ISDII Intrepid Report # 16 (2003-09-28)

This report was submitted by RA Frodo March

Rear Admiral Frodo March reporting for the ISD-II Intrepid on 09/28/03 #16

Commodore’s Opening Words

Greetings crew of the ISD-II Intrepid! Welcome to the 16th report…ah yes! The magical number, in two days I would have been your Commodore for 4 magnificent months, as all months are on the Intrepid.  Anyways, we got a pretty good week this week, but you should all know, it can be much better.
The Diamondback CMDR was chosen just last Sunday, congradulations to Commander Zhaim Jiffar on his new command.  He’s already started on a few ideas and is hard at work.
Speaking of work, I made a comp and submitted it to the TO.  It requires you all to each design a plotline for an XvT/BoP battle, it has to be all possible and in context in XvT/BoP.  (You have to have space battles, etc) it has to have at least 4 missions and obey TAC regulations.  The best plotline submitted to me will win an IS-SR! The most…Different one…wins an IS-BR, by different I mean…odd-ish…most Original really.
Speaking of Comps! Our beloved WC has started the Wing XIV MP Ladders.  There is absolutely no excuse for no participation in this, unless you have rotten software.  And since all ASF CMDRs are required to be able to MP, I am requiring that all CMDRs participate, no ifs, buts, just fly.  As for the FLs and FMs, you should all fly aswell, we make these comps for you to have chances to be active and fly, we make them so you have opportunities to get fancy medals.  Currently CM Spade is leading, good job Spade ;)
Another Comp, this time TC-wide, is the Imperial Storm Wargame.  It will be all BG’s against the Sovereign.  If you don’t know what a wargame is, and you’re interested in participating, contact COL Gidda or me.
We still have a few FL spots vacant.  So all of you Flight Members who believe you have what it takes, and aspire for eventual promotions, acquiring one of these is a great Idea.  Heck, I remember back in the day when I wanted to be FL I had to transfer off ship! Look how lucky you guys are, 3 are open as we speak in Wing XIV!!!
I’d like to post yet again a reminder to CMDRs, You send weekly reports to COL Gidda, myself, the FOA, FO and our BGCOM aswell as all the other CMDRs in the Wing, you send them on Fridays and make sure that all your pilots get them.  COL Gidda and I will be tightening the bolt on this issue. They will no longer be late.
Emperor's Hammer/Tie Corps News
ASF News
-ASF Trivia, by e-mail and in #eh_ASF every Sunday.

Ship news
-New Ship and Wing comps! Hurrah!
-Intrepid picture archives! Contact CPT Justin!!!

Pilot Awards/Reconition/Passed Iwats
     LT Shagen ---> CoB
    CM Zhaim Jifarr ---> PC
    CPT Derek Dan ---> PC
    CPT Tvan'Oris ---> PC
    MAJ Michael ---> ISM
    CM Yukito ---> ISM
    LT Jay Pliskin ---> ISM , CoB
    CPT Justin ---> PC
    CPT SavageAz ---> BS
    COL Ace Armageddon ---> PC
    CPT CrimsonFury ---> BS
    ISM Arid Foxtrot ---> ISM, MoI
    CM Sabbath ---> ISM
    CM Machinari ---> BS

Ship Status
The ISD-II Intrepid stands currently at 39 members! Welcome aboard LT Bob Canteen! SL Squall, and SL Dark Mike!
I noticed we have a lot of SLs in the ship, so CMDRs make sure the following gets to your new pilots.
1. Fly any official EH missions or battles at the EH mission compendium
2. Participate at any TO approved Squad/Wing/Ship/BG/Fleet comp!
3. Create an Imperial Navy Personal record (INPR) in your admin menu!
4. Create an official EH mission or battle (Can take a loooong time)
5. Helping your CMDR with the Squadron webpage, or creating one.
Those are the five main ways to get promoted to LT!

Quote of the week
<AD_Darksa> RA Frodo, News from ISD Intrepid, Flagship of Aggressor Strike Force?
<RA_Frodo> yes
<RA_Frodo> might I thank you for the extra touch there DS;)
<AD_Darksa> you might ;)
<RA_Frodo> I'm writting the report as we speak
<AD_Darksa> slacker :p
<RA_Frodo> Congrats again to CM Zhaim Jiffar Diamondback CMDR
<LC_BubbaX> *coughlazycough*
<RA_Frodo> I've been labeled as a slacker
<AD_Darksa> (Daimondback? :P)
<RA_Frodo> *Diamondback
<RA_Frodo> my bad
<AD_Darksa> Zhaim´s bad :p

Hints and Tips from the Short Commodore!

Hints of the Week:
…don’t go looking for Rap at Wal-Mart…its just a waste of time :P Oh, and EVERYTHING is closed on Sundays >:-( I had to learn that the hard way.  And for a More TC-ish hint, FLY! Fly anything, just fly, and MP is fun…even I can win, so can yooooou!

ISD Intrepid Battle plotline Competition began!
Wing XIV Ladders: Began!
ASF Trivia
Don’t you just love reading about comps and not participating at them? :P Well I don’t, go fly write or answer!

Finishing words
Once again, an action packed COM report! I’d really like to see our new Sub-lieutenants promoted soon, it would turn my frown upside down!…I think that’s a smile…
So go out there, help a pilot, fly a battle, do what you need to do to make this the funnest experience you can make it!
Oh, and if anyone wants to learn how to build XvT and has passed XTM/1 you can call me for some extra tutorials, tips, and checklist.

COM/RA Frodo March/ISD Intrepid “Frothy”
SSx3/BSx2/PCx8/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-19rh-2bh/IS-2BW-1BR-1SR-1GW-1GR/LoC-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-Rx1/CoSx4/CoB/LoAx2/OV-2E [ARCN] {IWATS-IIC/1-SM/2/3-TM-XTM/1/2}

“The Hobbit that thinks and acts bigger than he really is”
“Global Warming is just another empty Promise”

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