ISDII Immortal Report # 0 (2003-11-03)

This report was submitted by RA Locke Setzer

TIE Corps Battlegroups

Report by A-BGCOM RA Locke Setzer


Battlegroups News

-AD Krax Tarnisar has had to go on leave due to r/l distractions. Hopefully his return will be soon. In the meantime, he has appointed myself A-BGCOM, and I will be using these reports to post the current ECR postings and other news from across the Battlegroup ;)

-This week unfortunetly marked the resignation of RA Sephiroth. A long-time member of the Challenge, his departure to the Reserves is a sad one, and he is sure to be missed. That being said, on the permission of AD Krax, the position of ChalCOM is opened up to apps. As to be posted on

The requirements for this position as are follows:

* Good online presence - e-mail, MBs, and some IRC (particularly meetings if possible)
* No HCI convictions within the past 12 months
* A successful command history in the TIE Corps (to include a tour of at least two months as a Wing Commander or six consecutive
months as a Squadron Commander with two different Squadrons)
* Ability to work with the entire Chain of Command
* Excellent working knowledge of all EH & TC protocols and policies (including the Fleet Standing Orders)
* Specific long and short term goals for your ship, Battlegroup and constructive contribution towards the TIE Corps as a whole
* Technical skills (HTML, mission design etc) are beneficial but not mandatory

Up to two references can be included, at least one from a current or former superior (obtain permission from these individuals first. Obviously the FO nor the BGCOM can be one of them). Please, do *not* apply to this job lightly. The Challenge is in dire need of a strong Commodore who can make things happen and truely lead it. If you're not up for a serious challenge with a Wing that has the potential to close down upon you if you cannot make any improvements, don't apply.

Applications should be sent Fleet Admiral Cyric as well as Admiral Krax Tarnisar (

-Current ECR results are as follows! Keep in mind that this competition is based on the point system. If you are unclear about the rules, I have included them at the end of this report. So far the ISD Immortal is the frontrunner, but the Relentless is close behind! And with two more rounds, this match truely can go any way!

Remember, your superiors will be sending your ship's entrees late Saturday night, so get them into them before then!

(Keep in mind, the fiction and graphics submissions participation points are not included in these point totals, and will not be added until after the fourth round, when they have been judged)

Round 1 Winners(30 extra points):
ISD Relentless - ISD Challenge
Highest Participation(20 extra points): ISD Immortal

Round 2 Winners:
ISD Immortal - ISD Relentless
Highest Participation: ISD Immortal

Current Overall (after 2 rounds):
ISD Immortal: 172
ISD Relentless: 162
ISD Challenge: 137
ISD Colossus: 22

Full Score Breakdown
---Round 1---
ISD Challenge: 102
ISD Relentless: 81
ISD Immortal: 66
ISD Colossus: 8

Relent - win
LT Ron L. Hubba - 75,321
MAJ Sarn Erec - 73,938
LCM Lanidet Tobri - 22,123
MAJ Koriel - 19802
MAJ Ky Terrak - 16,192
LT Voort SaBinring - 6,202

LT Ron L. Hubba - 10680
MAJ Cray Mikalen - 3120
MAJ Sarn Erec - 3070
MAJ Keller - 2381
RA BubbaX - 299
LT Voort SaBinring - 85

Immortal - lose (participation)
LC Boliv - 1,980
CPT Aeolus - 721
Locke - participated

COL Gunman - 9,621
MAJ Mosh - 2,732
"Iaan" - 2,478
MAJ Nuno - 1,945
COL RogueWing - 1,161
CPT Crespe - 1270
LC Boliv - 52
CPT Goose - 14
CPT Aeolus - 13
Locke - participated

MP : Piggy vs Gunman(win)
MP : Piggy vs Gunman(win)

Top TIE 3:
1) LT Ron L. Hubba - 75,321
2) MAJ Sarn Erec - 73,938
3) LCM Lanidet Tobri - 22,123

Top XWA 3:
1) LT Ron L. Hubba - 10680
2) COL Gunman - 9,621
3) MAJ Cray Mikalen - 3120


Challenge - win
LCM Daniel Bonini - 66,439
COL Beef - 60,272
Rover - 57,157
CPT Alexi Stukov - 15,085
CM Dulcatos - 6,576
MAJ Stuart - 1,106
MAJ Woody - 534
COL Master - participated

MAJ Woody - 2,635
CM Fritz - 1,728
COL Beef - 1,534
Master - participated

LC Phalf Sturm - 20,144
CM Nico Qarni - 13,415
LCM John Edwards - 12,382
VA Indaro Gallia - 10,684
CPT Hermann - 1,148
CM Nico Qarni - 13,415
COL Wysseri Arestar - 486

MAJ Kyle Bayron - 1,270

Top TIE 3:
1) LCM Daniel Bonini - 66,439
2) COL Beef - 60,272
3) Rover - 57,157

Top XWA 3:
1) MAJ Woody - 2,635
2) CM Fritz - 1,728
3) COL Beef - 1,534

---Round 2---
ISD Immortal: 106
ISD Relentless: 88
ISD Challenge: 35
ISD Colossus: 14

Immortal - win (participation)
CPT Aeolus - 5,611
LC Boliv - 2,167
Locke - participated

COL Gunman - 9,893
CPT Aeolus - 6,041
COL RogueWing - 4,409
"Iaan" - 3,388
MAJ Mosh - 1,765
MAJ Nuno - 1,568
LCM Tygra Shadowclaw - 491
LC Boliv - 85
CPT Goose - 44
Locke - participated

Challenge - lose
CPT Rover - 83,613
MAJ Woody - 32,390
COL Master - participated

MAJ Woody - 1848
CM Fritz Von Stukart - 2,079
COL Master - participated

MP : Stuart vs Gunman(win)
MP : Stuart vs Gunman(win)

Top TIE 3:
1) CPT Rover - 83,613
2) MAJ Woody - 32,390
3) CPT Aeolus - 5,611

Top XWA 3:
COL Gunman - 9,893
CPT Aeolus - 6,041
COL RogueWing - 4,409

Colossus - lose
LCM John Edwards - 60,344
VA Indaro Gallia - 21,368
COL Wyserri Arestar - 877

MAJ Kayle Bayron - 2,700

Relent - win
LT Ron L. Hubba - 91,960
MAJ Sarn Erec - 84,289
LCM Lanidet Tobri - 7,523

MAJ Sarn Erec - 13,593
LT Ron L. Hubba - 10,518
MAJ Keller - 2,097
LT Voort SaBinring - 702
RA BubbaX - 35

Top TIE 3:
1) LT Ron L. Hubba - 91,960
2) MAJ Sarn Erec - 84,289
3) LCM John Edwards - 60,344

Top XWA 3:
1) MAJ Sarn Erec - 13,593
2) LT Ron L. Hubba - 10,518
3) MAJ Kayle Bayron - 2,700

Colossus News

-As the ECR continues on, for the most part the week was quite quiet on most fronts, and so does the Col continue in faithful service.

Relentless News

-With a move by CPT Saadam to the reserves and the finalisation of mailing list, the week was quiet for the Relentless as well. In the words of their Commodore, RA BubbaX "Not much happened, really :P"

Challenge News

-Congratulations to CPT Rover and COL Master, who currently are both within the finals Sovereign Cup. Give em hell and show em what some quality pilots from the TC Battlegroups can do :)

Immortal News

-Congrats to Phantom Squadron, who currently showing the best participation in the ECR, and has been declared the Immortal's Squadron of the Month, for the third month in a row :)

-Due to the resignation of CM Ric Gravant, Ghost Squadron is now in need of a new CMDR. Please contact LC Triji Boliv and myself if intrested.

-Phantom also has a new site up, which can be seen at

Closing Thoughts

With half of the ECR in, we're quite deeply into training manuevers as each ships are faced off of each other. The Relentless has pulled through strongly with two wins, but the Immortal has scored with enough force to give them the lead. And the Challenge and the Colossus are still nailing high scores, making them a threat. With another 2 more rounds, it truely is anyone's game, so get out as much as you can and do your best for your ship!

Respectfully Submitted,

COM-TCT-TCS-PROF/RA Locke Setzer/ISD Immortal

ECR Rules Addendum

The subject of ECR V is as follows. Each ship in the Battlegroup has been sent on training operations! For a period of four weeks(1 round each week totalling 4 rounds), ships within the Battlegroup will be faced off against each other. They will be assigned to run training exercises against each other, and the one that performs the best for each round will be announced as the winner! The one who performs the best will be declared the flagship!

This competition shall work on a basis of points.

Each week, each ship in the Battlegroup shall face off against another ship in the battlegroup. They will compete on two fields.

Single Player
Both a XWA mission and a TIE mission (of the same scenario and design) shall be assigned to each ship which is, while of equal value, customized for each ship.

For each platform...
15 points shall be awarded for Top Scorer
10 for the second place scorer
5 for the third place scorer
1 for each person who submits an entree

Pilots of dueling ships are encouraged to bring the ship vs ship match of the current round to the MP field! Matches are encouraged to take place in #EH_coc, though they may occur anywhere as well as results are reported to myself ( and AD Krax Tarnisar (

4 points for a MP victory
2 points for participation in a MP match

There will also be 2 categories that are not bound by round, but overall events. Entrees for this can be created and submitted at anytime during the ECR, and are not restricted by which ship you are facing in a round.

The subject of all imagery is to portray the ships of the BG working together to destroy a Rebel ship/outpost/planet/etc.

25 points for top Graphic submission
20 points for second place submission
10 for third place submission.
2 points for each person who submits an entree

All graphics shall be judged by the BGCOM

The subject of fiction shall be to write a story about one of the ECR training exercises that is interrupted by an unforseen event that makes things go terribly wrong

25 points for top fiction submission
20 points for second place submission
10 for third place submission.
2 points for each person who submits an entree

Overall Points

30 points awarded for being the victorious ship in a round
20 points awarded for having the most participation of any ship in a round

Overall points are subject to change if an event in the ECR calls for a higher level of competition

BGCOM's Escort Squadron
The individual squadron that obtains the most points in all categories shall be considered the BGCOM's Escort Squadron. Each member of the squadron shall be awarded an IS-GW.

The overall SP top scorers(counting all top scores, not just the top scores in a round match) shall be awarded a IS-GW, IS-SW, and IS-BW respectively. Those who place in the Graphics and Fiction portion shall be awarded IS-GR, IS-SR, and IS-BR respectively.

All entrees and a printed listing of results are to be sent in to myselfand AD Krax by the ship's Commodore (or WC, if the COM delegates the authority to him/her) by midnight of Saturday, Eastern Standard Time, each week. At the same time, I shall announce who shall be facing off who and distributing the mission for this round.

The results of each round (and total results at the end of the comp) shall be announced Sunday afternoon.

This competition shall begin at 0:00 hours EST on Sunday, November 23rd. Each round shall be a week long. The competition will offically come to an end 0:00 hours, December 23rd.

On a personal note, COM's and WC's are encouraged to fly and compete in this competition. However, due to my high involvement in this competition, I shall be negating myself from any placement in any of the top scoring positions for SP, Graphics and Fiction (MP has no top scoring positions and thus I'll be willing to fly against others for it). COL Master, who helped develop the ECR V missions, will also be barred from any top scoring in the SP portion.

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