ISDII Relentless Report # 18 (2004-03-07)

This report was submitted by VA BubbaX

MAJ Sarn Erec reporting in for the ISD Relentless on 03/07/2004?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Hurrah! My 2nd Report as A-COM, and amazing things already happened. The Ship eval was on the BGCOMs desk before the deadline, I got all MSEs and the MWE in time! You don’t believe me you say? Yeah, I know it’s hard to do so but it is true! Good work Guys :P

- Fleet News

The EH Scored 2nd in XvT WoW and was tied for 1st in XWA.

There is a new CA:LO, congrats to AD Zsinj

The FO started a Competition, create an INPR for FA Cyric, the Comp starts on 3/5/04 and ends on 3/16/04, the medals that will be awarded are: IS-GR, IS-SR, IS-BR.

MAJ Kane Reese is new XIX WC! Gratz Mr. Anderson…and I never thought that you would leave the TCBGs :P

LC Frey Gallandro has been named the new WC for Wing XVIII on the SSD Avenger, grats Frey!

LC Guthwolf has been assigned as the new WC for Wing IV on the SSSD Sovereign

- Links

TC News Page:

Wing IX/ISD Relentless Homepage:

Wing IX Message Board:

- ISD Relentless News

I’m still A-COM, Keller is still A-WC, the MWE is on the BGCOMs desk :p

LCM Voort SaBinring is Pilot of the Month and won the Ladder!

The Wing IX League Match 1 ends today, I don’t have many files yet, please go and fly.

The Caption Comp Round 1 ends today, too, send your submissions to me.

- Transfers

SL Shayla Bell > Sword

COL Nav’ric Trow > Sword

SL Narsils Sting > Spear

Welcome aboard y’all!

- Promotions

SL Shayla Bell > Lieutenant

Congrats !

- Medals

IS-SW to LCM Voort SaBinring for PotM

IS-SW to CM Duken for 2nd place in PotM

MoI to MAJ Sarn Erec


LCM Ron L. Hubba passed IBX with 97%

LT Shayla Bell passed SM/3 with 93%

LCM Voort SaBinring passed SM/3 with 92%

COL Nav’ric Trow passed IBX with 90%

- Missions Flown

Sword: 69

Spear: 0

Hammer: 8

Shield: 0

Total: 77

- Orders

Once again, recruit! :P

Now to help you, I've put together a few tips on how to get recruits:

* Look for Cadets with AIM because they are easier to contact
* Don't bother contacting Cadets who have been in training for more than three weeks
* Don't bother emailing SLs, LTs, or anyone over the rank of VA in the reserves
* Look for reservists who have been on the Relentless in the past
* Post recruiting messages on any SW forums you come across

These are just a few tips...use them wisely :P

- Closing Thoughts

The Wing IX Ladder ended, LCM Voort SaBinring won it and is now Wing IX Pilot of the Month. Activity wasn’t as great as I wanted it to be though. The Ladder started again, 77 Missions were flown in Week 1, again not as much as it should be. Two Squadrons didn’t fly at all, Spear and Hammer. This doesn’t mean that those Squads are dead, I know for a fact though that people are alive there, I wonder though why you guys are not flying? Please let me know. On another note, the Wing IX League Round 1 ends today and I only received 2 Submissions so far, 1 from Sword, 1 from Hammer. This is far too less, what’s up with you guys? You don’t even have to fly on hard (it’s better if you do though) and it won’t take you much time. Cut 10 mins of your IRC time and you’ll be able to submit a mission for it. We all will take part in the SSL, in fact it already started, the CMDRs have to send all files from their Squadron to the Division Coordinators (there are different ones for TIE, XvT and XWA) before the deadline! Don’t get them in late or they won’t count. I want all Squadrons to participate in this, the SSL has top priority over everything, even the TCBG Flags will participate, so don’t disappoint me, get your skates on and fly.

Respectfully submitted,

MAJ Sarn Erec, Wing IX Wing Commander

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