ISDII Relentless Report # 1 (2003-03-30)

This report was submitted by RA Jahan Kalar

Greetings and welcome to the first ship report from the Imperial Star Destroyer Relentless under the command of her new commodore, Rear Admiral Jahan Kalar, me. Since this is my first week of command, I'm still getting up to speed and working off the hangover I got from the "welcoming party". But I have some news and some ideas I'm going to lay out in this report, so listen up for five minutes and then you can go back to doing whatever it is you do when I'm not around (you know, drinking and stuff).

- Kurha Merino has been promoted to LCM.
- Sayo Hirosho has been promoted to CM.
- Ironfist has been promoted to LCM.
- Jahan Kalar has been promoted to RA and Commodore of the Relentless.

- COL Darth Vader has been awarded an SS, 3 IS-BW and a BS.
- COL Doyon has been awarded an IS-SR.
- CPT Tiger has been awarded an IS-BR.
- LCM Dukimar has been awarded an IS-SW.
- COL Dan Malaktos has been awarded a PC.
- LCM Daniel Frost has been awarded a PC.
- LT Dulcatos has been awarded a PC.
- LT Kurha Merino has been awarded an ISM.
- LC Ted has been awarded a PC.
- MAJ Mark Schueler has been awarded an ISM.
- MAJ Powerslave has been awarded a PC.
- CM Zept Leeartic has been awarded a PC.
- LCM Sarn Erec has been awarded a BS.
- LC Gunman has been awarded a BS.
- CM Wap Eal has been awarded a BS.
- Excellent job to all of you!
- Now that that "official" stuff is out of the way, I can get on to the real meat of the report (seriously, everyone above, good job :P)

Commodore's Honor Guard (CHG)
Just in case you guys and girls don't already have enough competitions going on, here's another one. At the beginning of every month I will choose 4 pilots who will become the Commodore's Honor Guard for that month. These pilots will be chosen based on activity (flying and otherwise), leadership and pretty much whatever else I feel like. It's not going to be a real rules based competition, I'll just choose pilots I think have been good officers the past month. active and have fun and you too might get to fly with your commodore (as long as you promise not to laugh).

Relentless Spring Fever Competition
It's beginning to warm up, the grass is coming back to life, the trees are turning green, the lakes are thawing and everywhere college girls are trading parkas for short shorts and crop tops. Mmmm...huh? Oh, sorry, I blanked there for a minute. In any case, it's spring, and that means it's time to get out and smell the roses (or the inside of your cockpit, which probably doesn't smell all that much like a rose). It's time for another competition. Unfortunitly the part of my brain that comes up with cute competition names works faster than the part of my brain that actually comes up with the competitions themselves. So expect to see more details soon. I can tell you it will be a multi-part competition involving flying and other skills. And of course, expect to see those little trinkets everyone loves so much...medals! I'm sure I can pry some away from OPS for my first official competition here on the Relentless.

Other Stuff
This is where I'd usually put funny things you all say, but I seem to have neglected to turn on logging on mIRC, and no one has sent me any funny emails. So I'll just be forced to leave you all with this thought.
"Internet chatrooms - where the men are men, the women are also men, and the children are police."
That's all for now...until next time, shoot straight and faster than they do.

Rear Admiral Jahan Kalar, Commodore of the ISD Relentless
COM/RA Jahan Kalar/ISD Relentless

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