ISDII Vanguard Report # 4 (2001-04-17)

This report was submitted by RA Ender mBind

"Space, The Outer Rim. These are the reports of the Imperator Class II Star Destroyer Vanguard... Its continuing mission to suppress strange alien worlds. To wipe out alien life and rebellious populations. To boldly and consistently just forget doing their COM's reports!"


/me yells in frustration: "dang I've never never been this late with a report in my live - and none complained..."
/me slaps himself for being such a bad commander.... In any case here's another one of these rare VanCOM reports.... I'll better myself - reeeeally i will...


Like you guys must've noticed, the last Vanguard COM's report dates about a month ago - for some odd reason I just didn't get around to it... well actually the reason is kinda clear: I wanted to include quite some stuff like fiction and so on and just don't have the RL time for that kind of things, besides the fact that Khadgar's reports cover about everything already. I've put myself over it - so I'll from now on send in a way stripped version of my regular reports, sometimes spiced up with whatever I happen to find.... soory ' bout that, guess i'm no young WC anymore.
*goes off to wallow in his midlife crisis* ;P


As you might have noticed though, I do update the Vanguard Site news quite often, as do I add new stuff to the site. In the last month (yes I gotta catch up I guess) I've added Mission Archives of all the Star Wars Space Simulator Games, Archives for Mission Editors and Help files on how to run the games in general and more specific: how to run custom missions. Added  too are Pilot Editors for both XWA and XvT and many more stuff will continue to appear over the next few weeks. Basically I still have a few 100 MBs of craft and craft editors that I'll still put up, plus some more help (like on "how to finish he standard missions of XWA"). At the moment these Archives already contain more missions and  editors then the TIE Corps database does and that'll get worse... so keep your eye on the site. More Archives that have appeared are the Fiction an Graphics Archives, where I have room for all your artwork - but also where you can rate the work of others >:D

Check into our site and message board for other things as well. The message board is one of the easiest way to get your ideas into action or just give feedback on other ideas... or even just to talk about absolutely nothing;) Currently LC Khadgar has even started a run-on story, which is always fun to get active in.... The site strives to have the latest news, links and data that actually impacts this ship on the news page ASAP. So if you're wondering what's going on it 's a good place to go as well. Straight contact can ofcourse always be gotten on our IRC channel #Vanguard, I'm working on getting X back in there, but we already got a bot there to keep things in place so there is not a really big rush:).


Since me last report lotsa things happened on the roster field ofcourse. I'd like to congratulate especially Khadgar on his promotion to LC, CM Strahd on his promotion to Echo CMDR and ofcourse LCM Schitzo for getting COM's Protector and Wasp Squadron on getting WC's Own for the second time in a row (where are you echo, mantis and python?). We received many new pilots too, too all the Squads - and the most of them have proved to be active pilots too.... earning their promotion to Lieutenant quickly. LT Mo, LT. Spawn, LT. Dalcroix, LT. Dankin, LT. Staneth, LT. boris and LT. Tierce: great work on that flying and those IWATS courses and congrats - you might have noticed that you received your new uniforms yesterday:)

At the same time some less happy things happened too ofcourse, like LC DS-61-4 stepping down from Echo CMDR and leaving to the reserves after being on this ship for as long as anyone could remember.... Or LC Hizad who stepped down as our Ship's DOC... after even more time... to be able to concentrate more on Mantis. This leaves our ship without a Doctor, which is bad if you get a sore throat - but hellish if you have a real problem. If you think you got what it takes to be our next Nutty Professor, please send in your apps to me and the Medical Officer. Hizad has already offered to be the Head Nurse for his replacement - so don't think you get dropped into the deep end. If you always wondered what a doc does, you can count yourself to a majority of the TC.... but basically the doc makes sure the morale stays up to par and acts as someone you can talk to if you have a problem you'd rather not take up with your CMDR or other commanding officers.


At the moment I just want to collect some good MP pilots from the Vanguard who we'll then bestow with a title like "Veteran" or "Master". These teachers would make themselves available weekly at least for training people with less skill at times and places by the choice of the master. On our site pilots would be able to check which teacher he can check in at that moment or day (it'll have a time schedule for where/when the teacher waiting for them). Also the on/offline page would include who is a teacher or not, so a pilot that sees a teacher online at that moment can get into contact directly. If the teacher has time at that moment, they might as well have their training then. For their efforts the teachers would get merit medals like ISMs to BS (depending on how much effort they've shown.) A teacher could for example set that he is idling in #Vanguard on Wednesday from 5pm to 6pm EST for everyone needing help. Or in room 60 of the XWA Skirmish Room on the zone on Tuesdays from 3pm to 5pm. (which might double for recruiting room, after all: it looks good to join a club which actually offers real training.).

If you think you got what it takes to be a MP trainer - or even when you think you desperately need training: contact me now so we can get the Training Office opened. For the moment I'll double as Training Officer, but if all goes well we'll be able to appoint someone else as VanTO very soon. I got the idea that at least CM Strahd is in for a trainer position, but with just 2 people we won't be able to train the other 38... MP trainers will first be tested if they are good enough - so be prepared to fly a bit first.

Fleet News:

General TC News:*
- the Tactical Office is proud to announce the release of the following battles for the entire EH... which include an XWA one!
DB-TIE #14 "Defend the Darkness"
IW-XWA #17 "Rion's Shadow: Tactical Withdrawl"
TC-TIE #169 "Project Omega"
TC-TIE #169 "The Rooster Trap"
TC-TIE #170 "Barn Yard Beatings"
- Star Wars Quake isn't the only mod closing shop. The Half-Life mod, Imperial Battles, has closed their doors due to lack of interest and the loss of their website by Chaos Realm. The mod authors have stated on their message board that they will eventually go open source to allow someone else to continue the work. Unreal Tournament: Emperor's Hammer is also closing down if Prefect Ares cannot find more helpers, especially in the modeling and graphics department. The project to create the Star Wars Quake 2 total conversion called "The Call of the Force", has be closed down. The source code for the project has been posted on their website at Personally, I hate to see this just die. If i knew C++ better, i'd pick it up myself and port it to Q3A. May be someone else out there has the knowledge?
- Either via stupidity or just trying to rort the system, a number of competitions are being submitted that are unacceptable. These competitions are usually one squadron vs another where the highest scoring person from each squadron gets a IS-BW. These competitions will be denied. Similarly, any competitions where the CMDR of the winning squadron gets an award will be denied. I hope that clears things up.
- A new AlliED has been released for registered users! It's been a while, but I'm not really sure what has been added because there's no readme file in this version. The map seems to scroll more smoothly. According to the XWA Upgrade site, the new version simply has an additional wireframe for the 8km and 17.6km versions of the Super Star Destroyer.  If you need free XWA mission editors, I suggest you look up our own Editor Archives, as we got 5 free ones there...
- The new Emperor's Hammer logo has been chosen created by Lieutenant Commander Tempest, who has earned the Grand Order of the Empire for his work.
- With several recommendations behind him, Flight Officer Admiral Priyum Patel has been promoted to the rank of Fleet Admiral! Finally, and congrats!

Short Ship News:
- Maj. Khadgar and CM CrazyR2 will go on another leave together. Starting Saterday, back on the 19th. I'll be acting WC, I guess either CPT Fraggle Hawk or LCM Damon Kast is the acting Python CMDR.
- Yes, I know I'm pretty late with this, especially considering that our CP has known about this some time, but I'd like to announce that LCM Schitzo of Echo Squadron is March' Com's Protector. Congratulations - your PC is on the way!  LCM Schitzo got the highest score in the March Competition by VA Cyric, is good in his communication (he's more often in #Vanguard then I am:) ) and has proved to be an overall nice guy - so what better reasons are there?;)
- Our site got EH Site of the Week last week, which is kinda an honor, I guess.
- Well, here are the recounted results. The difference is that LoCs give two points, BSFs one:
1st Place - LCM Michael ISD Greywolf 146 pts IS-GW
2nd Place- LC Bruckmack ISD Greywolf 82 pts IS-SW
3rd Place- CM Schitzo ISD Vanguard 42 pts IS-BW
Congrats to these pilots they've earned it. Special congrats to LC Bruckmack who actually got all of his points MP. THAT was what I wanted :)
The ISD Greywolf Retains the ASF Flagship Title. 2nd place goes to the ISD Vanguard and third to the ISD Intrepid.
The ISD Grey Wolf Command Staff Defeated the Vanguard and Intrepid CSers handily, allowing the GW Csers to rename the mottos and Nicks for the next month of the two losing ISD's

Other Information:

- Fleet-wide meeting on IRC-Undernet channel #emperor's_hammer (every Saturday at 5PM GMT)
- TIE Corps meeting on IRC-Undernet channel #tiecorps (It's every Sunday at 9PM GMT)
- Meet other ASF people on IRC-Undernet channel #EH_ASF
- Don't forget our own IRC-Undernet channel #Vanguard it's a fun place to be after all:)
Additional for if you do not know what IRC is: IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and it's a protocol specially for chatting. Easiest way to get on IRC is to go to and download mIRC free. The Emperor's Hammer is based on the Undernet servers, but if you need any more help setting up, don't hesitate to call in help from either your squad mates or me.

Message boards.
- Emperor's Hammer Message Board -
- TIE Corps Message Board –
- Aggressor Strike Force Message Board -
- ISD Vanguard/Wing XV Message Board -

I think that's it – If I've forgotten anything, let me know via email (use only for official TC/Wing mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Also READ the Wing report! It contains far more useable information then my scribbles... even though they are getting sillier every week;) The last Wing report by Maj Khadgar you can read here:

All my COM  reports are online as well: you can reach them via the Ship's roster on the TC database.

Until next time, good luck and have fun.

COM/RA Ender mBind/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

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