report was submitted by RA Justin

RA Justin reporting
Vanguard Report #1

Ship News/COM talk:
I have been promoted to RA and made COM of the Vanguard! With me stepping up in the ladder of doom, MAJ Airyu has taken my place as WC of Wing XV. Airyu and I have already been planning Flag-like things, as you have seen in his report. Should be tons of fun, and Ill actually have to dust off my joystick :P
With Airyu being promoted to WC, Yutzka was made the new Echo CMDR, but has resigned and and will soon enter the RSVs. If you are interested in becoming a CMDR and starting your carear (or resuming one :P) in the TC, send me and Airyu an email with stuff in it that makes you look good :P
September MSE/MWE medals have been submitted now that I have COM access. Congrats to Airyu on his BS and to Paco, kaiser Dux, Zoron, and Frodo on their ISMs and to Jer and Frankie on their PCs.
We are still the largest ship in the fleet! Our current numbers are:
-2 Flags
-5+9+8+8+10+7.... *gets out calculator* .....47
-Total: 49
-Read Airyu's report for a laugh :P
How can I forget these?:
*Come on to the wing's channel at #isdvanguard . TC meetings are on Sundays at 4pm EST in #tiecorps. MP is in #ehcoc.

*Send submissions to Khadgar for the Aggressor, there can be rewards- everybody likes rewards!
Airyu sent out 2 reports this week, but only priviliged us with 1 grudge match. Yes, I am sad :P But he did make a cool pic of the Van on a van :P

TC News:
-------------------------Tons of news this week, but Im not in it, so none of it matters... I mean... yeah, thats what i meant :P :P --------------------------------------------
XVT and XWA 1v1 Tournaments
Rax vs Roulex
Tek vs Dax
Sav Az vs Fox Malloy
Andrijas vs Major Airyu

Sav Az vs Gunman
Dirty Vader vs LCM Roulex
Dan Klivian vs Andrijas
Ace003 vs Stuart
Major Airyu vs LT Craven
LT Needa vs CrimsonFury

You have the next 10 days to fly these matches. All winners must be reported on the Combat Operations Office Message boards. I will be awarding LoCs per round and DFCs to the platform winners.

Magazine mention for the TIE Corps
The Australian gaming magazine, Hyper, recently ran a fairly comprehensive article on the history of Star Wars games. We get a mention as a fansite. COL Torres scanned the article pages and they're up here. Take note that some of the images are over 200k. The mention of the TIE Corps is on the 4th page.

Wing XVI WC Appointed
Many congratulations to Lieutenant Colonel Keller who has been selected as the new Wing Commander for Wing XVI!

In other news, I'm still looking for a new Tiger Squadron Commander. The Squadron flies the TIE Bomber, so if you're an active Freeworlds pilot looking for a command and enjoy dropping torps on hapless Rebels, let me know (!

Windows XP SP2 and You.
As usual the Microsoft data on their new "SP2" only elaborates on what it can do more now, and not on what it will fail at now.

As it looks now, SP2 will not run a utility called "TIEPATCH.EXE", something which we use in all patches, also not when you use the XPInstaller.

We will be replacing this utility ASAP but for the time being: if you want to play missions that use patches do not install XP SP2.

Note: Uninstalling SP2 doesn't work, it will just remain on your system and pretend its not there.

IO Open For Applications --read the TC page for details :P
It is with heavy heart that I announce the retirements of two of the TC's longest standing members. AD Proton, SOVCOM has asked to be retired to the reserves once a replacement is found. AD Proton has served as the SOVCOM for over two years, and wishes to turn the ship over to younger blood.

AD Mell Kerrigan has also asked to retire to the reserves after completing a few more duties. Mell has been a huge influence on many TC and EH policies as well as a thorn in the sides of many a CO :)


SSL Results! --- See the TC page for list of winners, congrats to all!

*looks around*
crap, still wearing old uniform :P
* LCJustin is now known as RAJustin

Last words:

Well, thats all for this weeks report. I will have a nice setup for next weeks, it will be cooler than a polar bear's toenails. Ok, sorry... that was dumb :P

Also, the ship/wing is in need of a new website! The creator will recieve a nice shiney medal or something shiney atleast :P remember, minos has free hosting. There are also a lot more comps out there, see Airyu's report for them. He has a nice ordered list, something i could never comprehend :P

Remember, pilots, an informed commander is a happy commander! or somethign to that effect :P If you will be busy for a while, just send them a quick email so they know. Also, be sure to send them all your activity, even IRC presence, incase they didnt see you. hmmm, I havent been on IRC in a while, ill go now :P

BTM/ACO Justin/Apocalypse/Oriens Obscurum/Arcona
TAC Assistant -- TT IWATS Professor
XWA Tactician XWA and XvT Tactical Surveyor
LoC-CSx3-Rx1/CoB/LoAx6/OV-3E [LGNR] {IWATS--x17} -- DC/CR-1A {SA}

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