ISDII Relentless Report # 12 (2004-01-06)

This report was submitted by VA BubbaX

ISD Relentless

Rear Admiral BubbaX Reporting for the ISD-II Relentless on the Sixth of January 2004


Well it's been two weeks since my last report (I was on leave, if you didn't read the email :P), and not much has changed since then...still no ECR results, as RA Locke is sick, or something. We'll get those eventually. In the meantime, I'd like to congratulate you all on our results for the first three rounds, and the amount of participation in the fiction and GFX sections of the competition. Well done! 

Well, I've managed to put this report off (I've been lazy :P), but I can't come up with any more excuses, and I'm out of school because of snoooow today! :P 

So, here's your almost weekly report! :P First of the year!

TC/EH News

Combat Operations Website and Manual
15:19 - VA Khameir Sarin []
The COO Staff is proud to announce the release of the new COO Website and Manual at The current manual contains, Multiplayer Rules, Multiplayer FAQs, Multiplayer Tactics, EH Multiplayer Heroes, CR and Medal Guidelines, Userguides for System Requirements/#EHCOC/Zone-Battlestats, and a Polling Center featuring the IO's Extensible Polling System. This website should contain everything a multiplayer gamer would need. If you have a suggestion/addition for the website please contact the COO via email or on the EH COO Message Board.


TC News

A fix for the EHBL and TIE for XP


Current ECR Standings:


Relentless News

ECR is over! What's next? :P Maybe a little comp with the IW? We shall see.


Ship Comps

Commodore's Protector 

2. Squadron of the Month

Wing Comps

Wing IX WC's Challenge  

Wing IX Recruiting Bananza #1

Wing IX Monthly Trivia


Several, the most important of which being MAJ Devin Taralis leaving us to command Python Squadron on the Vanguard. All in all, we're down to 32 in the wing.  


MAJ Ky Terrak --> LC Ky Terrak!

CM Duken --> CMDR of Spear


IS-SR --> LT Ron L. Hubba



Hubba's at it again! Three courses taken since my last report, sadly I lost all of my BSF and IWATS notices :(


Missions Flown

Flag Officers: 0 

Sword: 0

Spear: 0 


Shield: 0 

Total: I lost the BSFs while I was on leave, so I have no idea how much was flown these past two weeks... :P 

Quote of the Week

[15:07] <Sirik> What's a Rebel Tatics Officer? Or, for that matter, what are Tatics? :P
[15:07] <`TIMMAY> a position for exceptional members to stay in the IW :p
[15:07] <Sirik> Ahh.
[15:08] <Sirik> so, like, Rebel Tic-Tac Officer? :P

Weekly Fiction

Ironfist is still on leave...still...


Recruit! Recruit, recruit, recruit, recruit! :P 

Now to help you, I've put together a few tips on how to get recruits:

* Look for Cadets with AIM because they are easier to contact
* Don't bother contacting Cadets who have been in training for more than three weeks
* Don't bother emailing SLs, LTs, or anyone over the rank of VA in the reserves
* Look for reservists who have been on the Relentless in the past
* Post recruiting messages on any SW forums you come across

These are just a few tips...use them wisely :P

Closing Thoughts

Well it's been a fun few months on the Rel, hasn't it? :P I really don't have anything to say here except that SoTM goes to no one because no single squadron out did the others in December. However, I do have a new Protector...LT Ron L. Hubba is COM's Protector for the month of January! As COM's Protector, you get to protect me and my private stash of booze from people...yeah, just people :P Add it to your ID line, and expect a medal in the mail :) 

Fly, recruit, have fun, and stay safe!



Rear Admiral BubbaX

Rear Admiral BubbaX, Commodore of the ISD-II Relentless
COM/RA BubbaX/ISD Relentless

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