ISDII Vanguard Report # 45 (2003-09-28)

This report was submitted by VA Sickman



COM/VA SickMan reporting for the ISD-II Vanguard, Tiger Of The Fleet




Hi everyone, a quiet week has past us, let's crank the Vanguard music to full blast and get us heard around the fleet again. I have a had my recruiting head on again and have a few maybe's to join the family.

CMDR's remember to stay in touch with your pilots and report every week unless theres a prob then inform me or Nightmare and ready a MSE for the new month to make sure your pilots are awarded for their achievements.

Until next week my friends, drink, be merry, fly and have fun............thats a Sicky order:)

SickMan's words of the week = When theres no beer, then i start to worry :P

NOTE to CMDR's, please remember to forward this to your pilots



WING X Commander Chosen
01:45 - FA Cyric []
Congratulations to COL Master #6252 for being chosen as the new Wing Commander of Wing X. He has been chosen as the best applicant and wish him the best of luck!

Wing X WC open for applications
17:30 - FA Cyric []
Following LC Frey Gallandro's resignation as Wing X Wing Commander, the position is now open to applications. Those wishing to apply must be able to meet the following requirements... A tour as Squadron Commander for no less than FOUR consecutive months and the minimum rank of Captain Familiarity with all TIE Corps and EH protocols, policies etc Familiarity with the workings of TIE A quick email response time and decent IRC presence No serious HCI convictions within the last 12 month All other requirements detailed in the Training Manual All applications should be sent to Admiral Krax and Rear Admiral Sephiroth with the subject "Wing X WC" as soon as possible.



Wing XV

Flag Officers - 1
Echo - 8
Scorpion - 6
Mantis - 9
Wasp - 7
Hornet - 9
Python - 8
Total: 48

Roster available at:

FCHG Listings at:

Combat Rating Listing at:

Awards/Promotions & Arrivals/Departures

The Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon has been awarded to: CMDR-TCS/MAJ Kenath Zoron/Hornet,
The Iron Star - Gold Ribbon has been awarded to: CMDR/CM Coranel Both/Wasp,
The Iron Star - Gold Ribbon has been awarded to: WC-MAG/COL Nightmare,
The Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon has been awarded to: WC-MAG/COL Nightmare,
The Distinguished Flying Cross has been awarded to: WC-MAG/COL Nightmare (2 times)

LOC Awards

COL Nightmare [9 victories]

IWATS Courses Completed




Vanguard COMPS

Design a new Vanguard website, we need a new site as the current one will be gone soon, so all you web designers out there get making a new one, the best will receive a IS-SR and be used as the new home website for the VAN.

Deadline is 06/10/03

VANFLYING COMP#15 = XWA-TC Battle #27 - Battle of Corellia

VANFLYING COMP#16 = XvT-TC Battle #78 - ZT Force: Tunake

as per usual it's IS-SW to the highest scorer and IS-BW to the 2nd highest score for each comp, deadline 21/10/2003


Competition Name/Title ASF Mascot
Submitted by: BGCOM/AD Darksaber/Aggressor Strike Force
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 9/21/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 10/5/2003
Parties Involved ASF
Missions/Battles Used /
Medals to be Awarded Iron Star - Gold Ribbon: Best Submission Iron Star -
Silver Ribbon: 2º Best Submission Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon: 3º Best
Miscellaneous Information The Goal is to create a Mascot for ASF. The
Winning Submission will become the ASF Official Submission. Submissions
must include a name and description but can also incluse a Graphic/Picture
and a fiction.


Admiral Darksaber
Agressor Strike Force Battlegroups Commodore



IRC channel: #isdvanguard

Aggressor Strike Force: #EH_ASF on mIRC

Message board:

ASF Messageboard:




COM/VA Sickman/ISD Vanguard
SS/BSx2/PCx5/ISMx4/MoI/IS-3BW-1GW/LoC-CSx5-Rx1/CoLx5/CoB/OV-5E [PLDN] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-M/1/2-SM/2}


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