SSSD Sovereign Report # 105 (2003-10-07)

This report was submitted by AD Proton


COM/AD Proton reporting for the SSSD Sovereign, flagship of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet.


-- Imperial Storm IV has progressed to Turn 9 (of a possible 30). One engagement has been fought: One of our CRVs met up with the entire TIE Corps Battlegroups task force and was DOA. For occasional updates on the game, plus background info, please go to the Sov IS IV site:

-- Several days after the EH Battle Launcher was unveiled, there's a lot of commotion, because many pilots are having problems using the custom software, and therefore installing and playing our custom missions. The Science and Tactical offices are working on the issues. Meanwhile, there is a grass-roots movement to bring back the zipped compendium. I have appealed to higher powers in the fleet to do so. The morale of our pilots and the strength of our most at-risk squadrons are at stake. Because of the EHBL situation, at least one major comp, the Sovereign Cup, has been postponed. Everyone stay tuned, and please remain patient and optimistic. I'm sure this will be sorted out so we don't lose any pilots.

-- More on EHBL ... FA Marcin Szydlowski weighs in with TAC Directive #2: Starting November 1st, 2003, every Emperor's Hammer pilot is ordered to use Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher. Any High Scores achieved without EHBL will be rejected. Until November you have time to report any bugs and EHBL problems to SCO and TAC, so we will fix them quickly.

-- Due to real-life pressures, LC Thorn has stepped down as Wing III WC and transferred to the Reserves. I wish LC Thorn the best, hope he makes a quick return, and thank him for his service to the wing and the Sovereign. The WC post is not being opened for applications. I expect to have a replacement on board by the end of this week.

-- The SSSD Sovereign Killboard is open for business! Challenge non-Sov wings, squadrons, flights and pilots to competitions and gain glory for yourselves and the flagship! See the new Killboard section below for more details.

-- All mission creators are urged to enter the three mission-design competitions leading up to Sovereign League 2004. Four-mission battles without patches are needed for the XWA, XvT and TIE divisions.

-- GN Stele Pellaeon reports on Wing II Talk Radio, An Imperial Voice: Because of my fascination with talk radio, I've started up a Wing II Talk Radio show that broadcasts before and after the TieCorps meetings on sunday. My listener peak is 6. Not a whole lot but maybe if you pay a visit you can listen to me talk about Wing II and TieCorps issues. The program is about a half hour in which I let it loop a few times. All you need to listen is winamp.

--LC Carl Lost and CM Viper win Silver Stars for coming in second in the TAC mission creation wars. Great job!

-- EH newsletters #97, #98 and #99 are out, download links on TC news page.

-- FA Cyric reports: With the help of Captain Aeolus, the Flight Office Webpage is finished! View it at Check it out!

-- The e-mail address of legendary former SovCOM/FA Kramer has gone bad. Has anyone heard from good old CCK? If so, please let me know.

-- Finally, there was a nice little spat last week that blew up when some high officers on other ships started openly advocating the closure of the Sovereign. Sov pilots present at the time defended the Sov, and I greatly appreciate their spirit and action. I also raised hell about it, too much hell, apparently, because the Grand Admiral himself decreed an end to the back-and-forth about the issue. So, I expect all Sov personnel to drop this, and avoid further fireworks with our clueless detractors. Just blow them away in competitions.


-- Go to the Sov main news page at for the details of the big new competition venue on our ship, the SSSD Sovereign Killboard. Essentially, you will now receive extra recognition and more medals by engaging and defeating non-Sovereign units and personnel in competitions. I am working on a Killboard Web page that will track our results over the months. To your fighters, ladies and gentlemen! KILL THEM ALL!


-- Give a big Sovereign welcome to these new or returning pilots:
FM/SL Fox Mulder/Yod 2-3
FM/SL Mav Walker/Nun 1-2
FM/SL Danel/Delta 1-3
FM/SL Rokin/Beth 1-2

-- It is great to see our four new pilots! But at the same time our situation overall continues to be distressing, because we lost four pilots this week due to retirements and hardware problems.

SSSD Sovereign [145]

Wing I [29]
Wing II [32]
Wing III [26]
Wing IV [43]
Wing V [14]

Omega [9]


IRC channel: #SSSD_Sovereign
Message board:
The SSSD Sovereign Cantina Song:


-- I've keeled lotsa Rebels in SWG over the past couple of months, and therefore have earned enough Imperial faction points and credits to purchase a full suit of Stormtrooper armor, an AT-ST and a large house on Tatooine:

-- Feel free to contribute to Tatooine News, my SWG site:


"It's gonna be funny to see what you have to say at the end of this Kahooli, especially considering the kind of pilot files I've seen so far from Delta ;)" -MAJ Argon

"I'm in the Army and I have to give briefs regularly. I am an expect at tap dancing. Not that I think I will have to use this jedi ability." -CM Kahooli

"Heh, nice guys. However, having seen them in flight, I'd doubt Alpha's landing problems are anything but their own fault ;P " -MAJ Argon "trash talk" Viper

"Finally, someone has taken notice. Now someone realizes that the Alpha pilots just stay in their fighters rather than land. Why waste time landing when we will end up flying again in such a quick period." -CM Kahooli

"Yep, it all finally makes sense. All that exposure to vacuum explains a few things..." -LT Chaser

"That is two for Argon. He has again correctly stated the truth. Once he realizes that Delta cannot beat Alpha, he will find another squadron to kill. I think you guys might be able to handle Beta Squadron." -CM Kahooli

" "I was your father's, brother's, uncle's, friend's college roommate!" *thinks for a second* "Which makes us?" "Nothing at all! Which is what you are about to become!" -MAJ Argon

"The main Delta pilots are in the same House as I am so I can't unloose the good trash talk and then tell them they are good pilots later. They may get confused. I have to keep it know, it's Delta so things need to be explained, slowly, single syllable" -CM Kahooli

"Hey….I….re-sent….that….re-mark. Wait….what….were….you….say-ing….a-gain? (Did I get the syllables right, I was never that good when it came to English J) " -CM Gyssler

"I was going to say something prodigiously ostentatious to eviscerate your superfluous digital alter ego's assertion with insurmountable alacrity and concision... then I remembered I beat you :) " -LT Brin "The 'B' is for Bellicose" Chaser


"I am a part of the finest group in the EH the WIng II on Sovereign and any one that thinks we are a bunch of wash outs can simply challenge us and find out. I personally will take any one that has the brass to bash us and tell them pick a mission or a battle and I will fly against them and possibly not win but I surely won't run. If they do beat me I also won't start bad mouthing their wing, battle group or squadron cause it's all about fun and making friends." -CM Viper


"YAY I made the comments section!
(guess I better take my dress off now.....)" -FA Cyric

"Cryic wears a dress? Cryic... you wouldnt happen to be related to J. Edgar Hoover, would you?
*Stele winks at Joe =P " -GN Stele =P Pellaeon

"Grrr ::Maces Stele's eyes:: Why do people ask about guys who used to wear dresses then wink at you... It's just... wrong.." -AD Joe

"*Stele starts winking repeatedly as the mace gets in his eyes
...Augh...there's something in my eyes!" -GN Stele "now blind" Pellaeon

"We are going to have to get you off that stuff and onto proper booze, lime
vodka, and other forms of concentrated alcohol." -COL Jon

"Other forms of concentrated alcohol? Doesn't having to smell ya'lls breath count? :) " -CM Kronar

"Cops? You guys are cops? (/me imagines handcuffs)
Cool, I'm thinking of being one since I'm a Crim Justice major." -GN Stele Pellaeon

"Just got back from a couple of buddies' house and watching the Packers stomp
the Bears. A comment by John Madden suddenly comes to mind regarding the
NHL and NFL players. Roughly it comes to, "NFL players wear masks to
protect the face, NHL players wear masks to hide the ugly." I'm thinking
Rebel pilots wear masks to proctect the face and Imperial pilots wear 'em to
hide the ugly.
I'm fairly drunk right now, so feel free to ignore this e-mail." -LC Josh

" *caution Overload in process, Hacked Anti Hack in progress* " -COL Jon

"*COL Jon Breathes on K, and watches him fall unconscious from the alcohol
fumes*" -COL Jon

"Dude, Jawas love me. Cracks me up to see them run across the sand to help me kill stuff." -GN Compton

"Well with all these medals I'm carrying around I felt that there should be a new saying.
"Bite my Shiny Medaled Chest" -COL Jon Doyle

"I would chalk it up as a stress release, and if you had to deal with so many of the A**H**** out there on a daily basis, you'd wanna blow things up also :)" -FA Cyric

"Sovereign World Cup is under way.....I don't think any Wing IVers are in it so I guess we can all just watch and make heckling comments to the pilots participating..." -MAJ Evo Sarnok

"-Imperial Storm IV is up and running, time to show the other BGs who the hell is boss around here ;P " -MAJ Evo Sarnok

"Gah!! Wing V :( only 14 pilots......Recruit for Wing V, help our brothers and sisters out!!!" -MAJ Evo Sarnok

"protons secret bar....not realy secret...peope aready take the good stuff...but i cant name names " -LT Conker

"You're right... Cyric doesn't seem too busy to answer to uhh.. 'constructive' mail :P " -CM Kronar

"Mmmm pie... no wait I don't even like pie! Curse those internet cartoons! *shakes fist* " -CM Kronar

"Bah! No Ewok steaks? And here I got my hopes up all for nothing.
(*Sas looks longingly at a bottle of Psi Brand(TM) Ewok BBQ Sauce(R) *)
Sigh ... it's been far too long since I had a nice Ewok ... medium rare." -GN Sasquatch

"Sov-bashing? Bah, is that still going on? Didn't they GROW UP out of that phase yet?
Oh, well, just another excuse to kick their lily-white behinds in the Impy 4." -COL Inkwolf

"AD Proton has returned from his brief medical leave, I'm sure the entire ship is glad to have him back. And I'm not just saying that to keep The Beautiful But Deadly Ballista from beating me into a living pulp, although that unfortunate (and hopefully theoretical) scenario did help to keep the topic fresh in my mind ..." -GN Sasquatch

"- Imperial Storm IV : "The BattleGroups Revenge" or "The Mighty Sweeping Fantastic Vengeance of the Glorious Freakin' Awesome Sov".
Yeah, I definitely like that second one better." -GN Sasquatch

"The only Soveriegn Super Star Destoryer that is. There is still the boastful and annoying SSD Avenger. But we shall deal with them in due course. Just sober up Wing II, put a liquor convoy behind the BG/ASF/ATF, and we'll decimate everything that stands in our way!!! :P" -CPT Ninj

"Anyways, I'm not going to wash my CMDR's head because some pilot wanted to join his squadron." -LC Wolverine
"Even if we wanted to do a little illegal hunting, the guy who was supposed
to pack the 12 gauge forgot it! :p " -COL Brian

"As you can see, we don't have to prove anything. Someone who says we're inactive or underskilled, must be really blind... Or stupid." -LC Todbringer

"/me walks up to the podium to start his reportin front of him are the Sov reporters.

"AWWW nobody wants to play with us.

/me loads up a dubble load of bombs into his mis
i wonder why....." -LT Conker

"Sir, I would like to step in and remind you that sobering the fleet would be disastrous for morale, economy, and our health!" -Doctor Chris

"All the more reason to decimate our combined competitors. But if delays forces morale to an all-time high, we can always break into Proton's OTHER top-secret booze cache and plunder it! But only I have the map...
*Notices the murderous glares of Wings I, II, III, IV, and V*
...but there will be small amounts of liquor allowed, just not enough to get completely drunk...if you wanna be drunk, you gotta decimate the Soveriegn's competitors!
Now if you escuse me, I seem to have to go into hiding here...
*Runs off with Wings I, II, III, IV, and V in pursuit* " -CPT Ninja

"Need an XWA skirmisher?
You got one right here.
I'll be glad to bashy bashy some Bee Gees, in honor of our glorius ship, and for our good Commodore..(he's on this list, right? this sucking up will get to him, yes?)." -CPT Psyko

"Oh my God! The Fleet Commander has responded my very own post personally! Hey guys, did you see?? He actually reads my posts! He reads my posts! :) Although this is a reprimand,I feel flattered and honoured!
/Wolvie faints ermmm... looses councioussnes." -LC Mayk 'Proud of himself' Wolverine, 'Wolvie'

"May I have the honour of kicking them? :) " -LC Wolvie

"*sips his brandy as the rest of the Sov wings chase Carl, thinking he's Ninj*" -CPT Ninja

Ah the smell of burning flesh my how I miss it, now Lana where we ;P " -COL Reaper

"we have bigger fish to fry than inter-SG flame wars " -GA Ronin

"What fish, specifically, are we frying, sir? =P " -GN Stele Pellaeon

"Okay, CMDRs, you heard the man! Let's get busy creaming the non-SOV personel!" -LC Mike Chistu

"AWWWWWWW...........cant we share
/me gets he mis loaded up and ready for launch" -LT Conker the ready for a fight

"Careful Inkey talk like that could cause a shortage of Gungan Burgers for you ;)" -CM Viper

"Oh, you haven't seen the last of me, Inky. I'm still hell bent on marrying you. :) " -LC Zekk

"*Sharpens his knives*
Pardon? Marry Inky?
I believe I've had my sites set on that for nearly 4 or 5 years now, Zekk...
And Knives hurt.." -CPT Psyko

"EHBwha...? zeta? /me goes fumbling around for his brain pills" -MAJ David

"Commendable, all of them! Three beers! Three beers! Three beers! (and a milk for the wacko in the wing)" -LC Freelancer

*Bangs Chest*
Bring it :)" -LT Brin Chaser

"Heh heh heh. Ook, ook, Tarzan. Get Cheeta to prep your fighter, just in case ;)" -LC Freelancer

"Stupid commies! Oh, you said Gremlins, not Kremlins. Sorry, nevermind." -LC Mike Chistu

"Wonderful. We've got Mr. Literal. *Me throws argon down the HGB shaft and welds the door shut." -LCM Colin "Revenge is so sweet" Graves

"So our WC must be 90 years old, toothles, doddering man =P
Maybe we can buy him new dentures and stick...erm wheelchair =P" -LCM Granite the youngster

"That's not WC, that's COM, but things're looking bad for you anyway..." -LT Zyrax

"HGB! HGB! HGB! HGB! Go get 'im LSD!" -LC Michael Emrys

"OOPS... Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide...
/me Runs towards the huge blast doors, opens it and hides there
OH MY GOD!!! It's Protons secret alcohol storage!!!" -LCM Granite

"Well, the ad on the bottom of yours indicates that you do not have a college diploma ;P" -MAJ Argon

"Oh yeah I haven't updated the website so don't bother going. Uploading all that stuff that you had on the old one is going to take a while *kicks his modem* " -CM Kronar

"For the poll, you should addd "Freelancer", "Jon Doyle" and "Freelancer AND Jon Doyle" >:P (as to what will be the greatest threat to the Sov BG this wargame." -LC Freelancer

"I then come out from where I was hiding, drain my TIE/D, vent the coolant to the bridge, and fills Argon's fighter with Bleach." -LCM Colin Graves

"Did he just say he was going to comp a feel of his new squad?" -CM Kahooli

"Hahahahaha!!! Oh, I'm LOVING these attempts at trash talking! So civil! So polite! I love it!!!" -LC Freelancer ...always resorts to "suckafoo" for trash talking...

"I resorted to numbnuts once... Got me a QotW too, apparently no one had ever used it before ;P" -MAJ Argon

"Oh hahaa! With that kind of talk I might make you the official milk warmer for me if you keep it up =P" -GN Stele Pellaeon

"Ah it's Grandfather Proton I've got an extra Light saber cane if you need it. ;D" -CM Viper (now in hiding again)

" why in my day if we wanted a Light saber cane we had to wrestle wamprats ;P" -LT Conker the drunk old guy"

"Bah, for Christmas we should just get him a group of nurses, younger ones...." -CPT Psyko

"Shameless? Never.
Sucking up? Well....
KILL THEM ALL? You got it boss." -CPT Psyko

"BTW, just so you're all aware, the dumping drinks tradition is a hold-over from my time in Wing VI, it will never die :) " -MAJ Argon

" "No, but you will."
Mike uses his WC/LC privledges to defenestrate the entire Delta barracks into deep space." -LC Mike "defenestrator" Chistu

"Dude, why the heck is Jar-Jar still making Engrish captions for an English movie? O_O " -Doctor Chris

"LOL, I guess I really put my foot in it when I brought up the point that the
MAC people wouldn't be able to fly because the EHBL isn't compatible with
MAC's. Silly me. lol" -LC Michael Emrys

"AWWw your own little idy bidy stormtrooper suit! Adorable!" -FA Cyric

"Shhhh Cyric! His new pet AT-ST can *step* on you.. remember? :P" -AD Joe


Turr: Welcome to another report, ladies and gentlemen. I'm glad ya'll could make it today. Let me start is by saying...excuse me?

Lady Reporter: There are rumors of you spending time the other night with a certain Lieutenant by the name of Lana, is that correct? Also, those rumors state that she came with you the other night and stayed for a couple of days. Is that also correct?

Turr: Um, er, next question please.

Male Reporter: Yes, I'd like to get your feelings on having to CC your reports to your old Wing Commander, Colonel Reaper?

Turr: Ah yes. Well, I just do see the point in sending anything to that blockheaderm, I mean bloke, Colonel Reaper. Now why would I want to do that? After all, who wants Reaper lurking round the halls anyway and knowing what we are doing? Besides, he is on the wing list. :P

Droid Report: I would like to know why, if you cant stand him or so it seems, why are you going to hang out with him for a bit when he comes to New York City?

Turr: Er, well, erm, no further comments. This briefing is over. I'll have my protocol droid, Harold, finish the rest. :P

/leaves hurriedly as Harold continues the briefing.

Harold: Okay, since I have no feelings like you insignificant humans, there will be no "Babe of the Week" this time around. Personally, those "babes" have no effect on me.

"Oh dear Leiutenant Colonel, looks like Harold will be doing your breifings from now on *signals to harold* take care of LC Turr for me old boy, oh and make those reporters "disappear"

COM-PROF/AD Proton/SSSD Sovereign

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