ISDII Intrepid Report # 35 (2004-02-15)

This report was submitted by VA Frodo March

Vice Admiral Frodo March reporting for the ISD-II Intrepid on 02/15/04 #35

Commodore’s Opening Words
One time to the crew of the ISD-II Intrepid! Its time for yet another action packed Commodore report, number 35.  This week was...eventful...but in a good or bad way?
On thursday, FA Cyric and GA Ronin decided to make me the acting BGCOM during AD Darksaber's absence...and to my very very pleasant relief, our BGCOM has returned late last night! Hurray!!!!!  So that means that I don't have to take care of the SC scoring ever so closely :P
Yup, the SC is still going strong...we're quite alot...scores for the Intrepid can be found at
We're currently trailing big time in the comp, you guys should pick up the Activity >:/
On a sidenote, we've reached the magical number of 48! hurray! Welcome aboard SL Ryke to Copperhead Squadron, hope you have yourself lots of fun Ryke!  That means we're two pilots away from the big 50! Keep working at it.
I'd like to remind everybody that CMDRs get ops in our IRC channel, #wingxiv so if you don't have auto-op set up, please contact me...if you don't know what IRC is you might want to download that, ask your CMDR to help you if you can't access it.
Also...I'll be taking suggestions for what kind of comp we want to do after SC...? Ideas?...Submit Ideas to me in fiction form so that we can submit it for SC points :P

Emperor’s Hammer/Tie Corps News
Current TC news can be found at: ...(Yeah, I'm lazy this week:P)

ASF News
-We're loosing at SC...
-Go check out ASF chronicles!
-Vanguard Commodore position is still vacant.
-AD Darksaber is back!
Ship news
-Medals still pending for MSE and Comps...
-We're 2 short of 50...
Pilot Awards/Reconition
Some LoCs...but we're still waiting on MR. Ops...

Ship Status
The ISD-II Intrepid goes +1 pilots to 48! Welcome aboard SL Ryke!
1. Fly any official EH missions or battles at the EH mission compendium
2. Participate at any TO approved Squad/Wing/Ship/BG/Fleet comp!
3. Create an Imperial Navy Personal record (INPR) in your admin menu!
4. Create an official EH mission or battle (Can take a loooong time)
5. Helping your CMDR with the Squadron webpage, or creating one.
Those are the five main ways to get promoted to LT! You guys should be aiming for at LEAST reaching LT :P

Quote of the week

"Why is everything like this?...why isn't everything diferent?"
Hints and Tips from the Short Commodore!

Hints of the Week:
Hints hints hints...Oh, never write your name on a chair you don't own...(Sorry DS :S)...And always eat Kraft dinner with the same utensils and pots you made it with.
And fly for SC :P

Yes, can you tell what we're concentrating on guys? :P
Finishing words
Well...what can I say guys? Start winning? We're behind, so we do what the best do when their behind, pull out a semi automatic and shoot our way to the front...(Thats how pac would have done it:P), by semi automatic I mean activity, and by shooting our way to the front I mean use activity to kick some serious ASF ass...Lets go homeboyz!
COM/VA Frodo March/ISD Intrepid “Frothy”
GS/SSx3/BSx2/PCx8/ISMx7/MoI/MoT-21rh-3bh/IS-4BW-1BR-2SW-1SR-1GW-1GR/LoC-CSx5-Rx1/DFC-Rx1/CoSx4/CoB/LoAx2/OV-3E [TMPR] {IWATS-IIC/1-SM/2/3-TM-XTM/1/2}
Ultimate Mission Creation Warrior
“Global Warming is just another empty Promise”   

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