ISDII Vanguard Report # 15 (2004-09-05)

This report was submitted by RA Drax Remlinger

ISD Vanguard
COM Report #15

COM Chatter

Good week Van. Except for the few members we lost earlier in the week, im sure our numbers will pick up soon.

Ship News

Python Squadron's new cmdr has been submitted for approval. I hope everyone is prepared for the insanity that is about to come aboard, and this will only be the beginning.

Well we lost a few this week to awolings. Always hate to see that happen but it is a necessary part of the corps. One simple email a week is all that is required to remain on the active roster and I do hope everyone can manage that small task.

ASF News
Everyone should attempt to send AD Khadgar and graphics and fiction they can put their hands on for our paper the Aggressor. Im sure awards will fall from above for all that do. I know if you dont those photos I tend to snap of our crew in their most compromising postions may find their way into his hands as replacements.

I think there are a couple of ASF commander seats open for apps. Lets get those filled up so the ASF can remain the strongest fleet in the corps.

Tie Corps
Commendations of Loyalty Part Deux
22:00 - AD Alex Foley
Kudos to the six or so persons who have submitted their Commendations of Loyalty lists to me. For all of you other procrastinating people, send them in!.

ALL recommendations must have the subject heading: "CoL Recommendations" or they will be ignored.

Recomendations are due September 4th, 2004, at Midnight Eastern Standard Time. No late awards will be accepted.

UPDATE! My e-mail inbox ate itself. Everyone please resend me a copy of their CoL recommendations.

Change to email displays
05:01 - SA Astatine
In an effort to reduce lame spambots from harvesting addresses, email addresses will now only display if you are logged in.

XVT and XWA WoW Champs!
17:47 - AD Khameir Sarin
For the first time in the history of our club, we have won both XVT and XWA WoWs in the same month! Huge contributions were made in XVT by Tek (Tau) and in XWA by Nom Anor (XIV). Both Tek and Nom won their respective WoWs which is also a first for EH Multiplayer gaming! Great work to all pilots who participated in this event. I will be awarding special awards for this first ever double WoW win!

04:47 - VA Khadgar
AD Khadgar will be unavailable from now until Monday. Aggressor Strike Force Commendation of Loyalty awards have been submitted

Ship Competitions
Vanguard Ironman

Vanguard Baron

Vanguard Recruitment Drive

ASF Competitions
BGCOM's Legate
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Titles for the top three pilots in the ASF each month. An IS-GW and the title of "BGCOM's Legate" for the winner.

Week of War Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Iron Stars for ASF WoW winners! Hurray!

Recruitment Incentive
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Recruit RSVists and help CTs train to help the ASF! Do it for the Flight! Do it for the Squadron! Do it for the Wing! Do it for the ship! Do it for the division! Do it for the club! Do it for your loved ones! Do it for the Emperor! Do it for the Fleet Commander! Do it for Vader! Whatever helps, really.

Night of the Monks
Deadline: Each Friday at 3 AM - 6 AM EST.
Description: Weekly Multiplayer competition! Held in #EHCOC on IRC.

Aggressor Night
Deadline: Each Sunday at 8-11 PM EST
Description: Weekly Multiplayer competition! Held in #EHCOC on IRC.

-ISD Vanguard- #isdvanguard
-ISD Greywolf-#wingXiii
-ISD Intrepid #wingxiv
-Aggressor Strike Force: #eh_asf
-TIE Corps: #tiecorps
-Emperor's Hammer: #emperor's_hammer

Message Boards
-Emperor's Hammer:
-TIE Corps:
-Aggressor Strike Force:
-ISD Vanguard:
-Echo Squadron:
-Hornet Squadron:
-Mantis Squadron:
-Python Squadron:
-Scorpion Squadron:
-Wasp Squadron:

Ship Strength:
Flags- 2
Echo- 8
Scorpion- 12
Mantis- 8
Wasp- 9
Hornet- 10
Python- 0 (Inactive)
Total- 49

COM/RA Drax Remlinger/ISD Vanguard

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