ISDII Intrepid Report # 2 (2004-07-19)

This report was submitted by RA Gidda

ISD-II Intrepid Report #2

Promotions & Medals
Captain Apophis Kuma has been promoted to the rank of Major and Lieutenant Commander Cutter has been promoted to the rank of Commander!
LT Fox Malloy and MAJ Zhaim Jifarr received the Imperial Security Medal. LCM S 4patas, CPT SavageAz and GN Dax Corrin received the Palpatine Crescent. LT El Guapo received the Bronze Star of the Empire. Congratulations!

New pilots
MAJ Aidan Pryde has just transfered in to Asp Squadron, coming from the ISD Colossus. SL Jadesprite has joined Cobra squadron after graduating from IWATS. Welcome aboard both of you, I'm sure you will enjoy your stay on the Intrepid.

XvT WoW is on!
July's XvT Week of War is on and the Emperor's Hammer is currently on the lead, go to the Zone and do your part to help the EH win this event. You get a LoC for every match won (even for 2vs2) and the top 3 pilots from ASF will be rewarded with IS-GW, IS-SW and IS-BW medals!

Trivia Run On
This new competition starts today, at 18:00 GMT, and it will run for two weeks on the Wing XIV forum. It is like a Star Wars trivia but it is held in the form of a run on, I will post a SW related question and the first one to post the correct answer will get 1 point and the right to post a new question. Then, the next person to post the correct answer will get 1 point and the right to post another question and so on until the competition is over. IS-SR and IS-BR will be awarded to the top two participants.

During the past week several pilots who went inactive and/or MIA have been removed from our roster, hence we are down to 35 pilots now. I ask all pilots of Wing XIV to spend some time trying to recruit pilots for the Intrepid. You may contact your friends or leave a post on the recruitment board or help some Cadets with their training, everything is worth of a try.

With the recent promotion of LC Justin to Wing Commander aboard of the ISD Vanguard the position of Viper Squadron commander is TBA. Please do not submit applications for now as I still haven't decided if the position will be opened to applications. In the meanwhile Viper pilots can send their pilot files to MAJ Malidir for BSF.

This week my commendation goes to CPT Spade, CMDR of Copperhead squadron, and CM Cutter, new Flight 2 Leader of Krayt squadron, for their very high flying activity. Keep the good work up guys!

Tactical Office Webpage v1.0a
13:25 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
Hurray! We have new webpage. Check it out :)

19:56 - RA Jedi Eclipse []

a slight correction:

I was mistaken when posting what will be rewarded for my Banner comp and have been corrected by OPS, thankyou. The awards will be IS-GR, IS-SR, and IS-BR, If I get enough medals to warrant a higher medal there will be a possible (not enough submissions yey! amount of submissions are average for a battlegroup at the moment ) IS-PR as this is a Fleet Wide competition ! Many thanks and apologies to those who submitted but, for those that have many thanks :)

MO/RA Jedi Eclipse/M-TFC Ambassador


CPT Apophis Kuma --> MAJ

LCM Cutter --> CM

LT Fox Malloy --> ISM

MAJ ZHaim Jifarr --> ISM

LCM S 4patas --> PC

GN Dax Corring --> PC

CPT SavageAz --> PC

LT El Guapo --> BS

CPT SavageAz --> TLN, WPN

LT Fox Malloy --> IBX

LT Hakavay --> CBX

COL Plif --> CBX

Citations FCHG Top 5 CR Top 5
Copperhead Squadron: 16 (6 pilots)

Krayt Squadron: 348 (6 pilots)

Viper Squadron: 0 (5 pilots)

Asp Squadron: 37
(6 pilots)

Cobra Squadron: 0 (5 pilots)

Diamondback Squadron: 238 (7 pilots)

 Total: 639 (+305)

Imperator [IMPR] (3000 points) Templar [TMPR] (2000 points)
Full list HERE

Jedi 4th (500 points) Top Ace 2nd (350 points) Veteran 2nd (90 points) Veteran 3rd (80 points)
Full list HERE

COM-TCT-TCS/RA Gidda/ISD Intrepid
GS/SSx7/BSx8/PCx11/ISMx22/MoI/MoT-4rh-10gh-9bh/IS-21BW-5BR-16SW-5SR-20GW-3GR-2PW/LoC-IS-CSx5-Rx1/DFC-Rx3/MoC-3BoC-1SoC/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoAx9/OV-4E [IMPR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-FLA-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-LIN-M/1/2-SM/2/3-TM/1-TT-XAM-XTM/1/2-XTT}

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