ISDII Immortal Report # 2 (2000-09-24)

This report was submitted by VA Adrenaline

VA Adrenaline reporting in for the ISD Immortal, Sept. 24, 2000


Our nickname competition has ended and the winner is:

Death's Nightmare, submitted by LT Roth Jalis of Demon

Thank you all for your excellent ideas and submissions!!

We have just finished up a little TIE comp with Praetorian. Thanks to all pilots with TIE that participated, unfortunately, Prae totally whooped our butts. Here are the results:

FT 127 -- A Quiet Little Patrol
*all scores are laserless*

Immortal Squadron

LCM Gidda 84539
VA Adrenaline 69996
CM Spearhawk 51436
LCM RogueWing 48905
LCM Mark Stephenson 27481
CPT Arso 7750
CPT Toran Dan 2898
CM Braxton 2666
LT Darksaber 2500

9/11 - 82%
Total score -- 298171
Average Score - 34493

Praetorian Squadron

Akagi 110348
Zorn Starn 106173
Marconius 104303
Weasel 98746
Zero 88607
Turr Phennir 82867
Dodger 73828
Scoser 67959
Timbal 59008
Nix 55737
Jay Urick 2074

11 of 11 (100%)
Total ship score : 849650
Average score : 80517

well.. not bad for a bunch of XWA pilots. LCM Gidda earned himself an ISM for his outstanding flying.


Squadron Supremecy Series -- I would like to see some fiction from everyone for this competition. This is your chance to prove that you are the best squadrons in the TIE Corps so get writing. I know we all have vivid imaginations.. its just a matter of sitting down and typing out your ideas. For those of you who feel your english is not the best, share your work with fellow squad mates to proof read and edit. It's all about team work, that is what makes a squadron great!! Stories must be Tie Corps related and be at least 200 words long.


LCM Gidda currently is our Ace Pilot in the BGAPL. Check out the following site for more details , I believe Gidda has been challenged by LCM Felagund of Demon Squadron with FREE-XWA 4... good luck to both pilots!!


Sovereign League is into its final round, CR 14. Fly TC-TIE 156 and get your .tfr into your commanders by Sept. 30.


We still have a few SL's on board, Gold Finger/Ghost, TieGer/Falcon and Johny/Demon. Please contact your commanders immediately so they can assist you in earning your easiest promotion in your TieCorps career.


Everyone check out the newest issue of Battlecry,
There are some nice little Contest missions to fly, with a chance at winning a Silver Star!!
Let's get a strong showing from our ship and win some medals.


CM Banger is now the ships nurse, serving by DOC Toran Dan. For all pilots who are suffering from pilot's wrist, Space Nausea, or any other common illnesses, visit the Med lab for some good advice and TLC :P

I would like to personally welcome aboard one of the Immortal's old school veterans, COL Armus. He was once the Commander of Falcon Squadron, leading myself, Arso, Dras Hempor, Nix and Mikkel Filla. Now he is back and flying a nice Skipray Blastboat in Falcon 2-3 under CPT Sanj's command.


Everyone get ready for Tribe Wars II. It is awaiting approval by the TO, then I will announce the official rules and regulations... good times good times...


Go post to the run-on!!!


That's all from me this week, expect more from Mell in his Wing report.. coming soon to an Inbox near you !!


Respectfully submitted,

COM/VA Adrenaline/ISD Immortal
JH Adrenaline (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto, DC-KC-O
CO/Adrenaline/Soprano 1-1/Section Beta {PIN #2174}

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