ISDII Immortal Report # 5 (2003-10-05)

This report was submitted by RA Locke Setzer

ISD Immortal

Weekly Ship Report


*** `Master has joined #isd_immortal
[BubbaT] incorrect nick
*** Del|XWa is now known as BubbaD
[BubbaL] Woo! Master's come to join us! ;P
[BubbaT] change them or be gone!
*** BubbaX sets mode: +o BubbaD
[BubbaT] yay! :D
[BubbaD] :)
[`Master] ...
[BubbaT] ...
[BubbaL] Join in >:)
[BubbaT] yes! join the Cult of Bubbaocity!
[BubbaT] Bubbaness
[`Master] you guys are freakin me out :P
[BubbaX] Meeee
[BubbaG] one of us - one of us - one of u...
[BubbaT] are you afraid to Bubba, Master? :P
[BubbaL] lol!!
[`Master] yes
[BubbaL] That's this week's quote :P

Immortal News

-First off, big thanks to Captain Kane Reese, who has given me a header image as well as a rather cool office banner as well for my reports and the Immortal site respectively :) On that note, I must also congratulate the Captain for being the winner of the "Create a Squad of the Month Banner". While I did have some rather nice entrees... with the exception of one from a certain LC... Kane's stood above as being rather pretty, easy for me to change, and ideal for websites :)

I would also like to congratulate fellow Vampire member CPT Aeolus who made my desicion quite difficult with his banner, which was of equal calibur. For his efforts he shall be awarded a IS-BR :) All of the banner submissions I recieved will be posted on the Immortal website sometime tonight :)

-Some of you who frequent IRC have probably heard by now, but a few of us Battlegroup Flags decided to get together to form a new channel for all ships in the BG: #TC_Battlegroups. The channel will soon be registered, so come on over and socilize some with other members of other ships... assuming that other ships actually do much IRC idling, which tends to be something the Imm here has a monopoly on ;) Still, should be a cool new channel, so come in and check it out :)

-As warned last week, October will be the month of competitions :) As you've seen by now, our WC LC BubbaX is providing you with quite a large deal of activities here to do on a variety of things, not to mention your Squadron Commanders as well! To mix things up even more, I'll be having a ship vs ship comp go up as well this month... as soon as I find a ship that isn't too cowerdly to turn me down ;)

Either way, I encourage everyone to take part in as many competitions as possible, and use this time to really enjoy the best part of being in the EH: participating with your fellow squad mates, working together to accomplish a goal, and overall just having an enjoyable time :)

-A few noticable comp winners have come out this week! Congrats to LCM Tygra Shadowclaw and MAJ Mosh who placed First and Second respectivly in Bubba's Blashpemous Battle Bash. Also, large congrats to COL RogueWing and LCM Nathaniel Tremayne who won so many Competition medals this past week from various victories in Ghost Squadron that Bubba was convinced there must have been double-awarding somewhere ;)

-MAJ Mosh has a new email addy! Please update your address books to reflect his new email addy,

-On another note, MAJ Mosh has also been producing the coolest EH memorabilia I've ever seen, which are his EH patches :) I just got mine in the mail this week and man, twas a $8 well spent :) Take a look at it and you know you'll want one :) Contact Mosh at his new email addy to find out how you can get one!

-On a final note, I got a IS-PR by default for a little X-Wing battle I did for the FCHG comp. But more importantly, one of my many TAC submissions finally saw the light of day! Take a look at XvT-FREE #153 if you have some time, and/or feel like sucking up to the COM ;). And by all means, give it a review! Even if you despise it... just make sure to tell me why ;)

Message Board Topics of Intrest

-Debate on Policy
-The EH Battle Launcher in all it's controversy
-For all MAC users...
-How we treat new pilots! ;)
-Imperial Storm!
-Talon arrives already kicking!
-The Vampire Bar

Competitions for All!

Ship Comps

Commodore's Protector: Continuing in this competition, each month I will choose the pilot I feel has served the Immortal the best over the past month and bestow upon him the title of Commodore's Protector, which he will retain until the next month when I pass the title on to another. While the title may be used in any email and TC transactions for the month the pilot retains it, they will also be awarded a IS-SR for obtaining the title for that month.

Squadron of the Month: Each month I will select a Squadron I believe has performed overall as a group (not a set of individuals) the best shall be awarded the title of Squadron of the Month. The CMDR of the Squadron of the Month shall be awarded a IS-SW for leading his squadron to that title, and the Squadron as a whole will be given a banner with their name and date of their accomplishment which may be posted on their website, as a reward to give them complete bragging rights for that month.

Wing Comps

Recruiting Comp: In a effort to regenerate the numbers of Wing XI and the overall activity, a recruiting comp is to be held. This comp shall award a IS-SR to the pilot who recruits the most, whereas a IS-BR shall be awarded for every pilot who recruits at least one pilot

Immortal Guard: The Immortal Guard will be the elite unit of Wing XI, and will consist of a total of five (5) people. One will be the Captain of the Guard, the other four will be Guardsmen. The competition to join the Guard will consist of two parts: 1. High Score: All pilots will fly the assigned battles (TIE-TC 202, XvT-TC 59, XWA-TC 14, XW *TBA*(the XW battle is a bonus)) and submit them to the WC. The WC, me, will then add up the scores for each battle, and divide by 3 (therefore, flying the XW battle will give an advantage). Two of the Guardsmen will be selected from this section of the competition. 2. General Activity: All pilots must be as active as possible. Activity ranges from MB posting, to flying, to IWATS. Two of the Guardsmen will be selected from this section. *The Captain of the Guard will be the person who acheives the highest overall score in both sections. IS-SW to Captain of the Guard, IS-BW to all Guardsmen. Deadline: September 30th

Beat the Wing Commander!: The Wing Commander of Wing XI has an open challenge to all of the Immortal. Any pilot who accepts will choose a free mission for any platform (except XW), or challenge the WC to an MP match on any platform. If the pilot beats the WC, he/she gets an IS-BW. Deadline: October 26th

Wing XI Pilot of the Month Comp: The pilot who flies the most, and is overall most active for each week will be awarded one point. The pilot with the most points for each month will receive an IS-SW. If there is a tie, both pilots will get an IS-SW. This will continue each month until January.

Wing XI Trivia: Every week, after the wing meeting, there will be trivia held. The pilot who wins the most weeks in a month wins an IS-SR. All others who win a week get IS-BRs.
This week's winner: None

Fleet News

-In one of the most monumental and perhaps most contraversial moves, the EH has released the Battle Launcher, which not only automatically installs EH battles, but also encodes them preventing mission editors from being able to use them. Either way, the EHBL is now required for all EH pilots, and can be downloaded by logging into

-A slew of newsletters were released this week. Get your grubby hands on them by heading over to

-The position of XOA has still not been filled. Applications, therefore, are still being taken. Requirements can be seen here

Squadron Stat


Total Missions: 0
Medals: 7

Total Missions: 0
Medals: 2

Total Missions: 8
Medals: 3

Total Missions: 6
Medals: 1

Total Missions: 0
Medals: 0

Final Thoughts

I'd like to give a big pat on the back to all of you guys who are really out there and being active. I appreciate your effort as do your CMDRs, and I'm sure the awards you're filling your pockets with are keeping you happy as well ;) Tis my hope that more people will jump onto the gravy train of medals soon as well ;)

Respectfully Submitted,

COM-TCT-TCS-PROF/RA Locke Setzer/ISD Immortal

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