ISDII Immortal Report # 4 (2001-11-05)

This report was submitted by RA Toran Dan

Welcome crew to my 4th report as Commodore of this fine ship. Let's make this short and painless.

Wing XI Commander
After the resignation of General Badlands, I chose Major Darksaber as the new Wing Commander of Wing XI and I must say that it has been a perfect decision. Darksaber learned his job fast and spent much time in his position and I think I can say that it payed out. The whole ship suffered from an at the end inactive Wing Commander and DS took the chance to form the wing how he wants it to be and things like "The night of the lost Souls" were set up. I think the whole ship has a bright future in front of it.
Good work Major, I hope that will continue!

New Falcon CMDR
After the promotion of Major Darsaber to the position of the new WC, CM Dark Hawk was chosen to be the new Falcon CMDR. He has a hard job to do since Darksaber has been an excellent squadron commander. Dark Hawk was promoted to the rank of a Captain too.

ISD Immortal Pilot of the month
It is a honor for me to announce the first Immortal pilot of the month after a long time. The pilot who was chosen for the last month is LT Garet Jax! Garet flew more then 50 battles/free mission in the last month. Beside he is also active on IRC.
This Lieutenant has done which is essential for a Tiecorps pilot.... flying, flying, flying and from time to time to communicate a bit :P
Congrats Garet!

New ISD Immortal homepage finally opend!
After a month of betatesting I think it's time to open the new and freshly redesigned ISD Immortal homepage. I spent many hours of work into it and learned PHP but finally it's finished.
The new site can be accessed by clicking here:
In addition a new statistic page will be available soon!

#ISD_Immortal X bot
After some, someties hard work, we finally recieved one of our most important members, the undernet channel bot X. He now protects the channel from enemies who want to take over the channel or from bad people who can't behave and who deserves a warm kick/ban.
The only people who have access to the bot are the BGCOM, COM, WC and the CMDRs and the second bot administrator. So please don't start to bug me since the rules are clear.

Silver Star of the Empire for General Badlands
As a nice bye-bye present, General Badlands recieved the Silver Star of the Empire for his work as Wing XI WC.
Congrats !


COM/RA Toran Dan/ISD Immortal
BSx3/PCx14/ISMx16/MoI/LoCx4/MoC-1SoC/CoL/CoB/LoAx7/OV-2E [CNTR]{IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-PHP/1/2-RT-SM/2-TM-VBS-XTT}  [PIN: #1492]

Medal Awards - (23 medals were awarded)
PCx5 (CPT Gord Darkonian, CPT Roth Jalis, CM Gidda, LT Garet Jax, CPT RogueWing)
ISMx6 (CPT Roth Jalis, LT Garet Jax, CM Spearhawk, LCM Mark, LCM VinDoros, LCM Francis Matheson)
IS-PR (GN Badlands)
IS-BWx2 (LCM Mark, CPT Roth Jalis)
CoBx2 (LT Kurt Williams, LT Coblentz)
LoCx7 (MAJ Darksaberx1, CPT Gord Darkonianx2, LT Kurt Williamsx1, CPT RogueWingx3)
CM Dark Hawk --> CPT
LT Lirak Kalist --> LCM
LT Bobecc --> LCM
LT Frodo --> LCM
LCM Riccardo Grazioli --> CM
IWATS (23 courses were passed)
ASP - CM Nakata
CBX - LT Aris Haben, LT Kurt Williams
GFX - LT Aris Haben
IIC/1 - LCM Frodo, LT Aris Haben, LT Garet Jax, LT Kurt Williams
IIC/3 - LT Kurt Williams
M/2 - CM Nakata, LT Garet Jax
SM/2 - LT Garet Jax
TM - CM Nakata, LT Garet Jax
TT - CM Nakata
VBS - CM Nakata
XAM - CM Nakata, LT Kurt Williams
XTM - LCM Frodo, LT Garet Jax
XTT - CM Nakata, LT Kurt Williams, LT Lirak Kalist
BSFs - 242 BSFs were recieved
72 XWA-TC Battles
15 XWA-IW Battles
7 XWA-FCHG Battles
60 XWA-Free missions
22 XvT-TC Bttles
3 XvT-DB Battles
2 XvT-FCHG Battles
2 XvT-Free missions
50 TIE-TC Battles
4 TIE-FCHG Battles
2 TIE-DB Battles
3 TIE-Free missions

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