SSSD Sovereign Report # 59 (2002-11-12)

This report was submitted by AD Proton


COM/AD Proton reporting for the SSSD Sovereign, flagship of the
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet.


-- Sovereign Battle of the Month results were sent out earlier today. LC
Halcyon, our very own WC on steroids, swept all three platform divisions.
Super job by Halc, and thanks to everyone else who flew! The next SBOTM
will be out for December.

-- The TIE Corps database continues its return to life, and now we can
recommend medals. I just made 25 medal recommendations myself! It feels
good to once again be able to reward our finest! BSF functionality is
expected to be back online soon as well.

-- The venerable GN SickMan, longtime denizen of Wing V and its WC for
more than a year, has been named commodore of the ISD Vanguard and
promoted to rear admiral. This is a big deal for good ol' Sicky, and I
tip my glass and tap my keg to him -- he really deserves this. Meantime,
the Wing V WC post is open for applications until Sunday, Nov. 17. In the
interim, there will be no A-WC -- I am asking the CMDRs to make sure
operations are maintained during the absence of a WC.

-- Coming up for December and January, a ship comp designed to get
everyone involved, even you slackers who are close to AWOL! It will have
all the flight sims, plus some wargame type elements, a ground combat
opportunity in SWGB, and more. Stay tuned -- it is going to take a little
while to iron out the details.


-- Give a big Sovereign welcome to these new or returning pilots:
FM/LCM Coyote/Gamma 3-3
FL/LCM Jania/Gimel 2-1

SSSD Sovereign [172]
Wing I [29]
Wing II [46]
Wing III [32]
Wing IV [35]
Wing V [29]

Omega Squadron [8]


-- Sovereign Nighthawk Multiplayer Competition, each Friday night in
#ehcoc on IRC, 3 to 6 p.m. eastern time.


IRC channel: #SSSD_Sovereign

Message board:

The SSSD Sovereign Cantina Song:


"This is the POOREST showing Wing I has ever made.
ONLY two pilots flew, myself and Major Gidda.
The cantina is closed.
Everyone pack up their gear, we're all moving to the HGB." -WC/GN Mud

"The Wing I Cantina is now closed and we're all moving to the HGB....I
imagine that once our barracks are fumigated they might be useful for
weapons storage or something." -WC/GN Mud


"Sorry Reaps...those old bones were just a tad too slow :P" -LC Halcyon

"Did you know that if you mis pronounce brother-in-law in Crow, you just
might be calling him a penis??" -GN Gen

"Oh, yeah, right. If I quit now, half the wing will get eaten by ants,
'cause I'm not there to pick them up (extravehicular)!! You bet I'm
there." -GN Gen

"Yeah? so have I!
I had my arm re-attached
Beat that!" -MAJ "We're gonna need a bigger boat" Neb

"You may use me easily... Don't let me die on the first page :-)" -CPT
Ard Royber

"The is the first name...not Number....OR shall we call you "number
two"...if you catch my meaning??" -GN Gen

"I'd rather say my name is mud than your option ;)
"Mr." One it is!
Like Mr. T, in some sitcom somewhere (I think "Silver Spoons") told
somebody who asked his full name. "That's my full name! Mr is my
first name, period is my middle name, and T is my last name!" -LC

"im cool, as long as im not portrayed as some loser pilot that never gets
anything done...
oh wait, thats right.." -LT Pheonixus

"In space, there is no archaeology." -LC Freelancer

"Of course you know, I need to get a wookie now. Somebody to protect
me, to watch my back, to fetch me a beer when I'm too lazy, to wash
my fighter, too do everything I need!
Meet Bubba! I tricked him into swearing a blood oath, so now he's
gotta stay with me.
Huh? What's that? I don't understand Wookiee. NO! Bubba! No!
*cough* *spits up blood*
It appears Bubba didn't take the beer and fighter remarks too well...
medic... " -LC "Ow! My spleen!" Freelancer

" *Gen sends out his minion frogs and hits everyone*" -GN Gen (and his
blue frogs of doom)

"Oooo froglegs...
*grabs a skillet* " -MAJ Talons Pryde

"I don't think frying poison arrow frogs removes the venom, but you're
welcome to try.
And as a fun project, why don't you figure out how many legs from frogs
smaller than a dime it would take to make a meal??" -GN Gen

"Soon learn you will, Weedhopper." -GN Gen-yoda

"Sorry, my posterior's not large enough to be a landing platform, I'm not
Free. Maybe a balcony ;P" -CPT Argon Viper

"Hey I hit who I'm standing next to. Gen saw the way it was going, he
should have moved.
As for Mike, he's giving his daily tithe to the porcelain god. I think
he's learned a valuable lesson about getting into drinking games with
Free." -MAJ Nebular

"Yeah sure, so you didn't tell him to put the XLax in there? ;P" -CPT
Argon Viper

"/me is in Gen's office, relaxing on the WC comfty chair with legs on the
WC table.
/me is looking at the stars through the large window when he see Argon
and Free in their flighsuits, pounding at each other in vacuum for the
/me grabs some pop-corn from Gen's cabinet and enjoys the show." -MAJ

"That's not a bad story. Too bad about the Squirrel tho.
Wonder what made it crazy?" -LC Mickk Emrys

How about I wrap this lead bar around your knees and drop you in the
rancor pit??? :P" -LT Zyrax

"His blood has, instead of a hyperoxygenate liquid hydrogen used for
cryo-sleep in deep space, been entirly replaced by double malt scotch...
PS: imagine how that would show up on a breathalizer... =p " -LT

" /me wears his flightsuit and unlocks the window
*all the furniture and trophies in the WC's Office fly outward in the
/me grabs a blaster and starts to shoot at Free and Argon
Muhahahaha, no one must know I'm a spy! :p " -MAJ Gidda

" *Freelancer floats directly in front of Gidda, knowing it was the
safest place to be when Gidda shoots at things*
"Hey, I didn't know that window opened!!" -LC Freelancer

"Really? Back in my day (/me gets into old geezer mode and recalls the
time when he first joined three years ago ;)) the DB guys in Wing VI
came to the TC to get drunk, and the DB to recover... Have we lost that
drunken, maniacal, spirit already? ;P " -CPT Argon Viper


Ooooh, man ... any MechWarrior fans out there? I got MW4:Mercenaries last
weekend, and woooo-hooo, it's great! Too bad LucasArts doesn't make SW
games like this ...

COM/AD Proton/SSSD Sovereign

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