SSSD Sovereign Report # 11 (2001-11-18)

This report was submitted by VA Proton


COM/VA Proton reporting for the SSSD Sovereign, flagship of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet.

Wing commanders, pass this along to your squadrons.


This week's Sourcebook begins a series of reports compiled by FM/COL Sasquatch/Omega:

-- The Sovereign is slightly longer than 9 ISDs lined up stem to stern (Confirmed)

-- SSSD project initiated shortly after the Battle of Yavin (Speculation, based on construction time of the Eclipse)

-- Sovereign class was a prototype for the mighty Eclipse class SSD (Confirmed)

-- SSSD "Sovereign" was the first of her class to see active duty (Confirmed)

-- The Sov has three sister ships: The Autarch, the Despot, and the Heresiarch (Confirmed)

-- The Sov was constructed at the Emperor's Deep Core Shipyards, a special division of Kuat Drive Yards, in the Inner Core (Confirmed)

-- Construction on the Sov was finished 2-3 years after the Battle of Endor (Speculation, based on construction time for the Eclipse)


-- A warm welcome to LC Aylius Khan, the new WC of Wing VI! Aylius, you are "The New Guy" in the fun bunch of Sov flag officerd, and what are you waiting for? My preferred drink is a Yukon Jack on the rocks. The other flags will place their orders with you soon, I expect.

-- Mascot Power Battles, Round Two (XWA) continues, Fly IW-XWA 26, Rion's Shadow Campaign: Ambassadors! by Nov. 21st! All submissions to LC Jahan Kalar,

-- LCM Jack Stone's Ultimate Scramble, an FCHG race that runs into the new year. WCs' make sure your wings' BSFs and-or summaries are making their way to Jack.

-- Sov home page design competition is over, and the winner is CM John Doe! Second was LCM Alex Foley and third was LCM Tim. Wear your medals proudly, men! Now it will be my task to fashion a new ship site from the submitted materials.

-- "Unleashed Forces, Part I": Interesting how one comment can start a war. Last week I passed along to COL SickMan a comment I received during an IRC chat from a former Wing V pilot who said he understood Wing V was "dying." To his credit, SickMan took this report personally, and promptly threw down the gauntlet to the wing from which the report originated. Hence, Wing V is going to fly against Wing VIII, and COM/VA Mell/ISD Colossus and I are flying with our pilots. Plus, the winner of the Mell v. Proton match gets to create his opponent's new ship motto.

-- "Unleashed Forces, Part II": Some of the Sovereign's flag officers are growing weary of the trash-talking from CMDRs about how well we are flying our desks (as opposed to our starfighters). So, guess what? The Rat Pack, first formed under the leadership of COM/FA Kramer, is being returned to active duty! COL Reaper and I have been planning the Pack's return, and all I will say right now is that the mouthy CMDRs had better put in some extra sim time -- they are going to need it >:)

-- Under way, and I am scalping tickets for this one: Sigma vs Yod, a titanic struggle between two of the ship's and the fleet's best squadrons!

-- LC Alyius Khan has introduced a promising points system in which pilots will be rewarded.


SSSD Sovereign [221]
Wing I [38]
Wing II [38]
Wing III [41]
Wing IV [40]
Wing V [34]
Wing VI [29]
Omega Squadon [12]


More again this week, from WC/LC Kalar/Wing III:

Fun Stuff of the Week "How to Talk to Superior Officers"

Since you all seemed to enjoy the fun stuff from last week, here's a follow-up fun stuff. Being nice to a superior officer in the face of blatant stupidity is sometimes hard, but with this handy translation guide, you can learn how to sound polite when what you really want to say is something a little less nice.

"I will get right on that, Sir." -say this when you mean, I will be going to get a drink, then some food, then catch a little sleep, then maybe do whatever it was you wanted me to do.

"I appologize that my performance in simulated exercises has been less than 105%, I'll work very hard on improving my scores." -These hangovers are killing me.

"I look forward to our meeting." -...about as much as I look forward to being dipped in a vat of molten lava.

"I have been training a lot" -I have been sleeping a lot.

"Sorry I wasn't at the briefing, but I've been working on that report you told me to do." -Since you never remember what you tell me to do, I figured this was a good excuse.

"Remember, Sir, you told me it was ok" -See above.

"I think it's very important to look out for your fellow pilots." -There's this really mad Fleet Admiral coming after me.

"I dropped the report on your desk." -While you go and check, I will be flying as far away as possible.

"You're the boss, Sir." -Lucky for you you outrank me.

"I'm working on that right now." -I don't remember what I'm supposed to be doing, but you'll probably forget pretty soon too.

And the best phrase to use with Commanding officers..."Good idea boss" -If that idea was any stupider, it would have to involve explosives and whiskey.

COM/VA Proton/SSSD Sovereign

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