ISDII Immortal Report # 15 (2003-02-17)

This report was submitted by VA RogueWing

Quote of the Week
"In lighter news, Mike wears Sandals of Pootang +3 " <----nice topic for #tiecorps

Fleet News
-TAC has release quite a few battles and free missions this week. Go fly them. :p
-COL Brucmack reached the FCHG rank of 4000 recently. He currently holds the highest FCHG rank AND CR rank in the TC. Nice job!
-The Science Office has released a bunch of new XvT opts. He has also promised me that a LOT of new XWA opts will be released soon. This will have a direct impact on several squadrons here on the Immortal in a good way.
-The FO was promoted to the rank of HA. Congrats HA Priyum!

COM's Rant
Okay, new portion of COM Report, the Rant. This weeks rant is brought to you by the letter P. All the good things in life begin in P: Pencils, Penguins, Popcorn, ect.

Fun. The Immortal is all about fun. So, how do we have fun? We fly, we chat, we create graphics, missions, ect.
How do we NOT have fun? We don't badmouth others. We don't make disparaging remarks about another person's race, religion, sex, height, I.Q., ect. We don't cheat.
So, remember to have fun. If you have ideas on how to make the Immortal more fun, email me and we'll discuss them.

Ship News
-GN Badlands has been in a bad mood. Apparently, Mosh's gundark "fouled" his quarters a few nights ago (we're still not sure what the gundark was doing in there in the first place..)... BL assures me that he will make someone pay for the damages to his doll collection.
-Congrats go out to LC Mark and CM Kane Reese. I was gonna hold a party for them, but after last week's unfortunate "Duck" incident in the Vampire ready room, I'm not sure that the Immortal is ready for another party.
-Our new pilots in Vampire are getting into the swing of things. Now it's time to let them know that new pilots are sent out on suicide missions to make sure that they have what it takes to be an Immortal..... Any volunteers to accompany them?
-LC Boliv is settling down into Demon squadron. He was seen dressing down his pilots because one of them painted his fighter pink. They, however, swear that it was the work of another squadron on the Immortal.
-The Relentless has asked that we be on the lookout for one of their mascots. Apparently, they have lost several ducks that can't be found. The pilots from Vampire seem to be the ones that might have an idea of where they can be found.

Project Legacy
We've had several people step forward to help with the recruiting program. Right now, the following pilots are considered our "Roughnecks":
VA RogueWing-XWA Zone ToD
LT Tremayne- Foreign Language ToD
MAJ Mosh- Star Wars Websites ToD
Already this is showing results. I've got one pilot who is signing up with the TC and should be reporting for duty soon. If you would like to be a Roughneck and help recruit, contact me for your Tour of Duty.

Competition Corner
-XWA Free 90 is due Wednesday for those who are still in the XWA SP Ladder comp.
-I'm still taking submissions for a design for a website I'm working on. Submissions must be in the form of a HTML page with at least 1 line of text so that I can see the colors that are used.
-New graphic comp. Each pilot may submit up to 5 different graphics. They must be around the size of 400 x 200 and feature the ISD Immortal and a recruiting slogan. This will be used by our Roughnecks as they prowl other Message Boards on the lookout for recruits. Due in 2 weeks.

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