ISDII Intrepid Report # 33 (2004-02-01)

This report was submitted by VA Frodo March

Vice Admiral Frodo March reporting for the ISD-II Intrepid on 02/01/04 #33

Commodore’s Opening Words
Ahoy members of the ISD-II Intrepid and welcome to report #33 by your favorite short fuzzy COM!  Anywayz, the ASF SC kicked off yesterday (by surprise! Yay!) and we all started to activitize! Should be a good one.
What is ASF SC? Its a supremacy competition in which every bit of activity you do is counted, and we compete as ships in the ASF! The ship with the most points at the end of the month wins! So its time for you guys to whip out all that extra activity and give all that you can for the Intrepid! The winner of this comp is declared flagship...a title which we defend.  Scores can be found here: 
Speaking of titles, I have a new commodore protector, congradulations to LT Predator! Who is receiving this title for his stupendus WoW activity, where he got 28 wins! And lets not forget MAJ CrimsonFury who got 2 wins of his own aswell.
Speaking of Krayts, we have a new one this week, welcome CM Aresis on board the Intrepid! He fills the position of Krayt Flight II FL!
Also, you might have heard that I applied for a certain BGCOM spot, and I'd like to say that I had canceled my application cause I realized that I love you guys too much, and this ship even more.  So I can never leave, your all stuck with me until the end of time :P
Congrats on CoL Arid Foxtrot, Justin and CrimsonFury! And me...

Emperor’s Hammer/Tie Corps News
TCBG Changes
02:35 - FA Cyric []
A new Immortal COM has been chosen to replace RA Locke Setzer, who went MIA. Congrats to RA RogueWing!
A new WC for Wing VIII has also been chosen! Congrats to MAJ Aeolus!
New gaming platform
01:10 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
After years of stagnation, Tactical Office proudly present new gaming platform added to our mission compendium: Jedi Academy. I have just released two custom maps for this game, and they can be used in MP duels. :)
Logistics Officer Chosen
09:42 - FA Cyric []
Congrats to Xander Drax for being named the new Logistics Officer!
ASF SC VI has started!
09:26 - FA Cyric []
The massive ASF Supremacy Competition Mark VI has begun! This is a ship vs ship comp within the ASF to determine the best squadron,pilot,wing, and flag ship with in the ASF.
From graphics to fiction, from MP to SP each activity is graded and scored!
If you are in the ASF, get out and support your ship!
04:59 - FA Cyric []
I have made a selection for the next TIE BGCOM. I have received four outstanding applications for this position:
AD Mell Kerrigan
VA Frodo (Later recused himself from the race)
RA BubbaX
COL RougeWing
All applicants would have brought something unique and exciting to the TIE BG's. However, only one could've been chosen. This was perhaps the toughest decision I've had to make as FO-TCCOM in the 6 or 7 months I've been doing this job. So without Further Ado, the new TIE BGCOM is none other than....AD MELL KERRIGAN. I ask that everyone afford him the respect that the position deserves, and gives him a chance to lead.

ISD Vanguard Commodore position open to apps
07:54 - FA Cyric []
As many of you have heard, VA Sickman has resigned due to RL issues and asked to be placed in the reserves.
As such, the position of Vanguard Commodore has been opened by AD Darksaber to applications.
Requirements are as follows:
Preferable flag officer experience (WC or COM)
No HCI Convictions within the last 6 months
Good recruiting abilities
Able to respond to mails within a 24 hour time frame
Able to set up competitions and keep a good morale for the ship
Able to communicate and get along with the ASF Flags a must :)
If you are interested please submit your application to AD Darksaber with "VANCOM APPLICATION" in subject header
Also please furnish three references upon request.

ASF News
-ASF SC VI has started!
-Go check out ASF chronicles!
-VA Sickman has resigned...applications for Vanguard Commodore are in progress.
Ship news
-Beat the COM protector competition ends!
-Fly some more!
-SC is on! FLY!
-Thats right, the above line wants you to FLY!
-Oh, and you can be active in other ways...fiction, graphics, mission creation.
Pilot Awards/Reconition
CPT Tvan'Oris was awarded the BSx2!!! !!!! !! :)
IS-SW and IS-BW to MAJ CrimsonFury
IS-BW to LT Big Poppa K
IS-BW to MAJ Daisuke Airyu
MoT-Rh To VA Frodo March
IS-BR to CM Kakihara
MoT-gh to CM Apophis Kuma
MoI to CM Apophis Kuma
IS-SR to CM Fallien Skull
IS-BR to MAJ Justin
DFC to LT Predator!!!!

Ship Status
The ISD-II Intrepid goes +1 to 45! welcome aboard CM Aresis Lothlorekith!
1. Fly any official EH missions or battles at the EH mission compendium
2. Participate at any TO approved Squad/Wing/Ship/BG/Fleet comp!
3. Create an Imperial Navy Personal record (INPR) in your admin menu!
4. Create an official EH mission or battle (Can take a loooong time)
5. Helping your CMDR with the Squadron webpage, or creating one.
Those are the five main ways to get promoted to LT! You guys should be aiming for at LEAST reaching LT :P

Quote of the week
<MAJ_Justi> Mach, were u promoted?
<CPT_mach> yeppers
<MAJ_Justi> aha :P gratz :)
<CPT_mach> ty
<RAPhantom> Was the WC drunk again when this took place? :-P
<MAJ_Justi> lol
<CPT_mach> lol
<Khadgar> Or paid? :P
<CPT_mach> i thought my 20 bucks went further than we had agreed upon
<RAPhantom> Oops, did I say that out loud? :-P
I know for one, the WC wasn't drunk :P
Hints and Tips from the Short Commodore!

Hints of the Week:
When all your superiors are telling you to be active, if you want some good stuff in the Tie it:P
Oh, and 5 minute runs to the store always end up lasting an hour...

Finishing words
Oh boy! Its the ASF SC! I'm entirely consumed with SC fever...write a fiction about how I can get healed, or make a graphic of a sick hobbit in uniform, or, fly battles and be active so I don't rant at you :P
Yup, alot of stuff to do for SC, lets go have some fun! And lets not forget our wager, if we win, you guys get too chose what the Ship report color will! Think about more green maybe?
COM/VA Frodo March/ISD Intrepid “Frothy”
GS/SSx3/BSx2/PCx8/ISMx7/MoI/MoT-21rh-3bh/IS-4BW-1BR-2SW-1SR-1GW-1GR/LoC-CSx5-Rx1/DFC-Rx1/CoSx4/CoB/LoAx2/OV-3E [TMPR] {IWATS-IIC/1-SM/2/3-TM-XTM/1/2}
Ultimate Mission Creation Warrior
“Global Warming is just another empty Promise”   

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