ISDII Relentless Report # 6 (2003-11-16)

This report was submitted by RA BubbaX

ISD Relentless

Rear Admiral BubbaX Reporting for the ISD-II Relentless on the Sixteenth of November 2003


Another quiet, yet active week on the Relentless...not bad at all :P

We're done with Ship vs. Ship comps for a few weeks, so relax. I'll be talking to some possible targets soon ;P

29 weeks of school left.... yay :P

TC/EH News

Not much news :P


Old zip battles - These will be taken offline on January 1st.

TC News

A fix for the EHBL and TIE for XP

Relentless News

Nothing. Absolutely nothing :P


Ship Comps

Commodore's Protector 

2. Squadron of the Month

Wing Comps

Wing IX WC's Challange

Wing IX's First Run-On

Wing IX Recruiting Bananza #1

Wing IX Monthly Trivia

Transfers In/Out



None :P



ISM --> MAJ Tycho Atreides 

LoC --> RA BubbaX


LCM Klech Remart passed M/2 with 90%!

LT Ron L. Hubba passed IIC/1 with 100%!
LT Ron L. Hubba passed IIC/2 with 100%!!
LT Ron L. Hubba passed IIC/3 with 100%!!!

Great job, Ron! :P

Missions Flown

Flag Officers: 0 (We've been bad :P)

Sword: 44

Spear: 0 

Hammer: 95 

Shield: 0 

Total: 139

Quote of the Week

[18:14] <Stan-Away> Hey, what SWG server are you guys on?
[18:15] <Stan-Away> Don't all answer at once...
[18:16] * `Locke has quit IRC (Quit: X is only the beginning: Eggdrop Course (
[18:16] <RogueWing> dont have SWG, so couldn't tell you
[18:16] <`Legolas`> i really dont know, i dont play
[18:16] <AD_Krax> Yep.
[18:17] <`Legolas`> if bubba were here he'd tell ya
[18:18] <`gunman> start talking about him and he should show up
[18:18] * `Legolas` gives BubbAFKX a Sloppy Wet Kiss =8Þ~~
[18:18] <`Legolas`> :D
[18:18] <BubbAFKX> Chilastra, Stan :P
[18:19] <Stan-Away> Bah, wrong one. :P

Weekly Fiction

Ky, where's my fiction? :P


Recruit! Recruit, recruit, recruit, recruit! :P 

Now to help you, I've put together a few tips on how to get recruits:

* Look for Cadets with AIM because they are easier to contact
* Don't bother contacting Cadets who have been in training for more than three weeks
* Don't bother emailing SLs, LTs, or anyone over the rank of VA in the reserves
* Look for reservists who have been on the Relentless in the past
* Post recruiting messages on any SW forums you come across

These are just a few tips...use them wisely :P

Closing Thoughts

It's been quiet, and that's okay...I would like to see a bit more communication from you guys. Our MBs are kinda quiet, which is pretty much entirely my fault...yeah, I haven't been spamming like I should recently :/

If you guys don't post on that run on soon, we'll end the comp and Ky will get to count up the three pages of posts :P

Fly, recruit, have fun, and stay safe!



Rear Admiral BubbaX

Rear Admiral BubbaX, Commodore of the ISD-II Relentless
COM/RA BubbaX/ISD Relentless

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