ISDII Immortal Report # 27 (2003-07-22)

This report was submitted by VA RogueWing

Quote of the Week
" [name withheld to protect the innocent :p] with a COM who goes by the standard nick Stan-away, what can you expect? :P
I hate to throw a fellow COM under the bus that way, but it was funny. :)

Fleet News
-The TAC Office is looking for new testers and engineers for TIE. Those of you old fogies that stil fly that game can apply.
-MP Comps are not being held back in #ehcoc.....nice of them to let us know that they WEREN'T being held there........
-XvT Wow is being held this week. Warm up those XvT CD's and get to flying!
-Commendation of Loyalty awards are now being recommended. (There's a lot more details to them, but I'm just too lazy to write them all down. Go read them yourselves.)
-After the unfortunate Taco Debacle, there are several vacancies open in the TO Office as Professors. All nerds who wish to apply may email the TO about them.

News That You Can Use
-After several really busy weeks at RL work, I'm back in the groove. Expect many midnight abductions and weekly torture sessions to start up.
-Due to his increasingly difficult internet connections, GN Badlnads stepped down as WC. A new WC should be appointed in a few days.
-Vampire has advanced to the last couple of rounds of SSL. They are STILL undefeated. Everyone is to wish them luck with their next challenge.
-Gutt's seems to be back after the last hospital visit. This has lead to an increase in mental breakdowns on IRC.......but that is to be expected.
-We've flown over 250 missions so far this month. Let's see if we can hit the 500 mark.

COM's Advice
If you have any questions that you need advice too, just email me your questions and I'll include them in future reports:

Dear COM,
One of the bathroom stalls has been locked since I came aboard the ship, I've asked around but nobody seems to know why the door to that stall is locked.
Could you help me understand this mysterious locked door?
Dear Aeolus,
Go in there if you sure to take a full haz-mat suit.

Dear COM,
I have been working maintenance on the Immortal for the past 3 years, but I have always been told to never do maintenance in or around the Vampire quarters at night.
Why is this?
-Maintenance Guy #72
Dear Mainetenance Guy,
Do you REALLY want to try being around a Gundark at night in dark quarters??

Dear COM,
No matter how many times I flush the toilet, the water is always green, why is this?
-Concerned Pilot
Dear Concerned Pilot,
So we can just re-use the sewer water of course.

Competition Corner
-SotMA -I need a banner that can be awarded to the Squadron of the Month (yes, I'm bring that back seeing as how I never really instituted it). You have until 7/20/03 to get it sent in. Each pilot may submit up to 5 banners. IS-SR to winner and IS-BR to runner up.
-PotMA -I need a banner that can be awarded to the Pilot of the Month. You have until 7/20/03 to get it sent in. Each pilot may submit up to 5 banners. IS-SR to winner and IS-BR to runner up.

-If you don't have IRC, go to and download mIRC. Once you install it, connect to the undernet and go to channel #isd_immortal to meet your fellow pilots.
-If you aren't able to download mIRC, go to and use the java applet there.
-Our Message Board can be found at

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