ISDII Vanguard Report # 3 (2001-03-06)

This report was submitted by RA Ender mBind

"Space, The Outer Rim. These are the reports of the Imperator Class II Star Destroyer Vanguard... Its continuing mission to suppress strange alien worlds. To wipe out alien life and rebellious populations. To boldly send in their COM reports gratuitously late!"


*cough* euhm... sorry that this is like a week late, got very busy on lots of things on which more next:


All right, now the site is up and running, we can get the The Vanguard interactive Graphics Competition and the Vanguard interactive Fiction Competition on the road.  The competition will run for a month, and getting in your work early will give you more chance on votes for your work. All already entered submissions are fiction by CPT hawk at the moment, if you guys want a shot at this I suggest you send something in:)
Submitted Graphics and Fiction is put on the site, with a script allowing viewers to rate the work, giving a rating 1 to 10 and their idline. Who has the
highest rating in each competition at the end will get an IS Silver Ribbon, runner up will get a IS Bronze Ribbon. (All submissions should have content that is centered around the ISD Vanguard and it's Squadrons and should not involve Code of Conduct violations. All submitted, graphics and fiction will be uploaded to the site the moment they have been reviewed.)
Only votes by TIE Corps members will be counted. Voters should state their IDLine without medals and such to confirm their votes. Votes and Rating will be
updated daily after the votes are reviewed. Votes for your own work will not be counted, nor will automated or mass votes.
As closing statement I'd like to make that the point of this competition will not only be to see some of that great art by you guys but also that you go out to get people to vote FOR for that work of yours. In this I must ask you to be gentle... spamming all TC email boxes or Message boards is not the preferred way;)


There has been a lot of talk and not much action about a MP training program. I'd like to change this... with some more talk.
Basically... I'd still keep any training outside any form of competition format:
1.) you are training for the competitions, you don't see sporters going to the world championships so they can train for the olympics.
2.) the time frame and setup of the competitions, even the "training" night, are not really suitable for training. What if you get into something more time consuming training wise? The competitions don't allow MP mission flying, while that would for instance be a good way to receive training (teacher and pupil flying co-op). Also: to get training, you don't need to be slaughtered and then instantly replaced for a next victim. if the teachers have a drive to win (LoCs) that might happen.
At the moment I just want to collect some good MP pilots from the Vanguard who we'll then bestow with a title like "Veteran" or "Master". These teachers would make themselves available weekly at least for training people with less skill at times and places by the choice of the master.
On our site pilots would be able to check which teacher he can check in at that moment or day (it'll have a time scedual for where/when the teacher waiting for them). Also the on/offline page would include who is a teacher or not, so a pilot that sees a teacher online at that moment can get into contact directly. If the teacher has time at that moment, they might as well have their training then.

For their efforts the teachers would get merit medals like ISMs to BS (depending on how much effort they've shown.) A teacher could for example set that he is idling in #Vanguard on Wednesday from 5pm to 6pm EST for everyone needing help. Or in room 60 of the XWA Skirmish Room on the zone on Tuesdays from 3pm to 5pm. (which might double for recruiting room, afteral: it looks good to join a club which actually offers real training.).
Pupils would ofcourse get training, making them better so the can get more LoCs easily etc. I'm currently contemplating to have some kind of test at the end of the "course" (when the pupil thinks he's up for it), like flying against the "headmaster" or something like that. If they graduate they'd be able to call themselves "master" again (etc.).
I'm thinking we can train CTs too, who'll then can get their flight certification.... and get to know Vanguard people... which is ofcourse a good deal recruiting wise:)
Another good training method would be to fly co-op, even missions (complex skirmish files). That way instructor and trainee can fly on the same side, giving the instructor more chance to actually instruct.

As you see, this is not really finished yet... so suggestions would be nice. LT Strahd has already offered his services as instructor, I myself am also available for that... I've heard from several people that they'd be interested in training. If you want to be either contact me ASAP. I'd like to get this from the talk stage into the action stage by next weekend.


Check into our site and message board for other things as well. The message board is one of the easiest way to get your ideas into action or just give feedback on other ideas... or even just to talk about absolutely nothing;) The site strives to have the latest news that actually impacts this ship on the news page ASAP. So if you're wondering what's going on it 's a good place to go as well. Straight contact can ofcourse always be gotten on our IRC channel #Vanguard, I'm working on getting X back in there, but we already got a bot there to keep things in place. The site is soon going to harbor a large amount of utilities, patches, editors, missions and craft for the TC based games, so keep your ears pealed for that:)


Another thing we've been working on is updating the Ship's Standing Orders. Obviously it will include basic duties, Chain of Command information, Transfer policies, Report due dates, MSE due dates, etc. etc. Basically I'd like for you is feedback on some additional ideas. In addition, I'd like to hear any additional suggestions that you people may have.
MAJ Khadgar  and I discussed:
-  Weekly FL Reports for just Activity, to help train FLs to be CMDRs or A-CMDRs.
-  We'd inform FLs of our expectations for certain so they know what they must do...
-  A designed "Squadron XO" who can take over as A-CMDR when the CMDR is away.
These are mostly inspired by troubles we have had over the last time, when lots of CMDRs shifted positions and so on. Next time something like this happens I'd prefer to take an officer of the ship for the position, but then we must be fairly sure he can do it ofcourse. Also, if a CMDR goes off somewhere I don't like to have a situation where a squadron suffers, hence to automatic XO = A-CMDR.
You can read the current Standing orders at I surely suggest you all check them out.... after all you should know them by heart already anyway;P


Combining the online missions and training and recruiting and chatting etc. I'm also working on a MP mission flying event. Besides that MP co-operative mission flying is great fun it also builds team spirit and teamwork besides it's training value. This means I'm working hard on getting the TAC .lst files updated for XvT and getting us a good amount of usable XWA complex skirmish files. MP mission flying is new in the EH, which means that still some way has to be cleared - but we'll get there. Expect a nice weekly MP mission flying event soon. If you want to help out or have suggestions on how it should be run, contact me. Don't believe the rumors that mission flying causes more lag then melees, Lucas Arts has explicitly stated that that is not possible.:)
In all this missions stuff I'm also working on the next ViB mission (XWA this time... but because i started it in xvt it'll be a bit longer *grin*) and the next Vanguard newspaper. Get articles for that into me too, you can double them for the Fiction competition, just as "newsphoto's" or "advertisements". Doing that I haven't had to chance to get the fiction upto date yet... so please gimme a bit of time here.

Fleet News:

General TC News:
- After a week of XWA multiplayer battling with 84 other clubs, the EH earned its second BSC medal for fighting its way to 4th place! Congratulations go out to COL Dras Hempor who finished as 8th overall pilot, and CPT Lito Rendal who finished 10th, both earning their own personal BSC medals. Thanks to all who participated, bringing glory and honor to our club!
- The Executive Officer Sector Admiral Kawolski has released the new EH Newsletter (#72) for public viewing! Go read it, it gives a good insight into the fleet:)
Download mirrors:
4.3mb - Lite Version - Missing graphics/file submissions
10mb - Full Version
Online Version
- With the moving of Admiral Havoc to CA:FO, the position of CA:TAC2 is open. TAC will be accepting applications for this position starting now. Please keep in mind the following things.
    A CA position is a Full Time position. You will be removed from all other positions, with extremely few exceptions.
    You will spend hours going over Beta Tester Reports, organizing them, sending files to the Tacticians for correcting or to me for placement on the board, and flying corrected battles yourself. Ideally, you should be expected to be able to fly 7 battles in approximately 2 to 2 1/2 weeks.
    It is REQUIRED that you own ALL major platforms (TIE,XvT,XWA).
    It is REQUIRED that you be able to handle repetitive work, such as filing reports, and managing the team.
    You MUST be able to answer email within an appropriate time (24/36 hrs at most).
Interested applicants should email Admiral StarLion with the subject of the email reading "CA:TAC2 Application"...any application without that subject will be ignored. If you try to ask me about it on IRC, your application will be ignored. Applications will close March 10th.
- CM Daisuke Airyu of Cyclone squadron has been appointed to the position of Graphics Professor. The Graphics course will be up and operational in a week or so. There are still lots of IWATS positions open and they're listed at
- Following VitCarp's resignation from the Fleet, the FO has decided on the new ASF BGCOM. Many congratulations to Vice Admiral Cyric! Cyric is a long-standing member of the Aggressor Strike Force, and has proven his abilities during his tenure as Grey Wolf COM.
- Congrats to the newly promoted and appointed Rear Admiral Woobee on his promo and taking over the ISD Grey Wolf. Rear Admiral Woobee will be able to faithfully carry on the duties of Commodore, and further the goals of the ASF, TC, and EH.
- After receiving over 20 applications, mostly from highly qualified people, the FO has finally decided on his new Command Attaché. Congratulations to the former COO and most recently, CA:TAC, Admiral Havoc! Priyum has worked with him in the past and knows he can successfully carry out the duties that will be assigned to him. When you send routine email to the Flight Office, please be sure to CC AD Havoc (
- After many months, the EH Ladder is finally online. The ladder features divisions for X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, Jedi Knight and X-Wing Alliance. The ladder is pretty much automated. The only human interaction is the reporting of matches (and signing up, of course). The ladder code takes care of all the score/win/loss/draw incrementing, as well as the ladder displaying code and emailing off the pretty match confirmation emails (which are in colour-coded HTML, to match the colours of each ladder.). You can visit the ladder site at
- Congratulations to COL Darklord, who upon the recommendation of BGCOM Jarak and COM Corran Force, has been promoted to the rank of General. Darklord has served as the Wing Commander of Wing X successfully for several months, showing dedication to his Wing and inspiring his pilots. A very deserving promotion :)
- As part of the Logistics Office's Project Distant Talon, we are looking for TIE Corps officers who would be interested in working on the history of their ship, wing, or squadron. This is a great way to show your pride! All levels of history are needed, and we'll provide training for you if you're interested but don't know where to start. If you're interested, please contact CM Krax Tarnisar at or me, your COM:)
- Grand Admiral Ronin has promoted Executive Officer High Admiral Kawolski to the rank of full Sector Admiral and 25% secondary owner of the Emperor's Hammer. Congratulations:)

Short Ship News:
- Maj. Khadgar and CM CrazyR2 will go on another leave together. Starting Friday, back on Sunday. I'll be acting WC, I guess CPT Fraggle Hawk will be acting Python CMDR.
- It is my sad duty to announce the closing of Scorpion Squadron in Wing XV (again). :(
We had a contract with CPT Raven Arestar to get this squadron going. Since he has been suspended there is a slim chance he'll reach the goals set in that. SL Dankin , LT. Jones and LT. Sicamicanico have been placed in Wasp Squadron, each in a different Flight, bringing that squadron up to 9. LCM Schitzo has been placed in Echo Squadron. CPT Raven has been placed in the reserves and LT Agace has transfered to the NC.
- The roster changes were made to open Wasp Squadron for the first time. Wasp Squadron features two flights of Missile Boats and one of TIE Defenders and it's designation is Assasination.
The new CMDR is CPT jdf1984, formerly from Echo, who is reinforced by his Flight Leaders CM Jourdain, formerly from Python, and MAJ Prophet, from Copperhead onboard the Intrepid. The Flight Members are MAJ Archon, also from Echo, CPT CTXclr and LT Patrick Blastfire, who have both returned fom out of the reserves. I have personally served with most of the pilots and I'm sure they'll do well.
- As you can see, the History part of the Ship Data is kinda shallow. It's all I could get from the ASF History page that was concerning the Vanguard. As you might have noticed, several important events are missing... like I know for sure LC Dafner Gelak was before me WC of Wing XV etc... If you have any info, even on just when yourself joined the Vanguard or got some important promo, let me know and I'll add it.
- Congratulations go to the Pilots who received a PC (CPT Fraggle Hawk and MAJ Prophet) or an ISM (CPT CTXclr, LT Blastfire and CM Jourdain) for their February Activity. Nice work guys!
- Congratualations go to LCM Strahd and LT Lanser, who just joined us so give him a warm welcome too, on their promotions today. Party in the Pilot's Mess on their tab!;)
Another new arrival is SL TK-6356, welcome aboard Sub Lieutenant! (he immediate got 100% on the IWATs mIRC course, so he'll be a LT soon too:) )

Other Information:

- Fleet-wide meeting on IRC-Undernet channel #emperor's_hammer (every Saturday at 5PM GMT)
- TIE Corps meeting on IRC-Undernet channel #tiecorps (It's every Sunday at 9PM GMT)
- Meet other ASF people on IRC-Undernet channel #EH_ASF
- Don't forget our own IRC-Undernet channel #Vanguard it's a fun place to be after all:)
Additional for if you do not know what IRC is: IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and it's a protocol specially for chatting. Easiest way to get on IRC is to go to and download mIRC free. The Emperor's Hammer is based on the Undernet servers, but if you need any more help setting up, don't hesitate to call in help from either your squad mates or me.

Message boards.
- Emperor's Hammer Message Board -
- TIE Corps Message Board –
- Aggressor Strike Force Message Board -
- ISD Vanguard/Wing XV Message Board -

I think that's it – If I've forgotten anything, let me know via email (use only for official TC/Wing mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Also READ the Wing report! It contains far more useable information then my scribbles... even though they are getting sillier every week;) The last Wing report by Maj Khadgar you can read here:

All my COM  reports are online as well: you can reach them via the Ship's roster on the TC database.

Until next time, good luck and have fun.

COM/RA Ender mBind/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

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