ISDII Vanguard Report # 10 (2002-08-07)

This report was submitted by VA Bevel Leeson

"Space, The Outer Rim. These are the reports of the Imperator Class II Star Destroyer Vanguard... Its continuing mission to suppress strange alien worlds. To wipe out alien life and rebellious populations. To boldly go and be the best in the ASF!"
-Former Commodore Ender Mbind


Well this is the new look of the report. Hope everyone likes it.

Alright first of all. LC Tarkin is still on leave, he will be back on the 16th. Till then send all the plt files to me CMDRs and Wasp Squadron.

I checked the roster before I started to write this report and I saw a few SLs. CMDRs please get those SLs promoted ASAP. If they don't respond then I don't know why they joined.

Also there is a wing wide competition hosted by Broskopf. Detailes can be found on the Vanguard site.

CM Ender Mbind and AD Cyric is working on the rules for an ASF wide wargame. SO get ready for an actionpacked tour :P

There is a WoW on go and earn some LoCs for yourself and pic up some new recruits on the zone while you are there :P

Also the FC's birthdays is nearing. CMDRs select the most dedicated pilots in your squadrons and mail them to me CC Tarkin on it. It is good if you pick those who doesn't already have a CoL and were active. I need a list of pilots. This is top priority. Also this mail only goes to me and Tarkin nobody else.

Commodore's Protector for July is CPT Alec Qarni. He won 40+ LoCs last month was on IRC alot and flew several battles. This makes him hold this title for 2 consecutive months. Come on people you can win this award too just show activity.

Wing Commander's OWN for July is Hornet Squadron. They showed good overall activity.. Congratz guys.


ISD Vanguard Messageboard:
Aggressor Strike Force Messageboard:
TIE Corps Messageboard:
ISD Vanguard & Wing XV website:
Aggressor Strike Force Website:
TIE Corps Website:

ISD Vanguard & Wing XV IRC room: #isdvanguard on the undernet servers.

All my reports are online and can be found at

That's it for now.

COM-IOA/VA Bevel Leeson/ISD Vanguard

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