ISDII Relentless Report # 13 (2004-01-18)

This report was submitted by VA BubbaX

Right off the bat, I want you all to know that this report will be very short and to the point because I need to go study for semester finals, which start on Tuesday, and for which I have put off studying for until just this minute :P

Some news:
- RA Sephiroth (Ex-ChalCOM) has been appointed as the new ColCOM...unfortunetally, his ISP has done something (I'm not sure exactly what...), so he is unable to do anything online...I'm tellin' ya, you never want to be a COM in the's a cursed position :P

- FO on leave for the weekend

- ECR to be concluded by us disgruntled BGers soon...if the Immortal is unable to aquire all Round 4 files, I'll just declare the Relentless the unofficial winners until Krax says otherwise :P

New Wing Comps to be coming soon...look for some BG-wide comps on a very different level than ECR V soon (we flaggies are conspirin' to take all j00 n00bs on :P)

All of the good medal stuff is in Ky's report...

I'll be around more than usual this week, but a lot of that time I'll be AFK for studying, so please bear with me :P

RA BubbaX

-- Rear Admiral BubbaX, Commodore, ISD-II Relentless
COM/RA BubbaX/ISD Relentless
FM/CM BubbaX/Eagle 3-4/Wing II/MC-90 Neo

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