ISDII Intrepid Report # 50 (2004-06-13)

This report was submitted by VA Frodo March

Vice Admiral Frodo March reporting for the ISD-II Intrepid on 06/14/04 #50

Commodore’s Opening Words
Hello Ladies and gentlemen of the Intrepid and welcome to the weekly report #50!!
Now before I get to anything, I'd like to first and foremost appaulogize to LC CrimsonFury.  You see, I had the nerve to tell him that I wouldn't miss my 50th report...when I did truly miss it last week...Sorry 'bout that Crimmy...there's Karma at its Best for you :P
Secondly, I'm sorry to see that LC CrimsonFury has stepped down from his position of Krayt CMDR...You did great Cwimmah! And you will truly go down in our history books as one of the most proficient Krayt CMDRs of all time, if not the most proficient.
thirdly, Congradulations to our BGCOM, since I've been informed that he has been promoted to the rank of FULL ADMIRAL! So I'm sad to say that we have to cut down on the VAx3 jokes...
Fourthly, I'd like to say that It was an honor and a priveledge to write 50 reports as the leader of the ISD-II Intrepid....So now I can start the report!
A bunch of awards have been awarded, including more recent comp medals.  The other medals are of course forgotten medals.  Missing medals for us should be the Bronze Stars of the Empire which I will get to ASAP.  If by next week end your still missing medals, I suggest you contact me at .
The only comp I havn't awarded anything for was the FCHG/CR comp, I'll get to that soon, I'll have results soon aswell.
If your missing LoCs or anything on your profile and you don't think its being taken care of, contact your CMDR.
Oh, and fill empty FL spots.
And Krayt is in the SSL Playoffs! Congrats to them!! :)

Emperor’s Hammer/Tie Corps News
Tie Corps Awards
15:25 - FA Cyric []
For their help with the TIE CORPS Roster Crash and their greatly appreciated assistance in gathering the appropriate information so the reprocessing could be completed as fast as it was, the following awards were issued:
VA Khadgar, ASF BGCOM, was promoted to the rank of Admiral
VA Reaper, CA:FO, was promoted to the rank of Admiral
AD Mell, TIEBGCOM, Was submitted for a medal
AD Sarin, COO, Was submitted for a medal
VA Anthol, Former ATF BGCOM, was submitted for a medal
Medals will be issued when the OPS approves them
I have also asked the BGCOM's to award medals where appropriate to all memebers who have made the processing go smoothly.
Domain delegation complete
22:37 - SA Astatine []
The DNS changes for appear to have filtered through the Internet, meaning the domain will now point to the new server.
Combat Operations Office Medals
02:35 - VA Khadgar []
AD Sarin is currently on leave. Therefore, all flag officers submitting missing Legion of Combat or Distinguished Flying Cross awards may submit them to me at I will also do my best to answer any questions or concerns relating to the Combat Operations Office.
New battles and missions
14:38 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
Once again we started to release battles. First is small package containing the following:
More will follow, but you must understand I have to find balance between FCHG restoration, new battles and HSs processing :)
[Reminder] The EHSPs back up all important game files.
05:29 - AD Ender mBind []
The Emperor's Hammer Ship Patches for TIE, XvT and BoP make a full backup of all important files in those games upon installation. This means that you can use it to restore your game installation might you have screwed that up in some way:
After you've newly installed TIE, XvT or BoP and installed any needed update patches (like 1.14 for XvT) install EHSP into a permanent folder ([Game folder]/EHPatch for example.) and keep it installed.
To restore your fresh install of the game: uninstall EHSP, reinstall it, and its all fine again... which saves you having to reinstall the game from CD again.
New ISD Subjugator Command Staff Chosen
06:07 - FA Cyric []
The new Commodore of the ISD Subjugator has been chosen. Please congrat RA TK-7764 !
This left the position of Wing XX Wing Commander open. Here as new wing Commander MAJ Archangel has been appointed.
Both Officers have have done a great work so far and I wish them all the best in their new positions !
ASF News
-Go check out ASF chronicles!
-Go Fly MP!

Ship news
-Anything missing...come see me.
-CM Predator is back! (and his LoCs too! :P)
-I'm back...I disapeared for a week again...few noticed.

Pilot Awards/Reconition
If you had to write down 90 different awards, you'd skip this section too :P
Congrats to everybody who got new, or old awards! :) :D

Ship Status
The ISD-II Intrepid goes up +1 to 38! Welcome aboard CM Bizarre and SL Fox Malloy!! :)
Full Squadrons: 0

1. Fly any official EH missions or battles at the EH mission compendium
2. Participate at any TO approved Squad/Wing/Ship/BG/Fleet comp!
3. Create an Imperial Navy Personal record (INPR) in your admin menu!
4. Create an official EH mission or battle (Can take a loooong time)
5. Helping your CMDR with the Squadron webpage, or creating one.
Those are the five main ways to get promoted to LT! You guys should be aiming for at LEAST reaching LT :P

Quote of the week
*** Frothy is now known as FrothyReport
<`Cutter> uh oh..another Green Meany coming in the inbox  =P
<RA_Eclipse> lol
<`Cutter> I have to highlight the whole thing so's I can read it!
<RA_Eclipse> rofl
* `Cutter is colorblind..
I know you all adore my reports! ;)

Hints and Tips from the Short Commodore!
When in doubt, use your foot.  When certain, use your hand, when in almost certainty, use your....
If you don't know who I am its high time you started paying attention :P
The good thing about big round numbers like that you can always use them as excuses for not writing up an awards section!
Some BGCOMps are running.  Keep your eyes open and do some Squadron Comps.  SSL for Krayt of course!

Finishing words
Gahh! 50's gone...I'm sooo old :P Well ladies and gentlemen...Not much I can say about this week, you've been ok I guess when it comes to activity, one can't ask for much during database downtime...and time after database work time now peeps! :)
And once again I finish by telling you all to read my reports :P And to keep it real!
Good luck!
COM/VA Frodo March/ISD Intrepid “Frothy”
GS/SSx4/BSx2/PCx8/ISMx7/MoI/MoT-25rh-4bh/IS-4BW-2BR-1SW-1SR-1GW-1GR/LoC-CSx5-Rx2/DFC-Rx3/CoSx5/CoL/CoB/LoAx2/OV-3E [TMPR] {IWATS-IIC/1-SM/2/3-TACS-TM-XTM/1/2}
Ultimate Mission Creation Warrior
“Global Warming is just another empty Promise"

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