ISDII Intrepid Report # 27 (2003-12-14)

This report was submitted by VA Frodo March

Vice Admiral Frodo March reporting for the ISD-II Intrepid on 12/14/03 #27

Commodore’s Opening Words
Ahoy pilots of the ISD-II Intrepid! Its time for yet another bright green report from our Commodore! #27! Making me the one who posted the most Intrepid reports on the databse :P woopty doo:P
Many new comps this week, including the "Design the COM a ship" comp, which is the only *ship* comp going on, we have a few wing ones aswell.  Anyway, the comp consists of creating a ship for me...any ship goes, more details in the Comp section.  You have until the 27th, and I have 3 submittions up to date.
This week we welcomed a few SLs! Welcome aboard SL Predator, and SL Sly to Krayt.  And who could forget CM Apophis Kuma and LCM Hunterwolf that joined Cobra!
We also said goodbye to MAJ Tyr Anasazi and CM Aragorn who's RSV request where a little late due to reasons beyond our control, and COL Phantom left us to become the Commodore of the Challenge!
Krayt Squadron is at the number of 11 pilots...freaky...will they hit the big 12!?! Will they accomplish what I so attempted? find out next week! or the week after...etc.
CMDRs for Cobra and Asp have been chosen! Congrats to CM Talon Jade on Getting Asp CMDR, and CM Apophis Kuma on Cobra command!
Aparently VA Khameir Sarin was chosen as COO...Yet, there is only proof on IRC I'm confused, because the FO report says that nobody has been chosen YET.  I'm lost :P

Emperor’s Hammer/Tie Corps News
ISD Challenge COM resigns
05:28 - FA Cyric []
RA Sephiroth has stepped down from the COM's chair of the ISD Challenge due to RL Issues. I wish him luck, and hope to see him return soon.
AD Krax will not be accepting applications at present time for the replacement of the ISD Challenge.
New Wing IV CMDR and new Omega Squadron CMDR
10:23 - FA Cyric []
Two veteran pilots have new roles aboard the SSSD Sovereign.
Colonel Brian is the new commander of the elite Omega Squadron
Colonel Mini-Minkus has been named commander of Wing IV.
Congratulations to both!
EH Library
10:49 - HA Ari []
Last week, the EH Library was completed! The EH Library serves as a place to post your fictions, biographies, and EH histories. All submissions are reviewed individually by a "librarian" working for the Internet Office as well as the Logistics Officer. It is our hope that everyone will at one point make use of this service. Thanks to CPT Drako for his hard work on it! You can find it at


ASF News
-ASF Trivia is still on every week!
-The Mutt is insainly in...60ish...
-Go check out ASF chronicles!
-ASF map at the adress supplied previously
Ship news
-New ship and Wing comps!
-CMDRs picked
-Deck the Intrepid halls with bows of holly
Pilot Awards/Reconition/Passed Iwats
Well, nobody got medals this week...except
VA Frodo March was awarded the MoT-RH and MoT-BH
So....yeah...lets hope for MWE medals next week :P

Ship Status
The ISD-II Intrepid stands at 44! +4 pilots -3 pilots...=+1 :P
1. Fly any official EH missions or battles at the EH mission compendium
2. Participate at any TO approved Squad/Wing/Ship/BG/Fleet comp!
3. Create an Imperial Navy Personal record (INPR) in your admin menu!
4. Create an official EH mission or battle (Can take a loooong time)
5. Helping your CMDR with the Squadron webpage, or creating one.
Those are the five main ways to get promoted to LT! You guys should be aiming for at LEAST reaching LT :P

Quote of the week
<VA_Reaper> 2) the next person to msg me going can I go next gets shot outta the sov airlock :P
<VA_Frodo> Jokes on you, I'm on the Intrepid:P
*** LT_Eight has left #tiecorps
<LC_Gilad> Heh
<VA_Reaper> don't worry the shuttle is on its way to bring you here
*** `StuAWAY is now known as `Stuart
<VA_Frodo> I just can't win...
Hints and Tips from the Short Commodore!

Hints of the Week:
Sometimes silence is the best answer of think about that... 

WC's Own banner:
ISD Intrepid december Trivia:
Ship Shapes #1:
The COM needs a ship!:
Yay! comps for all to enjoy!
Finishing words
Well that was a pleasant report now wasn't it? Lets all set an objective for this week...something fun, attainable, and good! Like, comp participation? Fly some? Recruiting? Was that underlined? :P woops...I think you guys get the picture.
Get out there, and have some good old EH fun ;)
COM-TCT-TCS/VA Frodo March/ISD Intrepid “Frothy”
GS/SSx3/BSx2/PCx8/ISMx7/MoI/MoT-20rh-3bh/IS-4BW-1BR-1SW-1SR-1GW-1GR/LoC-CSx5-Rx1/DFC-Rx1/CoSx4/CoB/LoAx2/OV-2E [TMPR] {IWATS-IIC/1-SM/2/3-TM-XTM/1/2}
“Ultimate Mission Creation Warrior”
“Global Warming is just another empty Promise”   

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