ISDII Immortal Report # 26 (2003-06-23)

This report was submitted by VA RogueWing

Quote of the Week
" [Krax]I wasn't on the Challenge to develop a taste for animals

Fleet News
-The COMM has had some problems with his computer......nice to know that little tidbit.
-New battles and free missions are out. This includes XWA-Free 103 and 104. (Never thought I would see the day when we have that many XWA Free's.)

News That You Can Use
-It's almost MSE time again. All CMDR's should start getting those together. Krax has promised me that he will broke at least 2 fingers for every day they are late this month.
-Vampire Squadron was chosen by our BGCOM as the Squadron of the Month. Congratulations go out to them.
-The Wargame is now over. (actually, it was over last week, I just didn't announce the winners yet). And the winner is......Vampire Squadron. They managed to capture 8 planets during the wargame. The runner up squadron was Demon Squadron who captured 3 planets. Everyone is to be congratulated on a well done wargame (even if we didn't have any combat). This has taught us a lot, and I'm already working on a bigger, more improved version for the future.
-Last month we flew nearly 800 missions. This month I challenge everyone to break the 1,000 mission mark. To help us with this, I'm running a FCHG race comp this month. The pilot that increases his/her FCHG rank the most will recieve a IS-SW. The runner up will recieve a IS-BW.

COM's Advice
If you have any questions that you need advice too, just email me your questions and I'll include them in future reports:

Dear COM,
Why do I hear giggling on the bridge at night? I'm too scared to check it out.
Dear Anonymous,
That's just my, uh, personal secretary...ignore her.

Dear COM,
Why does everyone laugh at me when I order milk in the cantina?
Dear Tremayne,
They aren't laughing AT you, they are laughing WITH you. *laughs*

Dear COM,
Why is Aresis always smiling?
-Vampire Squadron
Dear Vampire Squadron,
You REALLY don't want to know.

Competition Corner
-FCHG Race-The pilot who increases their FCHG rank the most will be awarded a IS-SW. The runner up will recieve a IS-BW.
-SotMA -I need a banner that can be awarded to the Squadron of the Month (yes, I'm bring that back seeing as how I never really instituted it). You have until 6/20/03 to get it sent in. Each pilot may submit up to 5 banners. IS-SR to winner and IS-BR to runner up.
-PotMA -I need a banner that can be awarded to the Pilot of the Month. You have until 6/20/03 to get it sent in. Each pilot may submit up to 5 banners. IS-SR to winner and IS-BR to runner up.
-Our BGCOM also needs banners made for Wing of the Month, Squadron of the Month, CMDR of the Month, and Pilot of the Month. You can find details in his latest BGCOM Report.

-If you don't have IRC, go to and download mIRC. Once you install it, connect to the undernet and go to channel #isd_immortal to meet your fellow pilots.
-If you aren't able to download mIRC, go to and use the java applet there.
-Our Message Board can be found at

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