ISDII Relentless Report # 8 (2003-07-14)

This report was submitted by RA Jahan Kalar

So...funny story. Apparently last weekend I wrote a report, saved it to
look over and send out later, and promptly forgot about it. Now this
weekend rolls around and while driving to visit my friends, I think about
the fact that I never received the report at the yahoogroup address. Then I
remember saving, but not sending, the report. Hmm, perhaps not so funny,
but apparently I need some memory improving drugs or something. I always
thought I was a tad too young for memory loss, but who knows :)

Anyways, enough about my terrible memory, on to the report!

Believe it or not, this report has much good news on this front. Due to the
efforts of many people, especially our new recruitment officer, MAJ Tycho
Atreides (or the Major formerly known as Ackbar ;)), we are up in numbers
from my last report, and things seem to be looking up on this front. Not a
lot to add to this this week, just keep up the good work and keep those new
faces coming!

Standing Orders
Perhaps those of you with better memories than me remember that a while ago
I was talking about drafting some standing orders for the Relentless that
would outline some ship operations more clearly instead of the unofficial
system we currently use. Perhaps you are wondering what happened to those
standing orders. Perhaps not. In any case, I am almost done with them, and
before they become official you will all have a chance to look over them and
give me any feedback you want to. This may not be a democracy, but in this
case I want to have a system that everyone is happy with.

Sorry that this isn't available yet, but I just wanted to say I haven't
forgotten and that I plan on having some system in place soon.

So what type of person are you?
Kind of interesting tidbit of life intersecting with Star Wars for you all.
I was having a conversation with a few of my friends when this girl brought
up that she thinks there are two types of guys, Luke Skywalker guys and Han
Solo guys. Since anything to do with Star Wars gets my attention, I asked
her to explain what she meant. She said that she views guys in one of those
catagories. Luke guys are the caring, sweet, thoughtful guys who hold doors
and would rather talk their way out of a bad situation than punch their way
out. Han guys are rough and tumble guys who are, well, like Han Solo :)
Kind of an interesting way to look at it, and now I find myself putting guys
into those catagories. So, what type of person are you (or, for the women,
what type of guy do you like?) Personally I think I'm a Luke guy, and
others seem to agree. Just thought I'd share :)

Other Stuff
"The mark of a true leader is not how things go when they are around, but
how things go when they are not."

That's all for now...until next time, shoot straight and faster than they

Rear Admiral Jahan Kalar, Commodore of the ISD Relentless
COM/RA Jahan Kalar/ISD Relentless

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