ISDII Subjugator Report # 0 (2002-02-28)

This report was submitted by RA Grail SoulChaser

Friday March 1st, 2002

DB memberships were solidified this month. As of now, the requirements are simple.
  -General members need not be in the DB
  -CMDRs/WCs/COMs must be active in the DB and ACOLYTE or higher.

RA Grail decides it's time to start writing reports again!! You'll be seeing one of these on the 1st, and the 15th of each month!

Major Angel has stepped down from her command position to assume a position in one of the squads in Wing XIX. Best wishes Angel, you will be missed.

Roster counts! I realize that concern has been growing over the dwindling numbers within Wing XX. I want to reassure everyone that this is actually a normal occurance, and as such, there is no reason to cause a great fuss. I want everyone out in full force recruiting for their squadrons, but I don't want anyone giving heed to any rumor that the ship or wing is going to be shut down. If that was to happen, believe me, you would not hear such a story from a Flight Member of a squadron in Wing XVIII before you hear it from Tiger, myself, or Smitrock!

GN Smitrock has decided on his new Wing Executive Officer, and Wing Rollmaster. My personal congratulations go out to CM Khaland (XO) and LCM Marcus Caine (RM) for their new positions in the Wing!

Flew XVT-TC #5 for February COM's Judgement
Flew XVT-TC #18
Designed the Tactical Office Online Database for tracking new battles being submitted for the battle center.
Designed the new report layout your looking at right now :P

Operation Hellgate
 If you haven't already, please pay a visit to the Hellgate website. Have a look around, and email LC Death to sign yourself up for the various competitions.

Imperial Storm III
 This Tie Corps wide war game is coming very soon... more news as things progress.

Kick the COM
 It seems this competition is quite popular amongst those of you in Wing XX. As a result I will be running yet another session of it starting shortly, I'm going to make it a little easier on everyone thought, and choose a free mission for the competition in lieu of a battle.

-MAJ Angel will be leaving soon
-Slyth promoted to CM and CMDR of Nemesis
-LCM Marcus Caine made Wing Rollmaster
-CM Khaland made Wing Executive Officer
-CPT Keldorn promoted to RA, leaving the wing to be CA:SO
-SL Ben Reaves transfered into Raptor Squadron

I'd just like to say how proud I am of the dedication of every member of this ship. It is exactly that dedication that we need to stay as strong as we are. In this time when it looks like we're falling, you have all stood up and pronounced yourselves Wing XX! Keep up the good work everyone!

Respectfully Submitted
COM/RA Grail SoulChaser/ISD Subjugator [PIN 6009]
DA Grail SoulChaser (Sith)/SCL [DOSSIER 901]

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