ISDII Subjugator Report # 2 (2002-09-07)

This report was submitted by RA Smitrock


ISD Subjugator Report #2

Greetings everyone, with end of of August and the beginning of September the results of the ATF Activity Points League where handed out. All commanders were given their tasks of awarding the respective medals as per AD Tigers points breakdown. The Points League is by far one of the best systems of merit awarding. The system sets realistic goals for all ATF memebrs to achieve and its soley up to you the memeber how much activity you want to submit. Also the COMs Judgment has been reset so I would like to see all available Wing XX members sign up.
-Commander Alsdyr will be resigning later this Month from Nemesis. He has served Nemesis with outstanding Leadership and dedication. MAJ Chamberlain and I will NOT be accepting applications or letters on this position until further notice. MAJ Chamberlain will announce all intensions when he's ready.

-Wing XX received a new Pilot this week, a huge welcome to LCM Talon Zetar. LCM Talon transferred to Talon Squadron 3-3, I couldn't think of a better place. :) -The ISD Subjugator has run smoothly this week as usual. Activity is great, many BSF's have come through my inbox along with some excellent medals.

-Commanders, remember to be prompt as usual when submitting pilot activity to the Points League. Pilots recorded activity lays in your hands. :)


Commodores Private Strike Team
The CPST is now in effect. This is a monthly event where Wing XX pilots choose between 3 skills; Flying, Graphics or Fiction. Winners are promoted to the CPST for a month, with this comes bragging rights and a nice Iron Star. Not to mention team members have the chance of flying the ever-mysterious TIE Intruder. So far I have one submission for the battle and one for the fiction, please get in your submissions, you have an entire month to do so.

COMs Judgment
Monthly event held by AD Tiger in a ladder type competition. The Wing with the highest average points wins "Wing of the Month". This is an Avenger Task Force wide competition.
Hells Fury
Hosted by Wing Commander MAJ Chamberlain; Squadrons of Wing XX will be paired against each other to complete 5 events of mission flying, graphics making, fiction writing, etc. Squadron with the best score total wins, 2nd place to the runner up squadron. Contact Chamberlain for the current standing.
-Received the OoV - 3rd Echelon
-Completed IWATS IIC/3 and ICQ
-Flew TC-XvT #33
-Web/Graphics work done
-Routine Commodore duties performed

Thats all for now....
COM/RA Smitrock/ISD Subjugator
SSx2/BSx6/PCx4/ISMx4/MoT-5gh/IS-5BW-1BR-3SW-1GW/LoC-PSx122/DFCx4/MoC-2BoC/CoL/CoB/OV-3E [CNTR]
Former EH Academy Instructor of XvT
Official EH Experimental Craft - "Sith Advanced [TIE Advanced]"
Personal Starfighter - "Dragon Slayer [TIE Defender]"
SBM Smitrock (Sith)/FL/Archanis of Taldryan
DB starfighter - "Dragon Slayer [TIE Intruder]"

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