ISDII Vanguard Report # 53 (2003-11-23)

This report was submitted by VA Sickman



COM/VA SickMan reporting for the ISD-II Vanguard, Tiger Of The Fleet




Hi Everyone,

We lost 2 pilots to the reserves this past week, grim news i know, but chin up everyone if we double our recruiting efforts i'm sure we will be back to our larger numbers. A good collection of awards this week, well done to everyone who was awarded one.........just shows we still kick ass:)

Some good news as the new Vanguard website is nearing completion, i should be telling you where the new one is this next coming week, in meantime:

Everyone fly the following battles when you get a chance, i want that BEER CUP!

TIE TC 211, XvT TC 75 and XWA TC 24.

Deadline is the 30th of November people.

Also.........beware, the countdown to SickMans Silly Xmas comps has started, you have been warned:)

Until next week, fly me hearties! ARrrrrrrrrr (bad pirate impression)

SickMan's words of the week = Don't bother me! i'm in a high level meeting (cracks open a beer, puts up feet and turn on TV)

NOTE to CMDR's, please remember to forward this to your pilots



XvT Ship Patch VERSION 2.0 Released!
10:07 - AD Ender mBind []
The newest version of the EHSP for XvT has been released to the Patch Archive. It features a new .exe based installer made by AD Darkhill that is far more user friendly. (And works on all Windows versions).
This version also mends the former EHSP bug that made all bouys look like the probe capsule, fixes the XvT bug that kept the CORTs from firing their lasers, adds 13 new melees to allow MP with the new fighters and adds new models for the Sat/2 and Buoy/2.

(The sco mirror site is back up, all patches there have been updated. Especially for MP - always make sure to have the latest version.)

TIE Ship Patch VERSION 2.0 Released!
15:25 - AD Ender mBind []

The newest version of the EHSP for TIE'95 has been released to the Patch Archive. It features a new .exe based installer made by AD Darkhill that is far more user friendly. (And works on all Windows versions).
This version also adds new models for the Probe/2, Sat/2 and Buoy/2.

(Currently the sco mirror site is down, the moment it gets up again, that will be updated as well.)

BoP Ship Patch VERSION 2.0 Released!
15:24 - AD Ender mBind []

The newest version of the EHSP for BoP has been released to the Patch Archive. It features a new .exe based installer made by AD Darkhill that is far more user friendly. (And works on all Windows versions).
This version also mends the former EHSP bug that made all bouys look like the probe capsule, fixes the BoP bug that kept the CORTs from firing their lasers and adds new models for the Sat/2 and Buoy/2.

(Currently the sco mirror site is down, the moment it gets up again, that will be updated as well. Especially for MP - always make sure to have the latest version.)

Vacancies in Tactical Office
23:28 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
With resignation of Apophim Kuma and elevation of VA Styles, I am looking for new TCCs. Also, I am looking for testers and engineers for TIE and XW.

Requirements for TCC:TIE:

Must own TIE95
Rank of LCM or higher
Reasonable FCHG rating
Proven mission creation knowledge (at least 2 battles made, or free missions)
TMs passed
Ability to work under high pressure (ie. Mike)
great email response time (max 24hrs)
familiarity with EHBL

Requirements for TCC:XvT:

must own both XvT and BoP
rank of LCM or higher
reasonable FCHG rating
mission creation knowledge (2 battles or few missions created)
XTM 1 and 2 passed
ability to work under high pressure (ex. Mike)
great email responce time (up to 24 hrs)
familarity with EHBL

Requirements for testers and engineers are very similar to those stated above, though you don't need mission creation knowledge when you want TCS position.

Send all applications to TAC and CA:TAC :) Good luck!

XvT Week of War starts today!
08:18 - VA Kyle Katarn []
Today starts WoW, mp event hosted by BSC and it is taking place on Zone as usual , link is , you also have to be registered 1st at BSC , anyway ...pilots to your fighters and gl!

Flight Officer is Back
15:48 - FA Cyric []
I'm back from my vacation....If there are any outstanding transfer requests that I've missed, please send them along to me again...



Wing XV

Flag Officers - 1
Echo - 8
Scorpion - 6
Mantis - 5
Wasp - 5
Hornet - 9
Python - 5
Total: 39

Roster available at:

FCHG Listings at:

Combat Rating Listing at:

Awards/Promotions & Arrivals/Departures

The Commendation of Bravery has been awarded to: FM/LT Death Squire/Echo,
The Silver Star of the Empire has been awarded to: WC-MAG/COL Nightmare,
The Commendation of Bravery has been awarded to: FM/LT Ace Fighter/Echo,
The Bronze Star of the Empire has been awarded to: CMDR/CM Machinari/Echo,
The Commendation of Bravery has been awarded to: FM/LCM noWedge/Hornet,
The Commendation of Bravery has been awarded to: FL/LCM Draiff Stryker/Hornet,
FM/LT Aleki Lilao/Wasp goes into the reserves,
FM/LT Muschi/Wasp goes into the reserves,
The Iron Star - Bronze Wings has been awarded to: FL/LT Anaba/Scorpion,
The Commendation of Bravery has been awarded to: FL/LT Anaba/Scorpion.

LOC Awards

CM Machinari [1 victory]

IWATS Courses Completed

FL/LT Anaba/Scorpion - IWATS Course: mIRC 2.



Vanflying COMPS

VANFLYING COMP#15 = XWA-TC Battle #27 - Battle of Corellia No Entries

VANFLYING COMP#16 = XvT-TC Battle #78 - ZT Force: Tunake No Entries

VANFLYING COMP#17 = TIE-TC Battle #210 - Dark Allies

VANFLYING COMP#18 = TIE-TC Battle #212 - Dark Allies II Imperial Retribution

IS-SW to the highest scorer and IS-BW to the 2nd highest score for each comp, deadline for all 4 vanflying comps is 25/12/2003

Wing XV Comps:
Beat the WC at MP: The person that beat me the most at MP will win an IS-SW and the person that looses to me the most will win an IS-BW. This competition is open to all members of the Wing as well as all ASF Flag officers, which means that even Sicky can perticipate…

All BG wide comps are listed here and on the ASF MB

FCHG RACE: most FCHG gain Wins

CR RACE: Biggest CR gain Wins

Recruitment Comp: most new members recruited into the Wing Wins

IWATS RACE: most IWATS Done Wins



IRC channel: #isdvanguard

Aggressor Strike Force: #EH_ASF on mIRC

Message board:

ASF Messageboard:




COM/VA Sickman/ISD Vanguard
SS/BSx2/PCx5/ISMx4/MoI/IS-3BW-1GW/LoC-CSx5-Rx1/CoLx5/CoB/OV-5E [PLDN] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-M/1/2-SM/2}


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