ISDII Immortal Report # 8 (2003-10-26)

This report was submitted by RA Locke Setzer

ISD Immortal

Weekly Ship Report


<`BubbaX> And I got TCS...
<`BubbaX> But my profile doesn't say so yet :P
<`Locke> Yeah profile takes forever to change for TCS
<`Locke> They test you out first
<`BubbaX> damn them :P
<`Locke> Yeah, they make you work, godforbid that :P
<`BubbaX> But I don't actually want to *work* :P

Immortal News

-First off, big congrats to Captain Aeolus, who takes over Phantom Squadron, and newly-promoted Commander Aresis, who will take over Falcon Squadron. We had quite a few excellent applications for these positions, but in the end Boliv and I thought these two would make fine CMDRs for the Immortal. Drinks on them both for the rest of the week!

-The Great Wing Bash continues! So far I've only gotten a few submissions for this, which dosen't look too good at all! This competition is the best representation for the Wing as a whole, and there's no better way to support your Wing then to participate!

At the moment, I've flown each of the missions for this, as well as having created a graphic. It's a bit of work, but trust me when I say it's also quite a bit of fun :) If you need any tips for TIE or XvT (RW has already provided excellent strategies for XWA), please email me and ask ;)

Even if you're not a huge flyer, there's always the graphics portion! And how good do the graphics have to be to get credit? To be blunt: not very! In fact they can be utter crap. This comp isn't about being a fabulous flyer or an amazing artist... it's about participating in something for your wing. Here's an example of an image Colonel RogueWing put together on Paintbrush during a spare 5 minutes he had!

And it dosen't even have to be *that* good ;) The important thing is that you try, and put forth some effort into the Wing. I know you all can do it, and I know if we work together, there isn't a wing out there that can put a hand on us! :)

Remember, all comp entrees are due to me on November 2nd. CMDRs, please send me the pilot files of all of your pilots who have flown the comp missions.

-For his XWA tips this week as well as performance for the Great Wing Bash in both flying and graphics, I am announcing Colonel RogueWing as this week's Pilot of the Week.

Since this is the end of the month, however, I am pleased to announce that our own WC, Lieutenant Colonel Triji Boliv, having won 2 out of the 4 weeks, is this month's Pilot of the Month. This comp will now return to WC control, and thus chances are this situation will never happen again ;)

-With no trivia this week, we have a tie between Colonel RogueWing and Captain Krayt in terms of who will be the Trivia Champion for the month of October. I shall be emailing them privately with a toss up question, and shall announce the winner for October in next week's Ship Report :)

-Let's give out a big welcome to our newest member, SL Haedaliel Belil-Gaviel, who joins the Immortal over in Ghost Squadron :D

-Beat the WC! has ended as of today, offically. However, I enjoyed running it and thought it was a good idea, so Boliv and I will be providing a new form of this competition quite soon :)

-Some of you had a bit of trouble getting in contact with me this weekend, and Boliv and I had to cancel the Saturday meeting day of. Both of these occasions I apologize for... personally, Bol's been having serious computer problems, and I encountered a surprise visit from a new recruit over the weekend, so my time was also limited ;) But, things should be back to normal now, so you all can relax :)

Message Board Topics of Intrest

We love Boliv!
Aeolus goes to Phantom
XO demands NL submissions!
Days of Olde
The Spam of Ghost
The SCO asks of Opinions!


Ship Comps

The Great Wing Bash!: This Wing II vs Wing XI vs Wing XIII comp shall begin Sunday, October 19th, and shall end Sunday, November 2nd.

For a period of 2 weeks we shall war on the subject of two grounds: SP and Graphics. SP missions choosen for flying are TIE-FREE #179, XvT-FREE #70, and XWA-FREE #4. The subject of the imagery will be a cooperative attack upon Rebels by ships of these three wings.

15 points to the Top Scorer (and
10 to 2nd place
5 to 3rd place
1 for participation

15 points to the Top Scorer
10 to 2nd place
5 to 3rd place
2 for participation

On November 2nd we'll send all of our submissions to each other (graphic submissions will also be sent to the SCO, who shall judge). If there are no complaints, I will add up the scores (though any side shall be able to double-check me since they'll have all of the files at their disposal). IS-GWs through IS-BWs shall be awarded to the top 3 scorers on each platform. IS-GR through IS-BRs shall be awarded for the respective winner in grapics.

Commodore's Protector: Continuing in this competition, each month I will choose the pilot I feel has served the Immortal the best over the past month and bestow upon him the title of Commodore's Protector, which he will retain until the next month when I pass the title on to another. While the title may be used in any email and TC transactions for the month the pilot retains it, they will also be awarded a IS-SR for obtaining the title for that month. (To Be Announced next week)

Squadron of the Month: Each month I will select a Squadron I believe has performed overall as a group (not a set of individuals) the best shall be awarded the title of Squadron of the Month. The CMDR of the Squadron of the Month shall be awarded a IS-SW for leading his squadron to that title, and the Squadron as a whole will be given a banner with their name and date of their accomplishment which may be posted on their website, as a reward to give them complete bragging rights for that month. (To Be Announced next week)

Wing XI Trivia: Every week, after the wing meeting, there will be trivia held. The pilot who wins the most weeks in a month wins an IS-SR. All others who win a week get IS-BRs.
No trivia this week. Tie will be broke in private email trivia question

Krayt - 1
RogueWing -1

Wing Comps

Recruiting Comp: In a effort to regenerate the numbers of Wing XI and the overall activity, a recruiting comp is to be held. This comp shall award a IS-SR to the pilot who recruits the most, whereas a IS-BR shall be awarded for every pilot who recruits at least one pilot

Aeolus - 1
Locke - 1

Wing XI Pilot of the Month Comp: The pilot who flies the most, and is overall most active for each week will be awarded one point. The pilot with the most points for each month will receive an IS-SW. If there is a tie, both pilots will get an IS-SW. This will continue each month until January.

This Month's Pilot of the Month: LC Triji Boliv
October Winners:
COL RogueWing
LC BubbaX
LC Triji Boliv

Fleet News

-As seen in the message board topic above, our XO seems to be quite desperate for NL submissions. Therefore, I encourage all of you to flood him as much as possible with whatever you deem worthy to put in there ;)

-FA Cyric shall begun TCCOM's Own again, which serves as even more incentive for all of us to be at our best during this comp time and in other areas so that we might have the oppertunity to win such a prestigious award!

-FA Cyric is also looking for a new Flight Office Banner! There is a IS-GR for First place, IS-SR for Second, and a IS-BR for Third. There is one month to submit your designs to me and my CA, VA Reaper, starting on 10/27 and ending on 11/27. There is no set design, so use your imagination! When Submitting, Use TCCOM OWN BANNER SUBMISSION in the subject header. If you don't, it will not be accepted.

Squadron Stats


Total Missions: 1
Medals: 1

Total Missions: 0
Medals: 0

Total Missions: 6
Medals: 0

Total Missions: 6
Medals: 0

Total Missions: 1

Flag Staff
Total Missions: 4
Medals: 1

Final Thoughts

One of the few things you'll ever see me be a stickler for is Wing vs Wing Comps, just because there's no better chance you'll ever get to really get to showcase your abilities and prove to many others the quality of your ship and your wing. I've made things pretty simple to participate, and if we push for it, there's no way can lose this thing. But even if we do, that's not the big thing to me. What I want to see is that all of us can come together on this ship and perform as a unit, united and together, to achieve a goal, to do a performance. That's what I'd like to see, and I hope that there's those of you out there who share my sentiment :)

Respectfully Submitted,

COM-TCT-TCS-PROF/RA Locke Setzer/ISD Immortal

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