ISDII Immortal Report # 21 (2003-04-28)

This report was submitted by VA RogueWing

Quote of the Week
" [RogueWing] i realized today that my ex-wife must be illegitemate
[RogueWing] she's obviously the Spawn of Evil

Fleet News
-MAJ Devin Taralis is the new WC for Wing V.
-The Squad First template has a new patch to version 1.3. You can find it at
-Today is the last day of operation for both the XvT and XWA Zone Rooms. Many tears have been shed over this by our MP pilots....
-MAJ Phantom is the new WC for Wing XIV.

News That You Can Use
-We've lost several pilots in the last weeks. However, we have had quite a few new faces show up. Everyone welcome LCM Ibram, LT Aresis, SL Jarek, SL Vendil, CPT Aeolus, and SL Vensco to the Immortal.
-Activity is way up this month. I will be sending out more information on this in a few days. However, I am very proud of the effort that has gone into activity this month!

COM's Rant
This week's Rant is brought to you by the ants. So small....yet so hard working.
I've begun tossing some ideas around to the squadron commanders dealing with the FL's on the Immortal. We've always had a kind of relaxed view of those positions, but that's gonna change some. We will be instituting some standards for our FL's to follow. Nothing major, but the new standards will focus on training FL's to be CMDR's one day. If you are interested in being a FL, contact your squadron commander and inquire about it.

Ship News
-CPT Aeolus manage to park his Missile Boat on top of Gutt's Skipray Blastboat when he arrived on the Immortal. Gutt however is too enamored with this "reading"concept to have noticed yet.
-LCM Ibram was seen peeking around the corners as he entered various rooms on the Immortal. When asked what he was doing, he replied, "On the lookout for snijes....".
-LT Aresis seen dancing in circles around his fighter mumbling some unusual words. Security spoke with him but released him when they discovered he was only putting a good luck charme on his Preybird.

Competition Corner
-GN Badlands has started a Wing Comp. The first stage is a run-on on our MB's. It can be found at
-A new comp will be starting soon. It will be a simplified wargame competition where each squadron will command a fleet of ships. After 1 month, the squadron that has captured the most planet's will win. The rules have been sent to your squadron commanders for a final evaluation before we begin.

-If you don't have IRC, go to and download mIRC. Once you install it, connect to the undernet and go to channel #isd_immortal to meet your fellow pilots.
-If you aren't able to download mIRC, go to and use the java applet there.
-Our Message Board can be found at

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