ISDII Vanguard Report # 40 (2003-08-24)

This report was submitted by VA Sickman



COM/VA SickMan reporting for the ISD-II Vanguard, Tiger Of The Fleet




(A TV played away to itself....again!)

Peviously on Sicky The Rebel Slayer!

COM SickMan and his faithful side-drunk WC Drax Remlinger were sent on a secret recon mission deep into Rebel space to find out the recipe of the new Rebel beer that was sweeping the galaxy!

"I don't know Sicky, all this way just because the Rebels have a new beer out"

"yes but what beer? imagine after a hard days work and you go to your local bar and all it has is Rebel made Beer because they've cornered the market with it? i wanna know whats in it and why it's selling so good, the whole Imperial industry could be at stake"

"Ok, but why the silly haircuts?"

"So we can blend in with these people, let's go we have to meet our contact in that TapCaf"

They both walked in this low-down seedy place, their contact was at the bar

"You remember what you have to say" whispered Draxy

"Yeah, here it goes"

Sicky faced the Twi'lek female and said

"My mother did it with a wookiee" said Sicky

"was she any good at it?" said the female

"yes she loved to play Sabaac"

"Glad you could make it, your late!"

"yeah well what can you tell us about the beer?" asked Draxy

Sicky ordered a beer

"well it's highly addictive, but get this.......there's no alcohol in it at all, but it's advertised as having alcohol in it"

Sicky put the glass to his lips and got ready to drain the glass


Could this be the end of Sicky? will the non-alcoholic beer ne his un-timely end?

Tune in next week for the fate of the COM!!!

SickMan's words of the week = Marry me and are you rich? answer the 2nd question first :)

NOTE to CMDR's, please remember to forward this to your pilots



05:45 - VA Kyle Katarn []

I know this is a bit off topic, but look at this site.

After this Game is finished, then there could be an Imperial MOD made for Star Wars. This game is especially made for MODers. The MOD that comes with Starshatter itself seems a bit superficially! However if there is a good Imp. SW MOD made this could help the EH very much!

The Make A New mIRC Function Competition
19:10 - Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias []
I have started yet another COMM competition (this must be a record for COMM ;). Its called the "Make a new mIRC function" competition. The idea is to make a simple function that provides a useful way to do a task in mIRC. Entries do not have to be massive full fledged scripts like P&P, rather a simple paragraph of code that will do something useful.

Rewards are as follows:
1st Place: IS-GR
2nd Place: IS-SR
3rd Place: IS-BR

I'm hoping to promote mIRC scripting in the EH, and perhaps find a few good coders to help make an "EH Script" package. The contest will end at 12 midnight EST 2003/09/05. Please send all submissions to

XOA positions open
21:05 - SA Astatine []

The Executive Office is perhaps one of the most important in the Emperor's Hammer. It covers a wide range of duties and responsibilities and requires a large skills base from all staff in the office.

Executive Office Assistant Alpha
This position will primarily deal with tasks related to newsletters and the monitoring of subgroups.

Selection Criteria - Essential

Good written communication skills
An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
Fast email response time
The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel
Selection Criterial - Desirable

Demonstrated HTML experience
High speed internet connection
Proven record keeping experience and/or experience in repetative tasks
Executive Office Assistant Beta
This position will primarily deal with tasks relating to the upkeep and maintenance of the TIE Corps database.

Selection Criteria - Essential

Good written communications skills
An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
Fast email response time
Prior web development experience
Selection Criteria - Desirable

Demonstrated experience with ASP
Demonstrated experience with Access and/or SQL Server
How to apply

You must address each selection criteria in detail, providing supporting evidence and examples for each. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. You will need to meet at least the Essential criteria to be considered for the position. You must include at least three (3) references. At least one must be a former or, preferably, a current superior. Ensure you have the permission of your references first. Applications should be directed to with the subject "Application for XOA".

Mr/Ms EH
22:11 - AD Darknyte []
The Mr/Ms EH pagent has come to an end, not a great voter turnout...but, I did get a few votes nonetheless. I suppose I overestimated the ammount of people who read my reports. *pimp* There's good stuff in them *double-pimp*

Anyway, without further ado, here are this year's winners:

Mr EH: High Admiral Ari, Internet Officer
Ms EH: Major Jaron Kai, WC Wing XVIII

Well, there you have it folks!

TC 'Competition's Competition'
09:52 - AD Keldorn Cochrane []
There has been a general decrease in the number of competitions submitted recently. To provide that little extra incentive I am sponsoring a small ‘Competition’s Competition’ open to all from Squadron Commander to Battlegroup Commander; the Officer who submits (and receives my approval) the most competitions within a period of one (1) month (18th August to 18 September) will receive the rare Iron Star Platinum Ribbon and a very large congratulatory pat-on-the-back from the Training Office.

These competitions should, however, be as inventive and interesting as I know you are all capable of creating.



Wing XV

Flag Officers - 1
Echo - 9
Scorpion - 8
Mantis - 10
Wasp - 7
Hornet - 8
Python - 9
Total: 52

Roster available at:

FCHG Listings at:

Combat Rating Listing at:

Awards/Promotions & Arrivals/Departures

CPT Alec Qarni/Scorpion promoted to Major,
SL Taurnil Veers/Hornet promoted to LT,
SL Allen Sievers/Wasp promoted to LT,
CM Ulath/Python promoted to CPT,
SL Silva joins Wasp Squadron.

LOC Awards

CPT Alec Qarni [6 victories]
LT Aleki Lilao [4 victories]
LT Gustan [4 victories]
CPT Krayt [2 victories]
MAJ Drake Jensen [1 victory]
LCM Lenvik [1 victory]

IWATS Courses Completed

FM/LT Gustan/Wasp - IWATS Course: HTML 1,
FM/LT Gustan/Wasp - IWATS Course: HTML 2,
FM/LT Gustan/Wasp - IWATS Course: HTML 3,
FL/LCM Lenvik/Python - IWATS Course: Flash,
FM/LT Gustan/Wasp - IWATS Course: BitchX.




Wing XV August Competition
Thats right boys and girls its time for another big competition and its been two months since we have done much so heres what we are going to do. Many of you may have never heard of TOP DOG but our veterans are very familiar with it. It pits all of our squadrons against each other. Pilots accumulate points for almost everthing they do and the squadron with the most points at the end are declared the Vans Top Dog. Other than that it will be good for tons of medals in addition to monthly medals and hopefully it will jump start our somewhat poor activity levels lately. This is similar in rules to the Supremecy Comp which the Van had a decent showing this last time but which we have NEVER won. Its on, everybody participate and win a medal or three. Good Luck!!


Creativity Comp, Write/Draw.......create anything silly and funny & send to Sicky and Draxy, it can be anything, a short story, poem, graphics, just have it something to do with us and life on the VAN

IS-SR to the best and funniest/silliest
IS-BR to the 2nd best

Your COM needs your HELP!

Yes he needs someone to design a new template for his weekly crap ship report, something sexy and appealing to the eyes, i'm to busy judging bikini comps and going to beer festivals and just plain old dumb to do it myself, so it's upto you Vanmembers, create the ultimate template for Sicky to use

IS-SR to the best and it will be used everyone week!!!!!!!

Deadline 1st of September


VANFLYING COMP#13 XvT-FCHG Battle #2 - Eye for an Eye

VANFLYING COMP#14 XWA-DB Battle #4 - The Shadow Academy: Dark Fury

Deadline 10th of September



IRC channel: #isdvanguard

Aggressor Strike Force: #EH_ASF on mIRC

Message board:

ASF Messageboard:




COM/VA Sickman/ISD Vanguard
BSx2/PCx5/ISMx4/MoI/IS-3BW/LoC-CSx5-Rx1/CoLx4/CoB/OV-5E [PLDN] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-M/1/2-SM/2}


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