ISDII Immortal Report # 20 (2003-04-14)

This report was submitted by VA RogueWing

Quote of the Week
" The EH roster has one flaw
it should list the women count in the EH"

Fleet News
-A big stir with the controversy surrounding the DB right now. I've sent out an email dealing with that, but would like to say a few more things. If you have any questions or concerns about what is going on, feel free to contact me. Also, if you choose to join these "separatists", let me know so that I can expect it. :p
-RA Demos is the new COM for the ISD Challenge. Congrats to him.

News That You Can Use
-MSE's were sent in the other day. I'll be awarding all the medals and promotions recommended in it. Hopefully, we can get some nice phat awards this month. :)
-Welcome CM Penfold to the Immortal. He comes from Omega squadron to take over as Demon CMDR. Welcome!
-Apparently, our monkeys have kidnapped our WC. They've sent a ransom note which can be found at

COM's Rant
This week's Rant is brought to you by the cows. Mooooo,moooo.
Flying! I want to see more flying. I will be sending around some new instructions to the squadron commanders in the next few days dealing with this and other issues. Until then, lets see if we can't fly so many battles that our cmdrs pull their hair out in frustration. :)

Ship News
-CM Penfold found his fighter had been a dumping ground for a lot of empty banana peels in the last few weeks. He has set his pilots on cleaning duty for the next 2 days for allowing that to happen.
-CPT VinDoros was seeing prancing around the halls of the Immortal wearing a short mini-skirt and a pink tube top....not a pretty picture.
-And if Gutt asks one more time if the monkeys can sleep with him, then he's going to be ordered to see the ships "doctor".

Competition Corner
-No wing comps currently. However, GN Badlands is working on one that will be implemented soon. Also, I'm working on ideas for a mini-wargame type comp for next month. The cmdrs are sending in feedback on this and I'm looking forward to it.
-Most of the squadrons have some competitions running. See your cmdr for the details on them.

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