ISDII Immortal Report # 24 (2003-05-19)

This report was submitted by VA RogueWing

Quote of the Week
" Frey sets mode to +o RogueWing
Zoltar sets mode to -o RogueWing
[Zoltar] he doesn't get ops until someone tells me who he is
( our Security Officer that diligent about ops....or just too lazy to do a roster search? :p)

Fleet News
-The Security Officer has changed his email to So, when you email him to complain about me making you work too hard, be sure to use the right email addy.
-LC Aeishline has retired as the WC of Wing III aboard the Sovereign. She has been a longtime WC there. You may recognize that wing as one that we've always had a friendly "competition" with over the last couple of years. Hopefully, someone who enjoys getting beaten by us in comps will take over there. :)
-MAJ Silvori is the new CMDR for Tau Squadron. This is our "elite" DB squadron. Hopefully he can bring new life to that squadron. His first assignment is to figure out how to "handle" his lightsaber while flying in a TIE cockpit.
-The LA is taking a break from IRC, so you won't see him around too much right now. (I know, no one here cares, but hey, every report needs a little filler information now and then.)

News That You Can Use
-For those of you who haven't heard, Gutt is back in the hospital. This is around the 5th (?) time he's had to be hospitalized in the last year or so. Although he has requested to go to the Reserves, I'm holding back on that decision until we find out how long he's gonna be away. I've started a thread on the BattleGroups forum wishing him to get well. I would like everyone to go there and post a short message to him. In about a week, I'll archive it and be sure that everyone's messages get to him. The url is
-All medals for last months MSE has been requested. All but 2 have been awarded. For some reason our lovable OPS has kept those last 2 pending. I'm sending our monkey's to check in with him to see what the holdup is on those.
-Once again, our activity is improving. So far right at 300 missions have been flown. Of particular note is Demon Squadron, which thanks to Lirak, has flown over 143 mission themselves.
-We want to welcome back CM Dolza who returns to Phantom, and MAJ Hunter who has transferred into Falcon.
-We've got quite a bit of comps starting now. Be sure to check out that sector below for the details.

COM's Advice
If you have any questions that you need advice too, just email me your questions and I'll include them in future reports:

Dear COM,
A gundark ate my panties? Is there anything I can do about it?
Dear Aeolus,
Wear boxers. Gundarks don't like the way they taste.

Dear COM,
Why do I hear funny noises when I tape my fighter back together using Galactic Useful Tape?
Dear Tremayne,
It's because you didn't use enough of the G.U.T. Go back and put more on. Be sure to cover up the window on your cockpit as that is usually the noisest part.

Dear COM,
I'm in Ghost Squadron. Does that mean I can walk through walls and look into female pilot's quarters?
Ghost Pilot
Dear Ghost Pilot,
Absolutely. When you give it a try, be sure to set up a video recorder so that we can watch the results later.

Competition Corner
-GN Badlands has started a Wing Comp. The first stage is a run-on on our MB's. It can be found at
-Immortal Wargame -Our wargame comp has started. Your squadron commanders have got all the current info. The first fleet movements are due by Wednesday. If anyone has a question about this, feel free to email me. I've attached a copy of the final rules to this email, but we can always update it as we need to in order to keep things fair.
-SotMA -I need a banner that can be awarded to the Squadron of the Month (yes, I'm bring that back seeing as how I never really instituted it). You have until 6/20/03 to get it sent in. Each pilot may submit up to 5 banners. IS-SR to winner and IS-BR to runner up.
-PotMA -I need a banner that can be awarded to the Pilot of the Month. You have until 6/20/03 to get it sent in. Each pilot may submit up to 5 banners. IS-SR to winner and IS-BR to runner up.

-If you don't have IRC, go to and download mIRC. Once you install it, connect to the undernet and go to channel #isd_immortal to meet your fellow pilots.
-If you aren't able to download mIRC, go to and use the java applet there.
-Our Message Board can be found at

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