ISDII Vanguard Report # 3 (2002-01-28)

This report was submitted by RA Bevel Leeson


This report is going to be short.

First of all I'm not satisfied with the amount of activity shown in the last couple of months. Most of the pilots are just sitting on the orster doing nothing. I know that it was exam time and stuff but come on. I'm not talking only about January and December. Also in the future when a new CMDR is appointed he must be active not just get the position and sit there. If not then we will see to it that a more capable pilot gets that position.

As always there are exceptions. I would like to thank and congratulate the following pilots for their exceptional activity. I advise everyone to follow the example these pilots set for you. Please let me list these pilots:

LT Drax Remlinger from Mantis
LT Tomaas Montte from Hornet
LCM Kenath Zoron from Mantis
COL Zippy Hawk from Scorpion
MAJ Ekim Yellek from Scorpion
LT Ace from Python
LT Drake Jensen from Mantis
CM Daniel Goad from Hornet
LC Tarkin from Scorpion
LCM Marc Kendoran from Python
LT Vladimir Corax from Python
LT Ender mBind from Echo

These 12 pilots showed exceptional activity. Yes I said 12. We could fill a squadron with them and that is all. So people, please I ask you to be a bit active. Fly a SP battle or attend a MP comp once a week. This isn't too much.

I would like to thank LCM Kenath Zoron for his exceptional work as A-CMDR of Mantis squadron in the absence of his CMDR who is sick. A job well done LCM.

The other issue I would like to discuss is recruiting. We are low on active pilots. I would like to encourage everyone to recruit. MAJ Strahd had a good proposal for this in december. I know I fogot about it. But better late then never. He said it would be nice if some people could be on the zone and sit in a channel and play ppl who come in there and maybe to try and recruit them to the TC. It would be good if one person could be there every day. What I mean a different person each day and have a room open there. If you have any other suggestions feel free to email me.

Also as you know there are two article competitions. For details check COM report #2.

That is all for now. Take care and fly a lot.

COM-IOA/RA Bevel Leeson/ISD Vanguard

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