ISDII Relentless Report # 2 (2002-04-29)

This report was submitted by RA Krax Tarnisar

ISD Relentless

Ship Report #2

Well, you all know by now that we were defeated by the Challenge in our first competition. It was a close-run thing, and we only lost by 4000 points. Congratulations to MAJ Shae Kitane and CM Neko for taking high score honors, though. There was some fine flying on both sides of this one.

Imperial Storm III seems to be moving along, although in somewhat strange and mysterious ways. All I know right now is that the Immortal has been caught by the Sovereign and her entire battle group.

What’s our role in all this? Well, as near as I can tell we’re to fly the free missions released by the IS3 team as soon as they become available. Information is still very lacking on all this, but as soon as I know anything I’ll pass it along. These missions will be released through the official IS3 web page. There are also provisions for MP participation. The contact point for that is the COM of the Immortal.

Since my last report, we’ve had two new lieutenants join our merry band. Neither are new to the TC, and one of them will surely be known by most of you. LT Lohr Zadash is a familiar figure in our corridors, and LT Morpheus served with our own CAPT Powerslave in Wing VI. Welcome aboard, gentlemen!

Let’s see…what to address next. I’ve already had my rant about our Challenge competition, but it still bothers me. “Strength in unity.” That also means teamwork. The fact that we took on, and almost beat, a ship packed with veterans shows that we’ve learned much about teamwork. Our loss shows that we still have weak links and things to learn. We will have more competitions, and GN Astoris is interested in a rematch. MAJ Mosh will work out the details on that. Just remember this: so long as we work as a team we will have fun and enjoy the fruits of success. When our teamwork, our unity, falters, we will fail.

I’d also like to announce again that the Commodore’s Guard is forming. This is a picked unit of the best pilots in the Wing, most capable of flying TIE, XvT, and XWA. Some of you have already joined, and I know others are interested. I’m lining up the Guard’s first competition right now, with a Squadron from the Immortal. Guard members are also encouraged to take part in any MP competitions and training events, even flying against each other. The requirements? Simple: own TIE and at least one other game platform (XWA preferred, but XvT is fine as well); have a Top Gun victory (Squadron or Wing level) or a high score in a battle that wasn’t released yesterday; OR show a constant dedication to improving your flying skills (your CMDR’s recommendation helps with this last one). Open admittance to the Guard will close on May 14. After that, the only way in is through a special competition. I intend for the Commodore’s Guard to be a showcase for the best pilots the Relentless has to offer; a crack unit that can take on the elite Squadrons and win. There’s no better way to show your pride in your Wing and your ship!

OBLIGITORY REMINDER: Get those MSEs in ASAP! MAJ Mosh needs them by the first of the month so that he can get them to me in time. Remember: the sooner you get them in, the sooner those medal and promotion requests get processed. Use the MSE generator at It’s quick, easy, and helps us get things done on time.

That’s it for this report. Tune in next time…wait…I hear music…oh, God! It’s LT Hell! He’s in the hanger bay dancing…and he’s not wearing any…[/me vomits in horror] He’s following up on his threat if we lost the competition! The horror…

COM/RA Krax Tarnisar/ISD Relentless

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