SSSD Sovereign Report # 50 (2002-09-09)

This report was submitted by VA Proton


COM/VA Proton reporting for the SSSD Sovereign, flagship of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet.


-- The Sovereign Bombing Run Blowout continues, details on the War Room page at The next deadlines are Sept. 15 for the TIE mission 3 segment. The art and fiction categories still are open, through Sept. 30 -- please participate, for personal glory as well as the honor of your squadron and wing.

-- Deathmask Units. Remember it. This is a ship competition coming in October, and the winners will have lots of medals, cool special titles and lots of bragging rights. Oh, yeah, the last-place squadrons may be saddled with disincentive monikers -- so the safe approach for all would be to PARTICIPATE.

-- We have challenged the Battlegroups to a single-player flight contest using XWA, XvT and TIE. VA Krax is so far receptive to the idea but has put off my proposal for now until he sees where it will fit in with BGs activities. Everyone on the Sov, maintain your pace of training -- we *will* be ready for this when it's time to launch.

-- GN Devin has announced the results of the Omega Open:

2nd Round - TIE-TC #19
CM Night Grue/Omega: 370.175
MAJ Philo/Yod/Wing IV: 368.105
MAJ Yoman/Mem/Wing V: 240.398
COL Sasquatch/Omega: 240.164
COL Brian/Omega: 210.241
GN Gen Es'mith/Wing I: 49.567

Overall Results

1st - CM Night Grue/Omega - 1.051.284 (IS-SW)
2nd - MAJ Philo/Yod/Wing IV - 1.031.590 (IS-BW)
MAJ Yoman/Mem/Wing V - 730.633
COL Brian/Omega - 634.030
COL Sasquatch/Omega - 626.754
GN Gen Es'mith/Wing I - 451.599

-- This from COL Sasquatch: "You've got to see this to believe it ...
Anyone got about $12,000.00 that I can borrow?" :

-- Yes, Sov News 50. I remember missing a couple of weekly reports, so this means I've been SovCOM for a year. Cold ones for everyone in the cantina tonight :)


-- A big Sovereign welcome to new or returning pilots:
FM/SL Skoogde/Gamma 2-2

-- Recruitment is looking better overall. Unfortunately, Wing I lost three pilots who together were cut off from their Internet access.

SSSD Sovereign [184]

Wing I [37]
Wing II [41]
Wing III [33]
Wing IV [38]
Wing V [34]

Omega Squadron [8]


-- Sovereign Bombing Run Blowout continues. The winning squadron and wing in this event will be awarded the titles of COM's Own. All details can be reviewed at -- click to the War Room page.

-- Sovereign Nighthawk Multiplayer Competition, each Friday night in #ehcoc on IRC, 3 to 6 p.m. eastern time. .. Protocal droid, send this item in a flash burst to GN Es'mith.

-- Two more big comps coming up in October or so (see above news items).


IRC channel: #SSSD_Sovereign -- Use it!!

Message board:

The SSSD Sovereign Cantina Song:


"As you may have noticed we are now flying the cool Missile Boat. Now, this is an *advanced fighter*, much more advanced that anything we flew in Wing XI (Skiprays, Gunboats and other flying pieces of junk) so I hope both of you are doing some combat practice in your new starfighters. And stop using SLAM while you're still inside the hangar bay! Remember, use SLAM in open space only! Wing I Lead Mechanic is bitching at me 'coz you two have already turned 20 of his working droids into smoking wreckage." -MAJ Gidda

"Cadets, did ya know that Wing II pilots have a code of honor which requires flying their TIEs stark nekkid?
Yes, every one of us flies in the buff! Even the female members! Wing II pilots are given special wounded-in-action medals to compensate for pain and suffering when peeling oneself off a leather or vinyl pilot seat after a long skirmishes with the Rebel peril. The Rebels cover their eyes when they see us coming! The Imperial Decency Board has BANNED us from all boring and tedious political speeches and events. 25 members of Wing II were arrested for streaking during the Emperor's Memorial Picnic last Sunday! We even have Nude Gungan Wrestling every other Sunday! Yes, all absolutely, true. " -COL Inkwolf

"Well, due to the notoriety or LAMBDA and our "no pants" polict, I say
that we contact the Imperial Bureau of Copyright Infringement. Even
though the advertisement is a confessed lie, it still deals with a
portrayal of LAMBDA (a subsidiary company of Wing I Enterprises,
Inc.) and uses this unauthorized likeness to recruit and retain new
I say legal action is the answer to this question!" -LC "What pants?" Freelancer

Immune to WHAT, Gen?!
So far in my stay in Wing I I've been shot with poison darts spit
from FROGs of all force-loving things, I've been dropped in the
nastiest guano bins ever, even had a few run-ins with CCK's old scorp
troopers, I've been firebombed, I've been attacked and beaten into
submission by MY OWN SOCKS, the water still tries to strangle me with
its tendrils, and L, S, D, and B, have tried for one jolly fun time
of playing kickball with my head and/or various parts of my
Excatly what am I immune to? :P
It might be good for future reference." -LC Freelancer

"I pity da foo, what thinks he can take me! Quit yo jibba-jabberin' nonsense and talk straight! I 0wnz j00, Jon Doyle! >:P" -LC Freelancer

"I could take on all of ya in a T/I! If anyone wants to get their arses kicked, look me up and I'll teach ya what it's all about." -CPT Face Loran

"Wow... Proton Recognising he mucked up....
Shouldn't you really be blaming you secretary or something?" -LC Jon

" Talons walks up to the General and hands him ANOTHER flask of stuff.
"Here, if all else fails, you can use this genetic material to create a new
CMDR that is guarrenteed to cause head aches, grief and other unforseen
complications while whipping the shiznit out of the entire squadron it
commands so that you may be proud to have him under your command."
Talons then hands Gen the instruction manual to prevent the side effects
from happening, dropping the 80 pound book on the desk with a resounding
"thump" that sends the Lady Sov into red alert..." -MAJ Talons Pryde

" *deletes Arso*
gah .. if only that worked...
too bad... " -LT Aeolus

" "Delete" isn't enough for Arso, try with "Format Arso /s" next time :p " -MAJ Gidda

"However you waited until Jennif was gone, so therefore my lack of fun more than makes up for the pain that Ballista is inflicting...why heck, I'm ENJOYING her tender ministrations!!!" -GN Gen Es'mith

" /me walks in and raids Proton's stores of booze while he and
all (as dumb as it may sound...) of his henchmen sit torturing Gen.
/me easily escapes the sight impaired stormtroopers and hides
in his secret hidey hole to enjoy his booze ;P" -CPT Argon Viper

" *cough*heshidingintheHGBs!*cough*cough*! " -LC Freelancer

"WOOHOO! Free Booze!

I mean...these men have done a great service to the empire and to their
wing. " -MAJ Mike

"General Es'mith's agonized screeching reverberated through the
corridors of the Sovereign.
Team LSD huddled around the HGB 47 monitor, laughing and clapping while
observing the Beautiful but Deadly Ballista working on the hapless Wing
"More bamboo shoots!" Ballista ordered over the commlink.
Leroy sprinted out of the commodore's quarters to obtain the implements
for Ballista.
"Ballista, hold off for a minute," Proton commanded. "Leroy is on his
way with the bamboo. But also wait for Dude -- he's bringing you the
electrified proctoscope.
"Have fun."
Proton leaned back and laughed maliciously." -VA Proton

Talons suddenly lept into the room, his illegal blueish-purple,
shroud-emitter, black-handled lightsaber flashing wildly as he cut through
the first of the restraints and poor Ballista to rescue Gen from his
The automatic defense systems engaged and opened fire on him as he
skillfully deflected several bolts before nuetralizing the laser batteries
with lucky deflective shots. Talons grabbed General Es'mith over his
shoulder and bolted out the door - right into the waiting arms of L.S.D. He
then arced the blade cleanly across all three of them and dashed away to the
Wing I area of the ship. As he passed the threshold, Talons slammed his hand
into the quick release and dropped the blast doors into place.
Putting Gen down, Talons paged the Commodore, "Sir, you may execute me if
you wish. However, I would like to inform you that I will not be easy to
catch or restrain. Even my Master had a hard time stopping me when I put my
mind to it. I will pay for the mess if that will suffice."
Talons then sat down in his private chambers and secluded his weapon in his
special hidden place. He then meditated and made contact will his Master and
relayed all he had done to him..." -MAJ Talons Pryde

"SNITCH!!!!! /me shouts as he exits the Guano Bins at full tilt... Finding his second hiding place soon enough, he settles down to drink the booze in a place no one would ever suspect ;) " -CPT Argon Viper

"Umm, Argon? What the hell are you doing in the Omega Squadron lounge's recycle bin? I know we never use the thing, as we usually toss our empties out the door at passing pilots, but it could be dangerous in there." -GN Compton

"Exactly why Proton would never look for me there. /me takes a swig of booze from his second hideout ;) " -CPT Argon Viper

" ::For the first time since moving into the Lambda barracks Jennif checks out her closet and finds Argon swilling his ill begotten booze::
Okay, that's it!!! ::grabbing the whipid by his "short hairs" she escorts him to Proton's office::
Here you are sir, signed, sealed and delivered. Now if you would be so kind as to release Gen. ::smiles sweetly:: " -CM Jennif Es'mith

"Dude you know paperwork, they leave it in your inbox, you know the box next to the toilet?" -CPT Nebular

"Due to the vast amount of bodily harm that has befallen Wing I pilots for quite a while
now as a result of raiding Proton's liquor storage... I see myself forced to quarantine
Wing I in their barracks. As your Doc your health is of the utmost concern to me and
therefore I cannot allow this to go on. I've been hired to assure that the pilots of the
Wing are fit for shooting down rebel scum day or night and various injuries induced by
Proton's "helpers" does not enable you to fly at your maximum capacity. This will be in
effect until such time as you have gotten your urges under control. The Wing Cantina still
has plenty of liquor... and milk... to go around. Should anyone break this quarantine...
well... the FMC has skilled surgeons... and I'd make sure you wouldn't get any of those.
Next!" -CM Ras Kronar

"Heh, thats the sign of a good leader, the fact that he is willing to take
the flak/blame for something he screwed up, instead of 'passing the buck'. Good one VA Proton!!!" -LC Mickk

"No, no...he only says it LOOKS like he screwed up.
No doubt a full investigation will be made, and
the apparent error will turn out to be a
subversive plot by infiltrators, to make him look bad.
We all know Imperial Officers don't make mistakes.
Especially Sov COMs. :P " -COL Inkwolf

"Oh, there's been a time or two when I got my foot
so far wedged into my mouth that I couldn't make a
sound for days.... " -COL Inkwolf

Why, I don't think I *remember* the last time Inky shut up, for example..." -CM Akira Vorsahyer

"SURE you need to be in shape to pilot TIEs! Look at Porkins! The man
DIED because he was out of shape! He was so out of shape (or shall I
say rounded out?) that he couldn't even haul a Y-Wing around! Dear
Doctor! You should read up on your medical texts again! :) " -LC Freelancer

"Doc, I have this HUGE lump on my back from where the ships under-purified
water ganged up with the plants and attacked ... me ...uhn... from
man I hate it when the young ones burst out like that..." -LT Pheonixus

"*Walks back through the air locks and looks at the announcement and bangs his head against the wall* Knew I should have stayed strapped to the side of the ship *looks around for anyone before sneaking back out and strapping himself to the side of Sov* I wonder how long thats quarantines gonna last oh well might as well make another run at Protons bar later *checks the alcohol content in his suit* hmm getting too low" -LT Lucius Starblade

" *Kronar hears a strange noise as he's walking down a hall on the Sov*
That's weird.. it sounds like something's crawling round on the outside of the hull...
I'd better ask the Proton to turn the particle shields on the Sov up to full and have them
shave the hull... Can't have any nasty critters gnawing through it...
*walks off to tell Proton* " -CM Ras Kronar

" *kronar leaned back in his seat and smiled upon reading a report*
So.. Booze has been destroyed.. Now this I like.. I wonder why I wasn't let in on it...
It won't be long until Milk will be the only option left on the Sov...
*manical laughter* " -CM Ras Kronar

"Kronar, no one wants to see you wielding the sword of VA, that'd be sick to see an entire ship of milk drinkers ;P " -CPT Argon Viper

"Bah, I'm too much of a hard-bitten, eats-nails-for-breakfast,
laugh-at-danger, kind of tough guy to catch fire. I'm actually quite
fire retardant." -LC Freelancer

" /me bites back a comment at the word "retardant" ;P " -CPT Argon Viper

"We got our afterburners handed to us on this one, folks! ... We must defeat the barbarian hordes in Wing II!" -LC Freelancer

"Yes Lets kill kill rip off their wings and shove it up their... mwahahaha *blinks* Er I mean let us defeat our enemies in a timely fashion and get us a most copious amount of points and celebrate calmly with a few friendly drinks yah merrily." -LT Lucius Starblade "I am not insane. No really I'm not *twitch twitch*"

Free air conditioning in LAMBDA!! WOOHOO!!
Take *that*, "pile of melted and resolidified goo", a.k.a. "Gen"! :P " -LC Freelancer


This week's items plucked from

In order for hyperdrives to function, a starship must be free of a planet's gravity well. Safety cut-offs restrict the hyperdrive from activating, and the gravitic presence also interferes with a nav computer's ability to calculate accurate coordinates.

The Empire took advantage of this weakness of the hyperdrive and developed artificial gravity well generators. These devices send out powerful waves that disrupt the mass lines in space, thereby simulating the presence of a large stellar body such as an asteroid or a planet. The presence of such simulated mass prevents ships in the area from engaging their hyperdrives, and also drops ships already in hyperspace back to realspace.

The G-7x generators developed by Sienar Fleet Systems are the main weapon of the Immobilizer 418, the first of the Empire's Interdictor-class heavy cruisers. The Empire continued research into refining this technology, making it more powerful and more compact. The last generation of Super- class Star Destroyers, including the Eclipse and the Sovereign featured gravity well generators.

While under optimal circumstances, gravity well generators are effective weapons, they do have their limitations. Powering up a gravity well generator takes 30 seconds. While it can be shut off with no delay, it takes the capacitors 40 seconds to shunt the power and completely recycle. Once a gravity well is placed, it is difficult to move, as it is subject to similar laws of inertia as actual gravitic bodies. The great energy output of a gravity well projector also affects the movement and handling of the interdicting cruiser.

Aboard the first Death Star, a working prototype of an incredibly powerful gravity well projector was nearing the final stages of development. The device, small enough to be carried by two men, required a power source 10 times more powerful than that of a Star Destroyer's main tractor beam. The resultant gravity well, however, was immense -- much larger than those generated by the G-7x.

This prototype projector survived the destruction of the Death Star, and floated for a time within a large chunk of debris. This debris became the center-point of the floating Ugor junkyard in the Paradise system. The gravity well projector was somehow reactivated, and became the center of a vast junk asteroid field. The Ugors, who worship trash, referred to the Death Star fragment -- the new center of their system -- as the Holiest of Holies. The projector itself was known as the Prime Mover. The gravity well projector was removed by a Rebel strike force assisting a Squib mission to disrupt the Ugor trash-hauling racket. With the removal of the projector, the Paradise system fell apart.

Reports of a naturally occurring gravity well generator led the Empire to the Sedri system. There, the bizarre lifeform known as Golden Sun created a gravity well effect that made it appear as if Sedri was a star, not a planet. Research into this naturally occurring effect ceased when the Golden Sun was freed by a Rebel strike team averting a civil war among the native Sedrians.

A vast array of gravity well generators aided in regulating traffic into and out of the Imperial Deep Core during the resurrected Emperor's campaign against the New Republic. These generators formed the backbone of the Imperial Hyperspace Security Net.

Fourteen years after the Battle of Endor, a group of would-be conquerors identified as the Sacorran Triad used the ancient Centerpoint Station to create a vast interdiction field covering the entire Corellian system. As such, Centerpoint Station is the largest gravity well projector on record.

During the Corellian Crisis, New Republic allies on Bakura perfected the hyperwave inertial momentum sustainer (HIMS) system - - the first effective method of countering an interdiction field. The hyperwave sustainer used a gravitic sensor that provides a fast cut-off for a ship's normal hyperdrive, saving it from damage caused by entering a gravity well. It simultaneously generates a static hyperspace bubble. The bubble provides no thrust for the ship, but sustains the ship's presence in hyperspace while its forward momentum carries it along.

The Super Star Destroyer is one of the largest, most powerful Imperial vessels ever created. It follows the same basic dagger- shaped design of the Imperial-class Star Destroyers, but magnified to much larger scale. A smooth hull presents an arrowhead shaped profiled when viewed from above. Resting in the center of this hull is an "island" of habitable volume. Weapons emplacements bristle on the layered city-like surface. The trapezoidal command tower stands near the aft end of this island, capped with two geodesic communication and deflection domes. The underside is a busy network of engineering and superstructure. Thirteen colossal engine thrusters glow blood red as they push the immense craft through space.

Though there are several command ships, the most distinguished of the Super Star Destroyers is Lord Vader's flagship, the Executor. This vessel led the Imperial Death Squadron after the Battle of Yavin. It also served as the command ship at the Battle of Endor.

At that critical engagement, its officer, Admiral Piett, was tasked with preventing Alliance warships from escaping the battle. He did not expect the unorthodox Alliance strategy of engaging the Imperial Fleet at point-blank range. The Executor was a prime target for repeated barrages from Alliance vessels. Eventually, the Rebel ships were able to penetrate its powerful bridge shields. A wayward A-wing starfighter, crippled and out of control, spun directly into the Executor's bridge. Its control systems destroyed, the Executor was embraced by the second Death Star's gravity well, and the two collided in a colossal explosion that destroyed the flagship.

COM/VA Proton/SSSD Sovereign

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