ISDII Immortal Report # 7 (2003-10-19)

This report was submitted by RA Locke Setzer

ISD Immortal

Weekly Ship Report


<`Aeolus> I see... you're going to be a teacher?
<`BubbaX> Maybe :P
<`BubbaX> History, probably
<`Aeolus> yeah yeah...
<`Aeolus> just tell me what school so I can send my kids there... to annoy you :P

Immortal News

-Today I'd like to announce the new Wing Commander. While I got quite a few applicants, and two stood out, there could only be one. So, after talking it out with AD Krax, we've decided. Congrats to Phantom CMDR Lieutenant Colonel Triji Boliv, who has been appointed to the position of Wing Commander of Wing XI!. Drinks on him for the rest of the month!

I will continue to run Pilot of the Month and Beat the WC! for the rest of the month. After that, Pilot of the Month shall be handed over to Boliv, and Beat the WC shall be up to his discretion.

Phantom CMDR is now open to apps. See details below for how apps shall work for this position. In the meantime, LC Triji Boliv shall be A-CMDR for Phantom (to finish up the comp with Panther) until a new CMDR is selected.

-Get to the fighters! We have a three-way Wing comp going on between us, Wing II, and Wing XIII. This comp will be based mostly on participation and top scoring, and shall last for two weeks from this date! We are to fly TIE-FREE #179, XvT-FREE #70, and XWA-FREE #4(all of which are included in this report). While flying all three would help the ship, I only ask that each pilot at least fly 1. Personally, I shall be flying all three for the comp :) (A COM who flies?! Herecy!)

This comp also has a graphic portion, which rewards the ship for even *trying* to make a graphic! That's right! It can be a comically horrible, kindergarden drawing in Paint, but as long as you turn it in, it counts! (even more then flying a SP mission!)

All the details for this comp are included in the Competitions Section below! :)

-In order to promote this competiton, I have decided to cancel the Immortal Guard. This comp was mostly Bubba's doing and running, and while I like the idea and will probably have Bol run it at some point, I would like the entire ship to concentrate on beating up on Wing II and Wing XIII more than anything right now :)

-Due to CM Efherham's trip to the Reserves, Falcon CMDR is now open. This means we have two open CMDR spots on the Immortal, Falcon and Phantom. I will accept applications for these positions. You may specify your application to only one squad... you may keep it open for both. That's your choice. I'll stop taking apps when I find someone I want to place in the position.

Please send your applications to both myself and Boliv with the title "Application for Falcon (and/or) Phantom Squadron"

-This week I've been challenged by two officers, both Phantomites! LCM Tygra Shadowclaw Challenged me first, but unfortunetly it appears I prevailed, with a score of 10,035 on XWA-FREE #4! Boliv has also challenged me with his TIE free and my XW free. That challenge ends tommorrow, and we'll see who wins that one!

-Congrats to LT Aresis, Falcon FL3, who was promoted to LCM Aresis upon my discretion. Aresis has been quite informative to myself about Falcon, and has shown numerable activity. On top of that, he's been eligble since June, which I found inconcievable. A promotion well deseved, albiet a little late :)

-LCM Talon Jade has begun an Immortal run-on! Contribute to it at the MB by clicking and posting here

-Welcome CPT Goose, long-time vetrean of the TC, to Falcon and the Immortal! I hope you'll enjoy your time here and that we'll live up to your expectations of how a TC ship works :)

Wing XI Report

Locke pulls A-WC duties


-Congrats to our new LC Triji Boliv, who is this week's Pilot of the Week, for flying a total of 47 this week :)

LC BubbaX- 1
LC Boliv- 2

CMDR/MAJ Mosh/Demon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal -> IS-BW
CMDR/CPT Kane Reese/Vampire/Wing XI/ISD Immortal -> IS-BW

LT Aresis --> LCM Aresis

FL/LCM Tygra Shadowclaw/Phantom 2-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal -> TIE Mission Creation (80%)
FM/LT Nick Beauchamp/Demon 3-2/Wing XI/ISD Immortal -> IIC/1 (100%)

CPT Goose -> Falcon 1-2

CM Aeron -> Reserves
CM Efherham -> Reserves

Wing Stats
Flag Officers - 1
Ghost - 9
Ranger - 0
Falcon - 5
Phantom - 5
Demon - 5
Vampire - 5
Total: 30

* [1367] CPT Kane Reese
* [1094] LC Triji Boliv
* [797] COL Arso Slyth
* [782] CPT Aeolus
* [522] LCM Tygra Shadowclaw
* [449] CPT Michael Gutt
* [437] MAJ Mosh
* [342] COL RogueWing
* [337] MAJ Nuno
* [333] CPT Crsepe
* [249] CPT Krayt
* [244] LCM Brunon von Doom
* [231] LCM Geraacka
* [218] LCM Crix Talra
* [197] CM Eriond Kath'Razzit
* [193] LCM Ryke
* [138] CM Reza
* [117] LCM Aresis Lothorekith
* [115] LCM Nathaniel Tremayne
* [105] LT Talon Virgilio
* [104] CPT Goose
* [87] LCM Jarek La'an
* [61] CPT Mikkel Filla
* [44] CM Ric Gravant
* [34] LT Splot
* [24] LCM Talon Draygo
* [20] LCM Ryan
* [11] LT Rivian

Wing Combat Ratings
* [141] CPT Michael Gutt
* [55] LC Triji Boliv
* [42] COL Arso Slyth
* [39] COL RogueWing
* [8] CPT Krayt
* [6] CM Reza
* [4] CPT Goose
* [2] MAJ Nuno
* [1] CPT Crsepe
* [1] LCM Ryke
* [1] LCM Tygra Shadowclaw

Message Board Topics of Intrest

The Immortal Run-on!
Boast about the Imm!
Getting Locke to clean up the boards...
The TIE Corps on October 19th, 2000! Find all the oldies!
Stop the Spam!!!


Recruiting Comp: In a effort to regenerate the numbers of Wing XI and the overall activity, a recruiting comp is to be held. This comp shall award a IS-SR to the pilot who recruits the most, whereas a IS-BR shall be awarded for every pilot who recruits at least one pilot

Aeolus - 1

The Great Wing Bash!: This Wing II vs Wing XI vs Wing XIII comp shall begin Sunday, October 19th, and shall end Sunday, November 2nd.

For a period of 2 weeks we shall war on the subject of two grounds: SP and Graphics. SP missions choosen for flying are TIE-FREE #179, XvT-FREE #70, and XWA-FREE #4. The subject of the imagery will be a cooperative attack upon Rebels by ships of these three wings.

15 points to the Top Scorer (and
10 to 2nd place
5 to 3rd place
1 for participation

15 points to the Top Scorer
10 to 2nd place
5 to 3rd place
2 for participation

On November 2nd we'll send all of our submissions to each other (graphic submissions will also be sent to the SCO, who shall judge). If there are no complaints, I will add up the scores (though any side shall be able to double-check me since they'll have all of the files at their disposal). IS-GWs through IS-BWs shall be awarded to the top 3 scorers on each platform. IS-GR through IS-BRs shall be awarded for the respective winner in grapics.

Beat the Commodore!: The Commodore of the Immortal has an open challenge to all of Wing XI. Any pilot who accepts will choose a free mission for any platform, or challenge the COM to an MP match on any platform. If the pilot beats the COM, he/she gets an IS-BW. Deadline: October 26th

LCM Tygra Shadowclaw - Lost
LC Triji Boliv - Pending, ends Monday

Commodore's Protector: Continuing in this competition, each month I will choose the pilot I feel has served the Immortal the best over the past month and bestow upon him the title of Commodore's Protector, which he will retain until the next month when I pass the title on to another. While the title may be used in any email and TC transactions for the month the pilot retains it, they will also be awarded a IS-SR for obtaining the title for that month.

Squadron of the Month: Each month I will select a Squadron I believe has performed overall as a group (not a set of individuals) the best shall be awarded the title of Squadron of the Month. The CMDR of the Squadron of the Month shall be awarded a IS-SW for leading his squadron to that title, and the Squadron as a whole will be given a banner with their name and date of their accomplishment which may be posted on their website, as a reward to give them complete bragging rights for that month.

Wing XI Pilot of the Month Comp: The pilot who flies the most, and is overall most active for each week will be awarded one point. The pilot with the most points for each month will receive an IS-SW. If there is a tie, both pilots will get an IS-SW. This will continue each month until January.

Wing XI Trivia: Every week, after the wing meeting, there will be trivia held. The pilot who wins the most weeks in a month wins an IS-SR. All others who win a week get IS-BRs.
This week's winner: COL RogueWing!!!

Krayt - 1
RogueWing -1

Fleet News

-For a period of time, all previous EH battles have been placed in ZIP format on a mirror at until January. This gives users time to fix their problems with EHBL, as well as giving creators time to get their work back in it's original format.

-The position of Avenger Elite CMDR has been opened. If you feel you can do the job, apply to AD Darksaber.

-Congrats to MAJ Ky Terrak who is the new Wing IX WC, and LC Daniel Goad, the new Wing XIX WC!

-Congrats to Captain Justin, the new TACA

Squadron Stats


Total Missions: 0
Medals: 0

Total Missions: 0
Medals: 0

Total Missions: 57
Medals: 0

Total Missions: 5
Medals: 1

Total Missions: 0
Medals: 1

Flag Staff
Total Missions: 1
Medals: 0

Final Thoughts

As the whole TC loses a few numbers, it's easy to think that there's not much that can be done. But, believe me, there's still quite a bit out there! Take Aeolus for example, who this week got his roommate back into the TC! And I'll be taking quite the risk, when my r/l girlfriend joins the Imm later this week ;) The truth is recruiting possibilities are everywhere, so if you see one, jump on it :)

Respectfully Submitted,

COM-TCT-TCS-PROF/RA Locke Setzer/ISD Immortal

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