ISDII Intrepid Report # 25 (2003-11-30)

This report was submitted by VA Frodo March

Vice Admiral Frodo March reporting for the ISD-II Intrepid on 11/30/03 #25

Commodore’s Opening Words
Greetings members of the ISD-II Intrepid! For those of you who noticed I haven't been online in 24hrs, its because I was sick for a little while, but now I feel much better.
Anyway, the biggest news this week for us is probably the ending of the beer cup, the Intrepid alone has 33 pilot files submitted for this! :)  Although we haven't won yet, there's still a few hours left before the comp ends, and most our files are in XvT...the Intrepid alone has maxed out in XvT out of a possible 15 pilot files we have 17:P
I plan on taking December a little bit more should be alot of fun to just let lose a bit.  Anyways, SC is coming soon, so you guys that fly a whole lot might want to start thinking about the futur ;)
Speaking of people who fly a whole lot, the COM protector has been chosen, for constantly flooding everyone's inboxes with BSF notices, I hereby name CPT SavageAz as the Commodore protector of the ISD-II Intrepid! Congradulations Azzy! Feel free to add that to your ID line!
This week I want everyone to give a little bit more effort towards recruiting, it would be very fun to see our numbers surpass the Wolf's afterall, we are the flagship, and...well, having alot of pilots is fun :P
And I'm sad too anounce that MAJ Tyr Anasazi has resigned from the position of Asp CMDR after about two weeks...COL Gidda might open the spot to applications soon, keep your eyes open.
MSE's are due, get them in to COL Gidda ASAP, lets beat my previous record and have the medals awarded within 4 days shall we? :P

Emperor’s Hammer/Tie Corps News
TCCs appointed
03:17 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
I've appointed two new TCCs. Congrats to MAJ D.T Hammer new TCC:TIE and CM Chris Cox new TCC:XvT.
EH Census
21:22 - AD Darknyte []

The EH Census is finally ready for the Fleet to take part in. If you've kept up with my reports you know that I feel this will be a great tool for those of us in leadership roles in the EH to more accurately gauge what the membership would like to get out of their experience in the club.
All members of the EH are encouraged to participate and asked to please answer all questions with honesty. There are a few regarding thoughts on senior officers, and we assure you that your private information will never be made public, so you may answer without fear of reproach.
The Census can be found at
Thanks in advance for your participation and desire to help us make the EH a better place for everyone.
00:13 - AD Darknyte []
I'd like to hereby congratulate Admiral KHAEN on his promotion. Unlike some FOs that shall remain nameless, I know how to properly spell KHAEN's name. :P
19:24 - FA Cyric []
I have selected my very first TCCOM's OWN! This wing has been extremely active over the course of several months. They have flown, they have been a cohesive unit within the TC, and above all, they took the bull by the horns and recruited their butts off to have the most amount of pilots in a TC WING. Above all, each and every member in this wing is active to some degree and is a great example of what the TC and the EH as a whole represents: Teamwork, dedication,devotion, and having fun. For this I award WING XIII of the ISD GREYWOLF the honor of TCCOM'S OWN! Congrats pilots, you've earned it!
ATF BGCOM Promoted
19:23 - FA Cyric []
I have the honor and privilege to announce the promotion of the ATF BGCOM, VA Khaen. VA Khaen has served as ATF BGCOM for over 7 months. He had the very difficult task of rebuilding, and keeping the ATF in order during the rDB incident. Since then, the ATF has become a very active group, with monthly comps such as the BJ COMP (That's BG Judgment Comp) and managed to bring in new people to the group. This promotion is a long time in coming and very much well deserved. So without further ado, VA Khaen is from this point on granted the rank and privileges of Full Admiral. Congrats AD Khaen!


ASF News
-ASF Trivia is still on every week!
-The Mutt is insainly in...61...
-Go check out ASF chronicles!
Ship news
-Beer cup finished
-MAJ Tyr Anasazi resigns
-33 files racked up for beer cup!
-Make a banner for the Wing!
Pilot Awards/Reconition/Passed Iwats
BS to CPT SavageAz!
LoC to MAJ Crimson Fury
SL Crush promoted to LT ;)
ISM To VA Frodo March

Ship Status
The ISD-II Intrepid stands at 43 with the departure of CM Aragorn and LT Kolec Vekyata RSV and AWOLed respectfully, and the arrival of CM Ace and LT Crush we're at 43...but Aragorn is still on the roster despite the AWOL mail I I'm confused!!!!!
1. Fly any official EH missions or battles at the EH mission compendium
2. Participate at any TO approved Squad/Wing/Ship/BG/Fleet comp!
3. Create an Imperial Navy Personal record (INPR) in your admin menu!
4. Create an official EH mission or battle (Can take a loooong time)
5. Helping your CMDR with the Squadron webpage, or creating one.
Those are the five main ways to get promoted to LT! You guys should be aiming for at LEAST reaching LT :P

Quote of the week
* Frothy pats Zhaim on the back ;)
<Frothy> call me cocky, but I think we'll win this:)
<BubbaX> You're cocky
<Zhaim> He'd pat me on the head if he weren't so short.
<Frothy> I can bearly reach your back:P
<Zhaim> And I'm sitting down!
Hints and Tips from the Short Commodore!

Hints of the Week:
Emergency Rooms suck :P My hint of the week, avoid getting sick instead of going to the hospital..those deathtraps scare me...

Wing XIV Banner GFX Comp:
Yes, we're running out of comps :P
Finishing words
Good effort put towards Beer cup guys! However, I suggest during december concentrate your energy on recruiting, if we can master that like we mastered comp out Tie corps! Here comes the ISD Intrepid!
COM-TCT-TCS/VA Frodo March/ISD Intrepid “Frothy”
GS/SSx3/BSx2/PCx8/ISMx7/MoI/MoT-19rh-2bh/IS-4BW-1BR-1SW-1SR-1GW-1GR/LoC-CSx5-Rx1/DFC-Rx1/CoSx4/CoB/LoAx2/OV-2E [TMPR] {IWATS-IIC/1-SM/2/3-TM-XTM/1/2}
“Ultimate Mission Creation Warrior”
“Global Warming is just another empty Promise”   

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