ISDII Vanguard Report # 34 (2003-07-13)

This report was submitted by VA Sickman



COM/VA SickMan reporting for the ISD-II Vanguard, Tiger Of The Fleet




Mid-Afternoon SMT (Sicky Mean Time)

SickMan lay fast asleep in his ISD shaped bed, there he snoozed away wearing his Vanguard Pajarma's (with matching Night-cap)

Kyra, SickMans HRD (Human Replica Droid) stealthily creeped into the room, it was time to wake the him up, now what was the best way?

She looked at her flamethrower, nope, the anti-kill Sicky program make here head itch if she thought about it, plus she liked her assignment, since being activated her role as protecter/assassin had job sent her around the galaxy, the assignments were brilliant like the anti-beer people, people who owed Sicky money from card games, and of course tree hugging rebels, plus life on the VAN was amusing, even though she picked up some habits from Sicky, such as watching TV and drinking various alcoholica drinks, but overall being Sicky's personal HRD was cool.

Now back to waking the old geezer, shouting that his beer stash had gone would be no good, she'd only have to resuscitate him after, so she went to the fridge, as per usual it was fully loaded with beer and a old sandwich, she took a can a walked over to the sleeping VA, she cracked open the can and Sicky eyes suddenly open and his sat up like a spring.

"Afternoon Sicky, time to rise and shine, there's a ship report to do, people to annoy and beer to be drunk"

"Okay, anything new in my mail?"

"Nope, just the usual"

"Ok, time spring into action then"

And with that SickMan truddled down the corridor wearing his Van carpet slippers in search of a big pot of Caf.


Congrats to CPT Alec Qarni for being award COM Protector for June

And to Wasp Squadron for being WC's Own for June.

SickMan's words of the week = Memory is something to do with not forgetting

NOTE to CMDR's, please remember to forward this to your pilots



IRC Quote of the Week (QotW)
14:01 - Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias []
Starting this week, I will begin selecting an IRC Quote of the Week for inclusion in the COMM report, and to be displayed on the upcoming new COMM site.

What can the QotW be you might ask? It can be pretty much anything amusing or taken out of context said on IRC in an EH channel.

Nominations for QotW can be sent to me at The person who submits the QotW will have there name prominently displayed beside the winning entry, and possibly at a later date, win a medal (I will have to talk to the TO first though). Any EH member from any subgroup may submita QotW nomination.

Parallax War
13:18 - VA Kyle Katarn []
Parallax War will start on the 15th of July. It wíll include the TRA and the FES on the beginning. More clubs join soon. It will be held daily in #Parallax on Undernet and same Bot System as in the daily comps are used. NOTE: As long as the Parallax War are underway ALL daily comps are cancled. They will start on 1st August again!

TO Leave
06:11 - AD Keldorn Cochrane []
I shall be on-leave commencing tomorrow morning (Saturday 12th July) until the following Saturday (19th July) to attend a conference and have a short vacation.

During this time, the Flight Officer shall be grading the IWATS CORE Course. All other questions, comments etc. should still be directed to me, but please be aware that there will be a short delay in answering them until I return.

[XvT] Week of War Top 3 Players
11:04 - VA Kyle Katarn []

LC Azazel won the last [XvT] Week of War. Please congratulate him. He has won 18 Matches.

Here are the top 3 Players:

LC Azazel (18 Wins)
CPT Alec Qarni (10 Wins)
MAJ Delak Krenne (2 Wins)

Ship Scale Site
08:32 - HA Priyum Patel []
Something a bit off topic...I came across a brief review of a site depicting ships and their relative sizes in a UK magazine (Focus, 4/5). The site's pretty good with some interactivity - you can move the ships around and overlay them with each other. It's located at and contains Star Wars ships as well as those from other universes (Bablyon 5, Star Trek etc).

Avenger Recruitment Competition
08:20 - HA Priyum Patel []
First round matches are delayed until July 14th to allow people more time to sign up. Boo says do it now.



Wing XV

Echo - 9
Scorpion - 8
Mantis - 11
Wasp - 8
Hornet - 7
Python - 11
Total: 55

Roster available at:

FCHG Listings at:

Combat Rating Listing at:

Awards/Promotions & Arrivals/Departures

The Iron Star - Silver Wings has been awarded to: CMDR-MAG/LC Nightmare/Wasp,
The Iron Star - Silver Ribbon has been awarded to: CMDR-MAG/LC Nightmare/Wasp,
The Iron Star - Bronze Wings has been awarded to: CMDR-PROF/CPT Alec Qarni/Scorpion,
The Iron Star - Silver Wings has been awarded to: CMDR-PROF/CPT Alec Qarni/Scorpion,
The Iron Star - Bronze Wings has been awarded to: FM/LT Muschi/Wasp,
The Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon has been awarded to: FM/LT Death Squire/Echo,
SL Cobalt Specter joins Scorpion Squadron,
The Iron Star - Silver Ribbon has been awarded to: FL/CPT Serge Broskopf/Mantis,
The Distinguished Flying Cross has been awarded to: CMDR-PROF/CPT Alec Qarni/Scorpion.

LOC Awards

CPT Alec Qarni [13 victories]
CM A. G. Snijglau [1 victory]

IWATS Courses Completed

FM/LT Muschi/Wasp - IWATS Course: HTML 1,
FM/LT Muschi/Wasp - IWATS Course: HTML 2.




1) Vanflying Comp #11, fly XWA-TC Battle #35 - Hammer to Anvil, Part III
2) Vanflying Comp #12, fly TIE-TC Battle #212 - Dark Allies II Imperial Retribution

as per usual IS-SW to the highest scorer, IS-BW to the runner up.

3) Creativity Comp, Write/Draw.......create anything silly and funny & send to Sicky and Draxy, it can be anything, a short story, poem, graphics, just have it something to do with us and life on the VAN

IS-SR to the best and funniest/silliest
IS-BR to the 2nd best

4) Your COM needs your HELP!

Yes he needs someone to design a new template for his weekly crap ship report, something sexy and appealing to the eyes, i'm to busy judging bikini comps and going to beer festivals and just plain old dumb to do it myself, so it's upto you Vanmembers, create the ultimate template for Sicky to use

IS-SR to the best and it will be used everyone week!!!!!!!

All comps above have deadline of 1st of August


The Pilot gaining the most FCHG Points during the month will receive an IS-SW and the runner up will get a IS-BW.

Our Mp competition with points being awarded as follows:
The one with the most points receives an IS-SW and the runner up gets an IS-BW.

The Pilot assisting and aiding in the placement of the most recruits(cadets or reservists) during the month will receive an IS-SR and the runner up will receive an IS-BR.



IRC channel: #isdvanguard

Aggressor Strike Force: #EH_ASF on mIRC

Message board:

ASF Messageboard:




COM/VA Sickman/ISD Vanguard
BSx2/PCx5/ISMx4/MoI/IS-3BW/LoC-CSx5-Rx1/CoLx4/CoB/OV-4E [KNGT] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-M/1/2-SM/2}


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